- Liste des groupes de metal par ordre alphabétique
- Groupes par ordre alphabétique
- Groupes par pays
- Groupes par genre
- Groupes par date de formation
Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
- A Perfect Circle
- Ad Hominem
- Aarni
- Abigail
- Abigor
- Aborted
- Aborym
- Absolute
- Absurd
- Accept
- Accu§er
- Adagio
- Adema
- Adorned Brood
- Aerosmith
- Aes Dana
- After Forever
- Agalloch
- Agathodaimon
- Aghora
- Agnostic Front
- The Agony Scene
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agressor
- Ahab
- Airbourne
- Ajattara
- Akphaezya
- Alarum
- Alastis
- Alcatrazz
- Alestorm
- Alice Cooper
- Alice in Chains
- All Out War
- All Shall Perish
- All That Remains
- Altaria
- Amebix
- Amphitryon
- Amon Amarth
- Amorphis
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anal Blast
- Anal Cunt
- Anathema
- Ancient
- Ancient Rites
- ...And Oceans
- Andromeda
- Angel Witch
- Angra
- Annihilator
- Anonymus
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Antestor
- Anthrax
- Anvil
- Apocalyptica
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Apostasy
- AqME
- Arch Enemy
- Arcturus
- Aria
- Arsis
- Arkaea
- Arkangel
- Arkona
- Arma Angelus
- Armored Saint
- Artillery
- Artefact
- Arthemesia
- Artrosis
- As I Lay Dying
- Ashes You Leave
- Ásmegin
- Asmodée
- Astarte
- At The Gates
- At Vance
- Atheist
- Atrocity
- August Burns Red
- Aura Noir
- Autumn (groupe russe)
- Autumn (groupe néerlandais)
- Avalanch
- Avantasia
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avulsed
- Axxis
- Aygghon
- Ayreon
- Bal-Sagoth
- Barón Rojo
- Baroness
- Bathory
- Battleheart
- Battlelore
- Behemoth
- Beneath the Massacre
- Benighted
- Belenos
- Belphegor
- Benediction
- The Berzerker
- Between the Buried and Me
- Bethlehem
- Beyond Twilight
- Biohazard
- Black Bomb Ä
- The Black Dahlia Murder
- Black Label Society
- Black Sabbath
- Blackness
- blackstone
- Black Stone Cherry
- B L A Z E
- Blind Guardian
- Blockheads
- Blood Duster
- Bloodbath
- Blue Öyster Cult
- Blut aus Nord
- Body Count
- Bolt Thrower
- Bon Jovi
- Lizzy Borden
- Borknagar
- Bran Barr
- Brainstorm
- Bring Me The Horizon
- Brocas Helm
- Brujeria
- Brutal Truth
- Bukowski
- Bullet for My Valentine
- Burzum
- Cacophony
- Cadaveria
- Caliban
- Candlemass
- Cannibal Corpse
- Carcariass
- Carcass
- Carnival in Coal
- Carpathian Forest
- CastleWay
- Catamenia
- Cataract
- Cathedral
- Celestial Crown
- Celesty
- Celtic Frost
- Celldweller
- Channel Zero
- Charon
- Chickenfoot
- Children of Bodom
- Chimaira
- Church of Misery
- Circus Maximus
- Cipher
- Clawfinger
- The Cosa Nostra Klub
- Coal Chamber
- Collapse
- Control Denied
- Converge
- Coroner
- Corpor(H)ate
- Cradle of Filth
- Crankset
- Crazy Town
- Crematory
- Crimfall
- Crimson Glory
- Crimson Moonlight
- Cro-Mags
- The Crown
- Cruachan
- Crucified Barbara
- cryfemal
- Cryptal Darkness
- Cryptopsy
- Cubanate
- Cult of Luna
- Cynic
- Daemonarch
- Dagoba
- Danzig
- Dark Angel
- Darkenhöld
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Moor
- Dark Star
- Dark Tranquillity
- Darkane
- Darkest Hour
- Darkness Over Depth
- Darkseed
- Darkthrone
- Dawnless
- Death
- Death Angel
- Deathstars
- Decapitated
- Deep Purple
- deeply confused
- Def Leppard
- Deftones
- Deicide
- Delain
- Demon
- Demon Hunter
- Demonoid
- Demons & Wizards
- Demon Hunter
- Despised Icon
- Destruction
- Dethklok
- Devil driver
- Diablo Swing Orchestra
- Diamond Head
- Bruce Dickinson
- The Dillinger Escape Plan
- Dimension Zero
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dio
- Dir en grey
- Disarmonia Mundi
- Disgorge
- Disillusion
- Dislocation
- Dismember
- Disparaged
- Dissection
- Disturbed
- Divinefire
- Dkay.com
- Dødheimsgard
- Dope
- Down
- Downset
- Draconian
- DragonForce
- Dragonland
- Dream Evil
- Dream Theater
- Dreamtale
- Dirty Rotten Imbeciles
- Drowning Pool
- Drudkh
- Dry Kill Logic
- Dying Fetus
- Dylath-Leen
- Earth
- Eden
- Edenbridge
- Edge of Sanity
- Edguy
- Einherjer
- Eisbrecher
- Ektomorf
- electric wizard
- Elis
- Eluveitie
- Elvenking
- Emigrate
- Emperor
- Empyrium
- endstille
- Enhancer
- Ensiferum
- Enslaved
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Envy
- Ephel Duath
- Epica
- Equilibrium
- L'esprit du clan
- Estatic Fear
- Eternal Tears of Sorrow
- Ether
- Eths
- Europe
- Evanescence
- evergreen terrace
- Evergrey
- Evil
- Evil country jack
- Evol
- Excelsis
- Exhumation
- Exiter
- Exodus
- Eyehategod
- Eyeless
- F.I.K'Ass
- Factory 81
- Fairyland
- Faith No More
- Falconner
- Falkenbach
- Fantômas
- Fates Warning
- Fear Factory
- Fferyllt
- Finntroll
- Filter
- Firehouse
- Firewind
- Fœtus
- Folkearth
- For My Pain...
- Forbidden site
- Forgotten Suns
- Forgotten Tales
- Fractal gates
- Freedom Call
- Freak Kitchen
- Front Line Assembly
- Frost Like Ashes
- Fu Manchu
- Gamma Ray
- The Gathering
- Geasa
- Genitorturers
- Ghoulunatics
- Girlschool
- Gloomy Grim
- God Dethroned
- God Forbid
- Godflesh
- Godhead
- Godsmack
- Gojira
- Gordian Knot
- Gore Beyond Necropsy
- Gorefest
- Gorgoroth
- Gorguts
- Graveland
- Graveworm
- Grave Digger
- Gravity Kills
- Green Carnation
- Grip Inc.
- Gronibard
- Grotesque Through Incoherence
- Guano Apes
- Guns'n'Roses
- H-Bomb
- Hacride
- Hades
- Haggard
- Hallows Eve
- HammerFall
- Hanzel und Gretyl
- Haste the Day
- Hate Eternal
- Hatebreed
- The Haunted
- Heaven and Hell
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavenly
- Heavenwood
- Hecate Enthroned
- HEDpe
- Heidevolk
- Helloween
- Helmet
- Heol Telwen
- Holocausto Canibal
- Holy Moses
- Horde
- Howling Syn
- Hydrogyn
- Hypocrisy
- Machinae Supremacy
- Machine Head
- Machine Men
- Madball
- Madder Mortem
- Mägo de Oz
- Malevolent Creation
- Malice Mizer
- Malmonde
- Yngwie Malmsteen
- Månegarm
- Manigance
- Marilyn Manson
- Manowar
- Marillion
- Marduk
- Marty Friedman
- Martyr
- Mass Hysteria
- Massacra
- Massacre
- Massacration
- Masters of Reality
- Mastodon
- Mayhem
- Megadeth
- Megaherz
- Mekong Delta
- Mercenary
- Metallica
- Meliah Rage
- Melvins
- Mercyful Fate
- Meshuggah
- Metal Church
- Metsatöll
- Michael Schenker Group
- Mindlag Project
- Mindless Self Indulgence
- Ministry
- Minor Threat
- Misanthrope
- Mnemic
- Monolithe
- Monster Magnet
- Monstrosity
- Moonsorrow
- Moonspell
- Morbid Angel
- More Than A Thousand
- Morgion
- Morpheus Embrace
- Morphia
- Mors Principium Est
- Mortal Love
- Mortician
- Mortification (groupe)
- Mortiis
- Mötley Crüe
- Motograter
- Motörhead
- Mr Big
- Muckrackers
- Mudvayne
- Murder, Inc.
- Murderdolls
- Mushroomhead
- My Dying Bride
- My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
- Pain
- Pain of Salvation
- Painstruck
- Pallas
- Panic DHH
- Pantera
- Papa Roach
- Paradise Lost
- Passenger
- Peace, Love & Pitbulls
- Peccatum
- Axel Rudi Pell
- Penumbra
- Persuader
- Pestilence
- Phenix
- Pigface
- Pig Destroyer
- Pitbulls in the Nursery
- Pleymo
- Poison
- Poisonblack
- P.O.D.
- Possessed
- Post-Trauma Mariachis
- Powerwolf
- Praxis
- Pretty Maids
- Primal Fear
- Primitive Reason
- Probot
- Profugus Mortis
- Prong
- Proton Burst
- Pro-Pain
- Psycroptic
- Psykup
- Punish Yourself
- Purulent Excretor
- Sabaton
- Sabbat
- Sacred Reich
- Sacrilege
- Sacramentum
- Sadus
- Salem
- Samael
- Samson
- Sanctuary
- Sangtraït
- Satan Jokers
- Satyricon
- Sarcofago
- Savatage
- Saxon
- Scar Symmetry
- Scars Of Life
- Scarve
- Scorpions
- Sentenced
- Septic Flesh
- Sepultura
- Serenity
- Seth
- Sevendust
- Severe Torture
- Shadow Gallery
- Shakra
- Shaman
- Shape of Despair
- Shining
- Shotgun Messiah
- Sidilarsen
- Sigh
- Sinner
- Six Feet Under
- The Sins of Thy Beloved
- Sin
- Sinergy
- Sir Lord Baltimore
- Sirenia
- Skepticism
- Skid Row
- Skindred
- Skinny Puppy
- Skold
- Skrew
- Skyclad
- Slayer
- Slipknot
- Sodom
- Soilent Green
- Soilwork
- Solefald
- Solekahn
- Sonata Arctica
- Sortilège
- Soulfly
- Spawn of Possession
- Spheric Universe Experience
- Spherical Unit Provided
- Spicy Box
- Spineshank
- Spiral Architect
- Spiritual Beggars
- Staind
- Static-X
- Status Quo
- Steel Panther
- Steel Prophet
- Still Remains
- Stocks
- Stone
- Stone Sour
- Stormlord
- Stormtroopers of Death
- Strapping Young Lad
- Stratovarius
- Stream Of Passion
- Stryper
- Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
- Suffocation
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suidakra
- Sulpher
- Summoning
- Sunn O)))
- Susperia
- Swallow the Sun
- Swans
- Sybreed
- Symbyosis
- Symphony X
- System of a Down
Sonic Syndicate
- Tad
- Tankard
- Tanzwut
- Tao Menizoo
- Tarantula
- Tarot
- Temnozor
- Tenacious D
- Terror
- Terrorizer
- Tesla
- Testament
- Textures
- ThanatoSchizO
- The 69 Eye
- Theatre of Tragedy
- Théâtres des Vampires
- Therion
- Thin Lizzy
- Think About Mutation
- The 3rd and the Mortal
- The Berzerker
- The Fall of Troy
- The Flower Kings
- Thergothon
- The Sins of Thy Beloved
- Thorns
- Three Days Grace
- Threshold
- Thunderstone
- Thy Majestie
- Thy Serpent
- Thyrfing
- Tiamat
- Tierra Santa
- To/Die/For
- Tokyo Yankees
- Tomahawk
- Tool
- Tourettes Syndrome
- Devin Townsend
- Trail of Tears
- Transmetal
- Trauma
- Trepalium
- Treponem Pal
- Tristania
- Trivium
- Trollfest
- Trust
- Tuatha De Danann
- Luca Turilli
- Turisas
- Turmion Kätilöt
- Twenty Inch Burial
- Twilight Guardians
- Twisted Sister
- Tygers of Pan Tang
- Type O Negative
- Týr
Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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