Liste de jeux Dreamcast par ordre alphabétique

Liste de jeux Dreamcast par ordre alphabétique

Liste de jeux Dreamcast

Listes de jeux vidéo

0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H
I - J -K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R
S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Liste de jeux d'arcade


A 2600 - A 5200 - A 7800
Lynx - Jaguar


Xbox (compatible Xbox 360) - Xbox 360


Game & Watch
Game Boy (Color, Advance)
Virtual Boy - Nintendo DS

Famicom (Disk System)
Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo - Nintendo 64
GameCube - Wii
Console virtuelle
(Japon, Amérique du Nord, Europe)


SG-1000 - Master System
Megadrive (32X, Mega-CD)
Game Gear - Saturn - Dreamcast


PlayStation - PlayStation 2
PlayStation 3 - PlayStation Portable


3DO - Amiga CD32 - Amiga CDTV
CD-I - Colecovision - GX-4000
Intellivision - N-Gage - Neo-Geo (CD)
Neo-Geo Pocket - PC-Engine
Playdia - WonderSwan (Color)


Amiga - Amstrad CPC - Apple II
Atari 8-bit - Atari ST - Commodore 64
Commodore VIC-20 - DOS - FM-7
FM Towns - Linux - Mac OS - MSX
OS/2 - Thomson MO et TO - Windows
ZX Spectrum

Liste des jeux sortis sur Dreamcast.

Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Titre Développeur Type Japon États-Unis Europe
0-9 0-9 0-9 ZZ ZZ ZZ
102 Dalmatiens à la rescousse !, Les Crystal Dynamics Plates-formes Z 02000-11-1515.11.2000 02000-12-2020.12.2000
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker Sega-AM2 Course de camion 02000-10-1212.10.2000 02001-03-1313.03.2001 02001-06-0101.06.2001
21 -TwoOne- Princess Soft Visual novel 02001-12-2727.12.2001 Z Z
24 Heures du Mans, Les Melbourne House Course automobile 02001-03-1515.03.2001 02000-11-0808.11.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000
4 Wheel Thunder Kalisto Entertainment Course automobile Z 02000-05-0404.05.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
4x4 Evolution Terminal Reality Course automobile Z 02000-10-3131.10.2000 02001-03-3030.03.2001
90 minutes: Sega Championship Football Smilebit Sport (football) 02002-02-0707.02.2002 Z 02001-10-2626.10.2001
Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 System Soft Stratégie au tour par tour 02001-04-2626.04.2001 Z Z
Advanced Daisenryaku: Sturm über Europa - Der deutsche Blitzkrieg System Soft Stratégie au tour par tour 02000-06-2222.06.2000 Z Z
Aero Dancing I CRI Combat aérien 02001-02-1515.02.2001 Z Z
Aero Dancing I: Jikai Sakuma de Machite Masen CRI Combat aérien 02001-08-2323.08.2001 Z Z
Aero Dancing: Torodoki Taichou no Himitsu Disc CRI Combat aérien 02000-01-2020.01.2000 Z Z
Aero Dancing: Todoroki Tsubasa No Hatsu Hikuo CRI Combat aérien 02000-11-1616.11.2000 Z Z
AeroWings CRI Combat aérien 01999-03-0404.03.1999 01999-09-1313.09.1999 01999-10-3131.10.1999
AeroWings 2: Airstrike CRI Combat aérien 02000-02-2424.02.2000 02000-08-0909.08.2000 02000-12-0808.12.2000
After... Pione Soft Visual novel 02004-02-2626.02.2004 Z Z
Aikagi NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-08-0707.08.2003 Z Z
AIR Key Visual novel 02001-09-2020.09.2001 Z Z
Alien Front Online Wow Entertainment Action Z 02001-08-0909.08.2001 Z
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Darkworks SUSurvival horror Z 02001-09-2727.09.2001 02001-06-2222.06.2001
Angel Present NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02001-04-1212.04.2001 Z Z
Angel Wish Pione Soft Visual novel 02005-02-2424.02.2005 Z Z
Animastar Aki Corporation RPG 02000-06-1515.06.2000 Z Z
Aqua GT East Point Software Course nautique Z Z 02000-10-2222.10.2000
Armada Metro 3D Action Z 01999-11-2626.11.1999 Z
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 3DO Company Action Z 02000-11-0101.11.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000
Atari Anniversary Edition Digital Eclipse Compilation Z 02001-06-2929.06.2001 Z
Atelier Marie & Elie: Salburg no Renkinjutsu Akira Kool Kizz Amusement Works RPG 02001-11-1515.11.2001 Z Z
Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen OverWorks Jeu de société 01999-09-2323.09.1999 Z Z
Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen BB OverWorks Jeu de société 02000-10-3131.10.2000 Z Z
Aventures de Buzz l'Éclair, Les Traveller's Tales Action Z 02000-10-0505.10.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Bangai-O Treasure Shoot them up 01999-12-0909.12.1999 02001-03-2121.03.2001 02000-10-2020.10.2000
Baldr Force EXE Alchemist Shoot them up 02004-10-2828.10.2004 Z Z
Bang! Gunship Elite Rayland Interactive Combat spatial Z 02000-12-2222.12.2000 Z
Bass Rush Dream Visco Corporation Sport (pêche) 02000-12-2121.12.2000 Z Z
Battle Beaster Studio Wonder Effect Simulation de combat 02001-03-1515.03.2001 Z Z
BikkuriMan 2000: Viva! Festival! Sega Mini-jeux 02000-05-0202.05.2000 Z Z
Black/Matrix Advanced NEC Interchannel RPGTactical-RPG 01999-09-3030.09.1999 Z Z
Blue Sky Blue Reindeer Visual novel 02003-06-2626.06.2003 Z Z
Blue Steel Variable Formula: Space Griffon Panther Software Action 01999-11-0303.11.1999 Z Z
Blue Stinger Climax Entertainment SUSurvival horror 01999-03-2525.03.1999 01999-08-3131.08.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Blue Submarine 6: Time and Tide Sega Aventure 02000-12-0707.12.2000 Z Z
Boko Yume no Tatsujin FujiCom Mini-jeux 02002-01-2424.01.2002 Z Z
Boku Doraemon Sega RPG 02001-01-2525.01.2001 Z Z
Boku no Tennis Jinsei Bimboosoft Sport (tennis) 02001-09-2020.09.2001 Z Z
Boku to Bokura no Natsu KID Visual novel 02002-09-2626.09.2002 Z Z
Bomber Hehhe! FujiCom Action 02002-01-1010.01.2002 Z Z
Bomberman Online Hudson Soft Action Z 02001-11-0101.11.2001 Z
Border Down G.rev Shoot them up 02003-09-2525.09.2003 Z Z
Bounty Hunter Sara Flagship Aventure (digital comics) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Buggy Heat CRI Course automobile 01999-07-0808.07.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-11-0202.11.1999
Bust-a-Move 4 Taito ReRéflexion 02000-03-1616.03.2000 02000-06-0101.06.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
Caesar's Palace 2000 Runecraft Jeu de hasard (Casino) Z 02000-09-2020.09.2000 02000-06-1616.06.2000
Cafe Little Wish: Mahou no Recipe Princess Soft Visual novel 02003-05-2929.05.2003 Z Z
Candy Stripe Wow Entertainment Visual novel 02001-10-2525.10.2001 Z Z
Cannon Spike Psykio Shoot them up (run and gun) 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02000-10-1717.11.2000 02002-05-0303.05.2002
Canvas: Motif of Sepia Color NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02001-04-0505.04.2001 Z Z
Canary: Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02001-08-2323.08.2001 Z Z
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Capcom Combat 2D 02000-09-0606.09.2000 02000-11-0909.11.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro Capcom Combat 2D 02001-06-1414.06.2001 Z Z
Capcom VS. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 Capcom Combat 2D 02001-09-1313.09.2001 Z Z
Card Captor Sakura: Tomoyo no Video Taisakusen Sega Rosso Visual novel 02000-12-2828.12.2000 Z Z
Card of Destiny: Hikari to Yami no Tougoumono Abel RPG 02002-03-2828.03.2002 Z Z
Carrier[1] Jaleco SUSurvival horror 02000-02-2424.02.2000 02000-03-0101.03.2000 02001-06-2929.06.2001
CART Flag to Flag Sega Course automobile 01999-03-2525.03.1999 01999-09-0808.09.1999 Z
Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen Studio e-go RPG 02002-07-1111.07.2002 Z Z
Centipede Leaping Lizard Shoot them up Z 01999-11-2020.11.1999 Z
Championship Surfer Krome Studios Sport de glisse (snowboard) Z 02000-12-0606.12.2000 02001-08-1010.08.2001
Chaos Field Milestone Shoot them up 02004-12-1616.12.2004 Z Z
Charge'n Blast CRI Shoot them up (run and gun) 02000-12-0707.12.2000 02001-02-0807.02.2001 02001-06-2929.06.2001
Cherry Blossom Takuyo Visual novel 02004-04-2828.04.2004 Z Z
Chicken Run Blitz Games Action Z 02000-11-2020.11.2000 02000-11-2424.11.2000
Chou-Hatsumei Boy Kanipan Sega RPG 01999-07-0808.07.1999 Z Z
Choukousenki Kikaioh for Matching Service Capcom Combat 3D 02001-01-1818.01.2001 Z Z
Christmas Seaman Vivarium Simulation de vie 01999-12-1616.12.1999 Z Z
ChuChu Rocket! Sonic Team ReRéflexion 01999-11-1111.11.1999 02000-03-0808.03.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
Cleopatra Fortune Altron ReRéflexion 02001-06-2121.06.2001 Z Z
Close to: Inori no Oka KID Visual novel 02001-04-1919.04.2001 Z Z
Coaster Works Bimboosoft Gestion (fête foraine) 01999-12-0909.12.1999 02001-05-1818.05.2001 02001-06-2929.06.2001
Comic Party Aquaplus Visual novel 02001-08-0909.08.2001 Z Z
Communication Logic Battle Daisessen Fortyfive ReRéflexion 02000-05-1111.05.2000 Z Z
Confidential Mission Hitmaker Shoot them up (rail shooter) 02001-06-1414.06.2001 02001-05-2929.05.2001 02001-05-1414.05.2001
Conflict Zone Mathématiques Appliquées Stratégie en temps réel Z 02001-12-2121.12.2001 02002-05-1010.05.2002
Cool Cool Toon SNK RyRythme 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Cosmic Smash Sega Rosso Sport futuriste (squash) 02001-09-1313.09.2001 Z Z
Cool Herders HarmlessLion ReRéflexion 02005-12-1515.12.2005 02005-12-1515.12.2005 02005-12-1515.12.2005
CR Hissatsu Konjin Pachittechnomage @ VPACHI Hackberry Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02001-08-0202.08.2001 Z Z
Crazy Taxi Hitmaker Course / Action 02000-01-2727.01.2000 02000-02-0101.02.2000 02000-02-2525.02.2000
Crazy Taxi 2 Hitmaker Course / Action 02001-05-3131.05.2001 02001-05-3030.05.2001 02001-07-0606.07.2001
Culdcept II Omiya Soft Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 02001-07-1212.07.2001 Z Z
D2 WARP SUSurvival horror 01999-12-2323.12.1999 02000-08-2222.08.2000 Z
D+Vine (Luv) Princess Soft Visual novel 02001-10-2525.10.2001 Z Z
Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix Dreamcast Edition Konami RyRythme 02000-02-1717.02.2000 Z Z
Dance Dance Revolution Club Version Dreamcast Edition Konami RyRythme 02000-04-2727.04.2000 Z Z
Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi! Kanzenban Konami Aventure 01999-09-0202.09.1999 Z Z
Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi II Konami Aventure 01999-09-3030.09.1999 Z Z
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Z-Axis Sport (BMX) Z 02000-11-2022.11.2000 02000-11-0808.11.2000
Daytona USA 2001 Amusement Vision Course automobile 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02001-03-1313.03.2001 02001-05-1111.05.2001
Dead or Alive 2 Tecmo Combat 3D 02000-09-2828.09.2000 02000-03-1414.03.2000 02000-07-1515.07.2000
Deadly Skies Konami Combat aérien 01999-07-2929.07.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Death Crimson 2 Ecole Shoot them up (rail shooter) 01999-11-2525.11.1999 Z Z
Death Crimson OX Ecole Shoot them up (rail shooter) 02001-05-1010.05.2001 02001-08-0808.08.2001 Z
Deep Fighter Criterion Games Action Z 02000-08-2222.08.2000 02000-09-2222.09.2000
Dejiko No Maibura ISAO Utilitaire (navigateur internet) 02000-12-1414.12.2000 Z Z
De La Jet Set Radio Smilebit Action 02001-01-0101.01.2001 Z Z
Demolition Racer: No Exit Pitbull Interactive Course automobile Z 02000-10-2323.10.2000 Z
Dengen Tenshi Taisen Mahjong: Shangri-La Marvelous Entertainment ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 01999-11-2525.11.1999 Z Z
Denpa Shounen-teki Kenshou Seikatsu Hudson Soft Simulation de vie 01999-07-2222.07.1999 Z Z
Densha de GO! 2: 3000 Taito Simulation de train 02000-01-2020.01.2000 Z Z
Derby Tsuku Smilebit Gestion (équitation) 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Derby Tsuku 2 Smilebit Gestion (équitation) 02001-08-0909.08.2001 Z Z
deSpiria Atlus Aventure 02000-09-2121.09.2000 Z Z
DiGiCharat Fantasy Broccoli Visual novel 02001-09-0606.09.2001 Z Z
Digital Keiba Shinbun Maitorakkuman Shouei Sport (équitation) 01999-04-0808.04.1999 Z Z
Dino Crisis Capcom SUSurvival horror 02000-09-0606.09.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000 02000-12-2222.12.2000
Disney's Dinosaure Ubisoft Action Z 02000-11-2424.11.2000 02000-11-2424.11.2000
Dogu Senki Victor Interactive Action 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker Remix G.rev ReRéflexion 02002-01-3131.01.2002 Z Z
Donald Couac Attack ! Ubisoft Plates-formes Z 02000-12-1616.12.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Dousoukai 2: Again & Refrain NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02002-06-2727.06.2002 Z Z
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern Ubisoft Action-aventure Z 02001-08-0808.08.2001 02002-01-1111.01.2002
Dragon's Blood Treyarch Action Z 02000-06-2121.06.2000 02000-06-1616.06.2000
Dream Flyer Sega Utilitaire (mail) 01999-12-0909.12.1999 Z Z
Dreamstudio Sega Utilitaire (développement) 02000-11-0909.11.2000 Z Z
Ducati World Racing Challenge Attention to Detail Course de moto Z 02001-03-0606.03.2001 02001-03-0909.03.2001
Dynamite Cop Sega-AM1 Beat them all 01999-05-2727.05.1999 01999-11-0303.11.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future Appaloosa Interactive Action-aventure 02001-01-2525.01.2001 02000-08-1515.08.2000 02000-06-1616.06.2000
ECW Anarchy Rulz Acclaim Combat 3D (catch) Z 02000-08-1616.08.2000 02000-09-0101.09.2000
ECW Hardcore Revolution Acclaim Combat 3D (catch) Z 02000-02-2929.02.2000 02000-03-0101.03.2000
Eisei Meijin 3: Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou Konami CE Tokyo Mini-jeux 01999-07-0808.07.1999 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 1 Capcom RPG 02000-10-1010.10.2000 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 2 Capcom RPG 02000-12-1212.12.2000 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 3 Capcom RPG 02001-02-0202.02.2001 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 4 Capcom RPG 02001-04-1212.04.2001 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 5 Capcom RPG 02001-06-0606.06.2001 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 6 Capcom RPG 02001-08-0808.08.2001 Z Z
Eldorado Gate Vol. 7 Capcom RPG 02001-10-1010.10.2001 Z Z
Elemental Gimmick Gear Hudson Soft ROPGAction-RPG 01999-05-2727.05.1999 01999-12-2929.12.1999 Z
Elysion NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02002-07-2525.07.2002 Z Z
Erde KID Visual novel 02003-08-0707.08.2003 Z Z
es TV Asahi Aventure 02001-04-0505.04.2001 Z Z
ESPN International Track & Field Konami Sport (athlétisme) 02000-08-3131.08.2000 02000-09-2828.09.2000 02000-09-2222.09.2000
ESPN NBA 2 Night Sunset Entertainment Sport (basket-ball) Z 02000-11-1515.11.2000 Z
European Super League Crimson Sport (football) Z Z 02001-03-0202.03.2001
Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter NetVillage Aventure 02001-03-2222.03.2001 Z Z
Ever 17: The Out of Infinity KID Visual novel 02002-08-2929.08.2002 Z Z
Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - Premium Edition KID Visual novel 02003-11-2727.11.2003 Z Z
Evil Dead: Hail to the King Heavy Iron Studios SUSurvival horror Z 02000-12-2020.12.2000 02001-06-2020.06.2001
Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles In Utero Plates-formes Z Z 02002-01-1111.01.2002
Evolution: The World of Sacred Device Sting RPG 01999-01-2121.01.1999 01999-12-1616.12.1999 02000-06-????.06.2000
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sting RPG 01999-12-2323.12.1999 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02001-11-2323.11.2001
Exhibition of Speed Titus Interactive Course automobile Z 02001-09-1616.09.2001 02001-05-3030.05.2001
Exodus Guilty Neos Abel RPG 02001-05-3131.05.2001 Z Z
F1 Racing Championship Video System Course automobile (F1) Z Z 02001-02-0202.02.2001
F1 World Grand Prix Video System Course automobile (F1) 01999-11-2525.11.1999 02000-04-2626.04.2000 02000-06-1616.06.2000
F1 World Grand Prix II Video System Course automobile (F1) 02000-11-2222.11.2000 Z 02000-12-0101.12.2000
F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa Sega-AM2 Course automobile 02000-08-0303.08.2000 02000-09-1818.09.2000 02000-10-2020.10.2000
Fighting Force 2 Core Design Beat them all Z 01999-11-3030.11.1999 01999-12-????.12.1999
Fighting Vipers 2 Sega-AM2 Combat 3D 02001-01-1818.01.2001 Z 02001-03-0202.03.2001
Fire ProWrestling D Spike Co. Combat 3D (catch) 02001-03-0101.03.2001 Z Z
First Kiss Monogatari 2 Broccoli Visual novel 02002-08-0808.08.2002 Z Z
Floigan Brothers Visual Concepts Action-aventure Z 02001-08-0202.08.2001 02001-11-2323.11.2001
For Symphony: With All One's Heart Takuyo Visual novel 02003-07-3131.07.2003 Z Z
Fous du Volant, Les Infogrames Course fantaisiste Z 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-06-2828.06.2000
Fragrance Tale Takuyo Aventure 02001-07-2626.07.2001 Z Z
Frame Gride From Software Action 01999-07-1515.07.1999 Z Z
Freestyle Scooter Shaba Games Sport de glisse (trotinette) Z 02001-08-0909.08.2001 02002-05-0303.05.2002
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge Blitz Games Action Z 02000-09-3030.09.2000 Z
Fur Fighters Bizarre Creations Action Z 02000-07-1414.07.2000 02000-06-2323.06.2000
Fûrai no Syren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan ChunSoft RPG 02002-02-0707.02.2002 Z Z
Gaia Master Kessen! Seikiô Densetsu Capcom Jeu de société 02001-06-2828.06.2001 Z Z
Gakkyuu O Yamakazi Sega Party game 01999-12-2323.12.1999 Z Z
Garou: Mark of the Wolves SNK Combat 2D 02001-09-2727.09.2001 02001-11-2323.11.2001 Z
Gauntlet Legends Midway Games Action Z 02000-06-0707.06.2000 02000-07-2121.07.2000
Get!! Colonies Sega ReRéflexion 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
Giant Gram: All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 Sega-AM1 Combat 3D (catch) 01999-06-2424.06.1999 Z Z
Giant Gram 2000: All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Wow Entertainment Combat 3D (catch) 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Giant Killers Smoking Gun Productions Gestion (football) Z Z 02001-05-1111.05.2001
Gigawing Takumi Shoot them up 01999-11-1111.11.1999 02000-07-1919.07.2000 02000-10-2020.10.2000
Gigawing 2 Takumi Shoot them up 02001-01-1818.01.2001 02001-05-1818.05.2001 Z
Godzilla Generations General Entertainment Action 01998-11-2727.11.1998 Z Z
Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact General Entertainment Action 01999-12-2323.12.1999 Z Z
Golem no Maigo Caramel Pot ReRéflexion 02000-02-2424.02.2000 Z Z
Golf Shiyouyo 2: Aratanaru Chousen Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 02001-01-2525.01.2001 Z Z
Golf Shiyouyo Adventure Hen Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 02000-08-0303.08.2000 Z Z
Golf Shiyouyo Kouryaku Pack Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 02000-06-0101.06.2000 Z Z
Grand Theft Auto 2 DMA Design Action Z 02000-05-0202.05.2000 02000-07-2828.07.2000
Grandia II Game Arts RPG 02000-08-0303.08.2000 02000-12-0606.12.2000 02001-02-2323.02.2001
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 1: Keiyaku Sega Aventure 01999-09-3030.09.1999 Z Z
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 2: Torikago Sega Aventure 01999-11-2525.11.1999 Z Z
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 3: Kansei Sega Aventure 02000-01-2727.01.2000 Z Z
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 4: Kaikou Sega Aventure 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 5: Shoukuzai Sega Aventure 02000-05-2525.05.2000 Z Z
Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 6: Senritsu Sega Aventure 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Grinch, The Konami Action-aventure Z 02000-12-0707.12.2000 02000-12-????.12.2000
Guilty Gear X Arc System Works Combat 2D 02000-12-1414.12.2000 Z Z
Gunbird 2 Psykio Shoot them up 02000-03-0909.03.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000 02001-02-0202.02.2001
Gundam Battle Online Bandai Stratégie en temps réel 02001-06-2828.06.2001 Z Z
Guru Guru Onsen 2 OverWorks Jeu de société 02001-08-0909.08.2001 Z Z
Guru Guru Onsen 3 OverWorks Jeu de société 02002-03-1414.03.2002 Z Z
Happy Breeding Purple Software Visual novel 02003-02-2727.02.2003 Z Z
Happy Lesson Datam Polystar Visual novel 02001-04-2626.04.2001 Z Z
Happy Lesson: First Lesson Datam Polystar Visual novel 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
Harusame Youbi Sims Visual novel 02001-03-2222.03.2001 Z Z
Headhunter Amuze Action Z Z 02001-11-1616.11.2001
Heavy Metal: Geomatrix Capcom Action 02001-07-1212.07.2001 02001-09-1919.09.2001 02002-05-1212.05.2002
Hello Kitty Lovely Fruit Park Sega ReRéflexion 01999-11-2525.11.1999 Z Z
Hello Kitty Magical Block Sega ReRéflexion 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
Hello Kitty no Onnaru Mail Sega ReRéflexion 02000-04-1313.04.2000 Z Z
Hello Kitty no Waku Waku Quiz Sega ReRéflexion 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Hidden & Dangerous Illusion Softworks FPS tactique Z 02000-08-0101.08.2000 02000-09-0808.09.2000
Himitsu: Tadagaita Natsu Starfish Visual novel 02001-07-2626.07.2001 Z Z
Historical Mystery Adventure Troia 1186 B.C. TBS Stratégie en temps réel 01999-07-2222.07.1999 Z Z
House of the Dead 2, The Sega-AM1 Shoot them up (rail shooter) 01999-03-2525.03.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-2929.10.1999
Hoyle Casino Sierra Entertainment Jeu de hasard (Casino) Z 02000-09-2929.09.2000 Z
Hundred Swords Smilebit Stratégie en temps réel 02001-02-1515.02.2001 Z Z
Hydro Thunder Eurocom Course nautique Z 01999-09-0808.09.1999 01999-10-2424.10.1999
Idol Janshi wo Tsukucchaou Jaleco ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 01999-09-2323.09.1999 Z Z
Ikaruga Treasure Shoot them up 02002-09-0505.09.2002 Z Z
Illbleed Climax Entertainment SUSurvival horror 02001-03-2929.03.2001 02001-04-1616.04.2001 Z
Incoming Rage Software Action 01998-12-1717.12.1998 01999-12-0101.12.1999 02000-10-1414.10.2000
Industrial Spy: Operation espionage NEC Interchannel ROPGAction-RPG 01999-09-2923.09.1999 02000-06-0101.06.2000 Z
Interlude NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-03-1313.03.2003 Z Z
Iris KID Visual novel 02003-08-0707.08.2003 Z Z
Iron Aces Marionette Combat aérien 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02001-02-0606.02.2001 02001-06-2929.06.2001
Izumo Studio e-go Visual novel 02004-01-2929.01.2004 Z Z
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Acclaim Course de motocross Z 02000-08-0909.08.2000 02000-09-0808.09.2000
Jet Coaster Dream 2 Bimboosoft Gestion (fête foraine) 02000-11-0202.11.2000 Z Z
Jet Set Radio Smilebit Action 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-11-0101.11.2000 02000-11-2424.11.2000
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Dreamcast Edition Konami Sport (baseball) 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
Jimmy White's 2: Cueball Awesome Developments Sport (billard) Z Z 02000-01-0707.01.2000
Jinsei Game for Dreamcast Takara Jeu de société 02000-06-2222.06.2000 Z Z
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou!@Vpachi Kingdom MaxBet Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Capcom Combat 3D 01999-11-2525.11.1999 02000-04-2929.04.2000 02000-05-????.05.2000
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for Matching Service Capcom Combat 3D 02000-10-2626.10.2000 Z Z
July Fortyfive Aventure 01998-11-2727.11.1998 Z Z
Kaen Seibo: The Virgin on Megiddo Studio Line Visual novel 02001-09-0202.08.2001 Z Z
Kaitou Apricot Takuyo Visual novel 02003-03-0606.03.2003 Z Z
Kaze no Uta Milk Soft Visual novel 02004-04-1515.04.2004 Z Z
Kanon Key Visual novel 02000-09-1414.09.2000 Z Z
Kao le kangourou X-Ray Interactive Plates-formes Z 02001-02-2020.02.2001 02000-12-0808.12.2000
Karous Milestone Shoot them up 02007-03-0808.03.2007 Z Z
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Alchemist Visual novel 02002-09-2626.09.2002 Z Z
King of Fighters Dream Match 1999, The SNK Combat 2D 01999-06-2424.06.1999 Z Z
King of Fighters '99 Evolution, The SNK Combat 2D 02000-03-3030.03.2000 02000-12-1212.12.2000 Z
King of Fighters 2000, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 02002-08-0808.08.2002 Z Z
King of Fighters 2001, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 02002-12-2626.12.2002 Z Z
King of Fighters 2002, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 02003-06-1919.06.2003 Z Z
KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child Tremor Entertainment FPS Z 02000-10-3131.10.2000 02001-01-1919.01.2001
Kita He: Photo Memories Hudson Soft Visual novel 01999-08-0505.08.1999 Z Z
Kita He: White Illumination Hudson Soft Visual novel 01999-03-1818.03.1999 Z Z
Kitaihei Gold NetVillage Jeu de société 01999-11-1818.11.1999 Z Z
Kiteretsu Shounen's Gangagan Sega Action 02000-04-2727.04.2000 Z Z
Konohana: TrueReport Success Aventure 02001-04-2626.04.2001 Z Z
Konohana 2: Todoke Kanai Requiem Success Aventure 02002-11-2828.11.2002 Z Z
Koun no Kizuna Sairinsyo FOG Visual novel 02000-05-1818.05.2000 Z Z
Lack of Love ASCII Entertainment RPG 02000-11-0202.11.2000 Z Z
Lake Masters Pro Dreamcast Plus Dazz Sport (pêche) 02000-03-2323.03.2000 Z Z
Langrisser Millenium: The Birthday Eve Nippon Computer System RPGTactical-RPG 01999-11-0303.11.1999 Z Z
Last Blade 2, The: Final Edition SNK Combat 2D 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02001-08-0808.08.2001 Z
Last Hope NG.Dev.Team Shoot them up 02007-02-0101.02.2007 Z Z
Let's Make Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 01999-08-0505.08.1999 Z Z
Let's Make More Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
Let's Make Professional Baseball Team and Play Ball! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 02001-08-3030.08.2001 Z Z
Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club! Smilebit Gestion (football) 01999-09-3030.09.1999 Z Z
Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club!: Saka-Tsuku Special Ed. Smilebit Gestion (football) 02000-12-2121.12.2000 Z Z
Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club! 2 Smilebit Gestion (football) 02001-12-1313.12.2001 Z Z
Let's Play with Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Sport (baseball) 01999-12-2323.12.1999 Z Z
Let's Play with Japanese Professional Baseball Team on Net! Smilebit Sport (baseball) 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Love Hina: Smile Again Sega Visual novel 02001-03-2929.03.2001 Z Z
Love Hina: Totsuzen no Engeji Happening Sega Visual novel 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
Maborosi Tukiyo Sims Co. Visual novel 01999-09-2323.09.1999 Z Z
Macross M3 Shoeisha Action 02001-02-2222.02.2001 Z Z
Magforce Racing VCC Entertainment Course futuriste Z 02000-07-2121.07.2000 02000-08-2525.08.2000
Ma-Gi: Marginal Princess Soft Visual novel 02003-07-1717.07.2003 Z Z
Magic: The Gathering Sega Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 02001-06-2828.06.2001 Z Z
Mahjong Taikai II Special Koei ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 01999-03-0404.03.1999 Z Z
Majo no Ochakai NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-06-2626.06.2003 Z Z
Maken X Atlus Action 01999-11-2525.11.1999 02000-04-2?2?.04.2000 02000-07-0404.07.2000
Maqiupai JMD ReRéflexion (mah-jong) Z 02005-01-1919.01.2005 02005-01-1919.01.2005
Marionette Company MicroCabin Visual novel 01999-10-0707.10.1999 Z Z
Marionette Company 2 Chu! MicroCabin Visual novel 02000-05-1818.05.2000 Z Z
Marionette Handler Micronet Simulation de robots 01999-07-2929.07.1999 Z Z
Marionette Handler 2 Micronet Simulation de robots 02000-11-0909.11.2000 Z Z
Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting Takumi Shoot them up 02000-11-0909.11.2000 02001-04-2727.04.2001 Z
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Capcom Combat 2D 01999-03-2525.03.1999 01999-10-0707.10.1999 02000-06-2323.06.2000
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Capcom Combat 2D 02000-03-3030.03.2000 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-07-1616.07.2000
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Runecraft Sport (BMX) Z 02001-09-1313.09.2001 Z
Max Steel: Covert Missions Treyarch Action Z 02000-12-0707.12.2000 Z
Maximum Pool Dynamix Sport (billard) Z 02000-11-0707.11.2000 Z
MDK 2 BioWare Action Z 02000-03-3131.03.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
Mei*Puru Princess Soft Visual novel 02002-10-2424.10.2002 Z Z
Memories Off 2nd KID Visual novel 02001-09-2727.09.2001 Z Z
Memories Off Complete KID Visual novel 02000-06-2929.06.2000 Z Z
Mercurious Pretty: End of the Century NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02000-11-1616.11.2000 Z Z
Metal Wolf Princess Soft Visual novel 02002-06-2727.06.2002 Z Z
Metropolis Street Racer Bizarre Creations Course automobile Z 02001-01-1616.01.2001 02000-11-0303.11.2000
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 1 Digital Eclipse Compilation Z 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-07-2828.07.2000
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 2 Digital Eclipse Compilation Z 02001-11-1515.11.2001 Z
Milky Season KID Visual novel 02002-02-2828.02.2002 Z Z
Millennium Soldier: Expendable Rage Software Shoot them up (run and gun) 01999-06-2424.06.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Miss Moonlight Naxat Aventure 02001-06-2121.06.2001 Z Z
Missing Parts FOG Aventure 02002-01-1717.01.2002 Z Z
Missing Parts 2 FOG Aventure 02002-10-2424.10.2002 Z Z
Missing Parts 3 FOG Aventure 02003-07-3131.07.2003 Z Z
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon DX Bandai Action 02002-04-1111.04.2002 Z Z
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Greed - Blood of Zeon Bandai Stratégie au tour par tour 02000-06-2929.06.2000 Z Z
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From the Ashes Bandai Action 01999-08-2626.08.1999 02000-04-2828.04.2000 Z
Moekan Princess Soft Visual novel 02003-12-2525.12.2003 Z Z
MoHo Lost Toys Action Z Z 02000-12-2424.12.2000
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 Ubisoft Course automobile 01999-03-1111.03.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-11-0202.11.1999
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 Online Ubisoft Course automobile Z Z 02001-11-2323.11.2001
Morita no Saikyô Reversi Random House Jeu de société 01999-04-1515.04.1999 Z Z
Morita no Saikyô Shôgi Random House Jeu de société 01999-04-1515.04.1999 Z Z
Mortal Kombat Gold Eurocom Combat 3D Z 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-????.10.1999
Mr. Driller Namco ReRéflexion 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-06-2323.06.2000 02000-12-0808.12.2000
Ms Pac-Man: Maze Madness Namco Action Z 02000-11-1616.11.2000 Z
MTV Sports: Skateboarding Darkblack Sport de glisse (skateboard) Z 02000-10-1818.10.2000 02000-11-2424.11.2000
Musapey's Choco Marker Ecole ReRéflexion 02002-12-2626.12.2002 Z Z
Mizuiro NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02002-03-0707.03.2002 Z Z
My Merry May KID Visual novel 02002-04-2525.04.2002 Z Z
My Merry Maybe KID Visual novel 02003-07-1010.07.2003 Z Z
Nadesico the Mission Kadokawa Shoten ROPGAction-RPG 01999-08-2626.08.1999 Z Z
Nakoruru: Anohito Kara no Okurimono Kool Kizz Amusement Works Visual novel 02002-03-2828.03.2002 Z Z
Namco Museum Namco Compilation Z 02000-07-2626.07.2000 Z
Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou Koei Action-aventure 02000-01-2020.01.2000 Z Z
Napple Tale: Alisia in Daydream Sega Action-aventure 02000-10-1919.10.2000 Z Z
NBA 2K Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 02000-03-2323.03.2000 01999-11-1010.11.1999 02000-03-1717.03.2000
NBA 2K1 Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 02001-03-2929.03.2001 02000-11-0101.11.2000 Z
NBA 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 02002-05-2323.05.2002 02001-10-2424.10.2001 02002-03-0808.03.2002
NBA Hoopz Midway Games Sport (basket-ball) Z 02001-02-1515.02.2001 02001-04-1313.04.2001
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Midway Games Sport (basket-ball) Z 01999-11-1717.11.1999 Z
NCAA College Football 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) Z 02001-08-2929.08.2001 Z
Neo Golden Logres Success Flipper 02000-10-2626.10.2000 Z Z
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ayanami Rei Ikusei Keikaku Broccoli Simulation de vie 02002-04-1818.04.2002 Z Z
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Typing E-Plan Gainax Ludo-éducatif 02001-04-1919.04.2001 Z Z
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Typing Hokan Keikaku Gainax Ludo-éducatif 02001-08-3030.08.2001 Z Z
Neppachi Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 01999-11-2525.11.1999 Z Z
Neppachi II Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02000-07-0606.07.2000 Z Z
Neppachi III Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
Neppachi IV Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02000-12-1414.12.2000 Z Z
Neppachi V Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02000-12-1414.12.2000 Z Z
Neppachi VI Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02001-02-1515.02.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Chess Atmark ReRéflexion (échecs) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Go Atmark ReRéflexion (jeu de go) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Hanafuda Atmark ReRéflexion (hanafuda) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Mahjong Atmark ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Renju Gomoku Namebe Atmark ReRéflexion (morpion) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Reversi Atmark ReRéflexion (reversi) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Net Versus Shôgi Atmark ReRéflexion (shôgi) 02001-05-2424.05.2001 Z Z
Netto Golf Sega Sport (golf) 02000-10-1919.10.2000 Z Z
Netto de Para Takuyo Simulation de vie 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Netto de Tennis Capcom Sport (tennis) 02000-10-0909.10.2000 Z Z
Never 7: The End of Infinity KID Visual novel 02000-12-2121.12.2000 Z Z
ReNext Tetris, The Blue Planet Software ReRéflexion Z 02000-12-2020.12.2000 02001-05-????.05.2001
NFL 2K Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 02000-01-2020.01.2000 01999-09-0909.09.1999 Z
NFL 2K1 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 02001-03-2929.03.2001 02000-09-0707.09.2000 Z
NFL 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 02002-03-2828.03.2002 02001-09-1919.09.2001 Z
NFL Blitz 2000 Midway Games Sport (football américain) Z 01999-09-0707.09.1999 01999-12-0505.12.1999
NFL Blitz 2001 Midway Games Sport (football américain) Z 02000-09-1414.09.2000 Z
NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Acclaim Sport (football américain) Z 01999-09-3030.09.1999 01999-11-1818.11.1999
NFL Quarterback Club 2001 Acclaim Sport (football américain) Z 02000-08-2424.08.2000 Z
NHL 2K Treyarch Sport (hockey) Z 02000-02-0909.02.2000 02000-07-0707.07.2000
NHL 2K2 Treyarch Sport (hockey) 02002-07-1111.07.2002 02000-02-1414.02.2000 Z
Nightmare Creatures II Kalisto Entertainment SUSurvival horror Z 02000-06-0909.06.2000 02000-09-2222.09.2000
Nijyuei Princess Soft Visual novel 02002-02-2828.02.2002 Z Z
Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Dankurai Nintei: Heisei Mahjong-Shou Micronet ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 02000-10-2626.10.2000 Z Z
Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin Naxat ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 01999-11-1818.11.1999 Z Z
Nobunaga's Ambition Reppûden Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 01999-12-1616.12.1999 Z Z
Nobunaga's Ambition Shôseiroku Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 01999-03-2525.03.1999 Z Z
Nomad Soul, The Quantic Dream Action-aventure Z 02000-06-2222.06.2000 02000-03-3131.03.2000
Oh! My Goddess: Quiz Game Wow Entertainment Party game 02000-11-3030.11.2000 Z Z
Omoide ni Kawaru-Kun: Memories Off KID Visual novel 02002-11-2828.11.2002 Z Z
Onsei Ninshiki Mahjong: Jarman Visit ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 02000-08-3131.08.2000 Z Z
Ooga Booga Visual Concepts Action Z 02001-09-1318.09.2001 Z
Orange Pocket Cornetto Hook Software Creations Visual novel 02004-04-2828.04.2004 Z Z Dreamcast Sequencer Waka Manufacturing Séquenceur musical 01999-12-0909.12.1999 Z Z
Ouka Houshin: Oukasakishitoki MediaWorks RPGTactical-RPG 01999-12-1616.12.1999 Z Z
Outtrigger Sega-AM2 Action 02001-08-0202.08.2001 02001-07-2626.07.2001 02001-08-0303.08.2001
Pachinko no Dendou: CR Nanashi MicroCabin Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02001-10-0404.10.2001 Z Z
Pachi-Slot Teiô: Dream Slot Heiwa SP Media Entertainment Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02001-07-2626.07.2001 Z Z
Pachi-Slot Teiô: Dream Slot Olympia SP Media Entertainment Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02001-09-2727.09.2001 Z Z
Panzer Front ASCII Entertainment Action 01999-12-2222.12.1999 Z Z
Pandora no Yume HuneX Visual novel 02002-09-1212.09.2002 Z Z
Pata Pies! Sega Z 01999-07-2929.07.1999 Z Z
Patisserie Nanyanko Kaga Tech Visual novel 02004-09-2222.09.2004 Z Z
Pen Pen Tri-icelon General Entertainment Course fantaisiste 01998-11-2727.11.1998 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Phantasy Star Online Sonic Team RPG 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02001-01-3030.01.2001 02001-02-2323.02.2001
Phantasy Star Online ver.2 Sonic Team RPG 02001-06-0707.06.2001 02001-09-2525.09.2001 02002-03-0101.03.2002
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-02-0606.02.2003 Z Z
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2.5 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02001-06-2121.06.2001 Z Z
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 3 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-03-2727.03.2003 Z Z
Pizzicato Polka: Suisei Genya Pajamas Soft Visual novel 02004-06-1717.06.2004 Z Z
Planet Ring Sega Party game Z Z 02000-12-????.12.2000
Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein Capcom Combat 3D 01999-12-0909.12.1999 02000-04-1313.04.2000 02000-08-2525.08.2000
Plus Plumb Takuyo ReRéflexion 01999-10-0707.10.1999 Z Z
Pocke-Kano: Yumi - Shuzika - Fumio Datam Polystar Visual novel 02000-06-0808.06.2000 Z Z
POD 2 Ubisoft Course automobile Z 02000-12-0606.12.2000 02000-12-1414.12.2000
Pop'n Music Konami Rythme 01999-02-2525.02.1999 Z Z
Pop'n Music 2 Konami Rythme 01999-09-1414.09.1999 Z Z
Pop'n Music 3 Append Disc Konami Rythme 02000-02-1010.02.2000 Z Z
Pop'n Music 4 Append Disc Konami Rythme 02000-10-1212.10.2000 Z Z
Power Stone Capcom Combat 3D 01999-02-2525.02.1999 01999-09-0707.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Power Stone 2 Capcom Combat 3D 02000-04-2727.04.2000 02000-08-2424.08.2000 02000-09-2222.09.2000
Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights Avalanche Software Action-aventure Z 02000-12-0505.12.2000 Z
Princess Holiday, The Alchemist Visual novel 02003-05-2929.05.2003 Z Z
Princess Maker Collection Gainax Simulation de vie 02001-07-1919.07.2001 Z Z
Prism Heart KID Visual novel 02001-11-2929.11.2001 Z Z
Prismaticallization Arc System Works Aventure 02000-08-2424.08.2000 Z Z
Pro Mahjong Kiwame D Athena ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
Pro Pinball Trilogy Cunning Developments Flipper Z Z 02001-06-0808.06.2001
Project Justice: Rivals Schools 2 Capcom Combat 3D 02000-12-0707.12.2000 02001-05-1818.05.2001 02001-04-1313.04.2001
Psychic Force 2012 Taito Combat 3D 01999-03-0404.03.1999 01999-11-1212.11.1999 02000-??-????.??.2000
Psychological Game, The Visit ReRéflexion 02001-02-0101.02.2001 Z Z
Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate Skonec Shoot them up 02004-02-2626.02.2004 Z Z
Puyo Puyo 4 Compile ReRéflexion 01999-03-0404.03.1999 Z Z
Puyo Puyo Da! Compile ReRéflexion 01999-12-1616.12.1999 Z Z
Puyo Pop Fever Sonic Team ReRéflexion 02004-02-2424.02.2004 Z Z
Q*bert Pipedream Interactive ReRéflexion Z 02000-12-0606.12.2000 Z
Quake III Arena Raster Productions FPS Z 02000-10-2121.10.2000 02000-12-0808.12.2000
Qui veut gagner des Millions ? Hothouse Creations Party game (culture gén.) Z Z 02000-09-2929.09.2000
Radirgy Milestone Shoot them up 02006-02-1616.02.2006 Z Z
Railroad Tycoon II Tremor Entertainment Gestion (entr. ferroviaire) Z 02000-08-0101.08.2000 02000-11-1010.11.2000
Rainbow Cotton Success Shoot them up 02000-01-2020.01.2000 Z Z
Rayman 2: The Great Escape Ubi Soft France Plates-formes 02000-03-2323.03.2000 02000-03-1717.03.2000 02000-03-2323.03.2000
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Midway Games Combat 3D (boxe) 02000-01-1313.01.2000 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 Midway Games Combat 3D (boxe) 02000-10-2525.10.2000 02000-11-1010.11.2000 02000-11-1010.11.2000
Real Sound: Kaze no Regret WARP Aventure 01999-03-1111.03.1999 Z Z
Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Conspiracy Entertainment RPG 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02001-03-1616.03.2001 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Red Dog: Superior Firepower Argonaut Games Action Z 02000-11-0101.11.2000 02000-04-????.04.2000
Reel Fishing Wild Natsume Sport (pêche) 02001-02-2222.02.2001 02001-07-2727.07.2001 Z
Renai CHU! Happy Perfect Saga Planets Visual novel 02003-11-2727.11.2003 Z Z
Rent-A-Hero No. 1 Sega RPG 02000-05-2525.05.2000 Z Z
Resident Evil 2 Capcom SUSurvival horror 01999-12-2222.12.1999 02000-12-1515.12.2000 02000-05-2828.05.2000
Resident Evil 3 Capcom SUSurvival horror 02000-11-1616.11.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000 02000-12-2222.12.2000
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Capcom SUSurvival horror 02000-02-0303.02.2000 02000-03-2917.11.2000 02000-05-2626.05.2000
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Complete Capcom SUSurvival horror 02001-03-2222.03.2001 Z Z
Revive Data East Aventure 01999-10-2828.10.1999 Z Z
Re-Volt Probe Software Course / Action 02000-07-1313.07.2000 01999-12-1818.12.1999 01999-??-????.??.1999
Rez United Games Artists Shoot them up musical 02001-11-2222.11.2001 Z 02002-01-1111.01.2002
Rhapsody of Zephyr, The Falcom RPG 02001-02-2222.02.2001 Z Z
Ring, The: Terror's Realm Asmik SUSurvival horror 02000-02-2424.02.2000 02000-09-2727.09.2000 Z
Roadsters Titus Course automobile Z 02000-03-1616.03.2000 02000-07-0707.07.2000
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI: Awakening of the Dragon Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 01999-03-2525.03.1999 Z Z
Roommania #203 Wave Master Simulation de vie 02000-01-2727.01.2000 Z Z
Roommate Asami: Okusama wa Joshi Kousei - Director's Edition Datam Polystar Visual novel 02002-11-2121.11.2002 Z Z
Roommate Novel: Inoue Ryôko Datam Polystar Visual novel 02001-07-0505.07.2001 Z Z
Roommate Novel: Inoue Ryôko - Rust Scene Datam Polystar Visual novel 02001-11-0808.11.2001 Z Z
Roommate Novel: Sato Yuka Datam Polystar Visual novel 02000-06-2929.06.2000 Z Z
Run=Dim as Black Soul Digital Dream RPG 02001-09-0606.09.2001 Z Z
Rune Jade Hudson Soft RPG 02000-08-2424.08.2000 Z Z
Runecaster Noisia RPG 02000-08-2424.08.2000 Z Z
Sakura Momoko Gekijou: Kojikoji Marvelous Entertainment Party game 02000-04-2020.04.2000 Z Z
Sakura Taisen: Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 Red Entertainment ReRéflexion 02000-01-0606.01.2000 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Red Entertainment RPGTactical-RPG 02000-05-2525.05.2000 Z Z
Sakura Taisen 2 Red Entertainment RPGTactical-RPG 02000-09-2121.09.2000 Z Z
Sakura Taisen 3: Paris ha moeteiruka OverWorks RPGTactical-RPG 02001-03-2222.03.2001 Z Z
Sakura Taisen 4: Koi seyo Otome OverWorks RPGTactical-RPG 02002-03-2121.03.2002 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Complete Box Red Entertainment Compilation 02002-03-2121.03.2002 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Kinematron Hanagumi Mail Red Entertainment Utilitaire (mail) 02000-12-2828.12.2000 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Online: Paris no Yûga na Hibi OverWorks Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 02001-12-2020.12.2001 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Online: Teito no Nagai Hibi OverWorks Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 02001-12-2020.12.2001 Z Z
Sakura Taisen Song Show Red Entertainment Z 02000-02-2424.02.2000 Z Z
Samba de Amigo Sonic Team RyRythme 02000-04-2727.04.2000 02000-10-1818.10.2000 02000-12-0808.12.2000
Samba de Amigo ver.2000 Sonic Team RyRythme 02000-12-1414.12.2000 Z Z
San Francisco Rush 2049 Midway Games Course / Action Z 02000-09-0606.09.2000 02000-09-2929.09.2000
Seaman Vivarium Simulation de vie 01999-07-2929.07.1999 02000-08-0808.08.2000 Z
Seaman 2001 Vivarium Simulation de vie 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Sega Bass Fishing[1] Sega-AM1 Sport (pêche) 01999-04-0101.04.1999 01999-09-3030.09.1999 01999-??-????.??.1999
Sega Bass Fishing 2 Wow Entertainment Sport (pêche) 02001-08-3030.08.2001 02001-08-2323.08.2001 Z
Sega Extreme Sports Innerloop Studios Sport (sport extrême) 02001-09-0606.09.2001 02000-11-2929.11.2000 02000-10-2727.10.2000
Sega GT Sega Course automobile 02000-02-1717.02.2000 02000-08-3030.08.2000 02000-12-0101.12.2000
Sega Marine Fishing Sega Sport (pêche) 02000-10-1919.10.2000 02000-10-1818.10.2000 Z
Sega Rally Championship 2 Sega-AM5 Course automobile 01999-01-2828.01.1999 01999-11-2424.11.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 Sega Compilation Z 02001-01-3131.01.2001 Z
Sega Swirl Tremor Entertainment ReRéflexion Z 02000-01-1212.01.2000 02000-??-????.??.2000
Sega Tetris Wow Entertainment ReRéflexion 02000-11-2323.11.2000 Z Z
Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000 Silicon Dreams Sport (football) Z Z 01999-12-0101.12.1999
Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000: Euro Edition Silicon Dreams Sport (football) Z Z 02000-??-????.??.2000
Seirai Hata RayBlade WinkySoft RPGTactical-RPG 02000-09-2828.09.2000 Z Z
Sengoku Turb NEC Interchannel ROPGAction-RPG 01999-01-1414.01.1999 Z Z
Sengoku Turb: Fanfan I love me Dance-doubletendre NEC Interchannel ROPGAction-RPG 01999-12-2323.12.1999 Z Z
Sentimental Graffiti: Yakusoku NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-12-2525.12.2003 Z Z
Sentimental Graffiti 2 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Seventh Cross Evolution NEC Interchannel RPG 01998-12-2323.12.1998 01999-12-2121.12.1999 Z
SGGG Hitmaker RPG 02001-03-2929.03.2001 Z Z
Shadow Man Acclaim Studios Austin Action Z 01999-11-3030.11.1999 01999-12-0909.12.1999
Shanghai Dynasty Success ReRéflexion (mah-jong) 02000-03-1616.03.2000 Z Z
Shenmue Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 01999-12-2929.12.1999 02000-11-1414.11.2000 02000-12-0101.12.2000
Shenmue II Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 02001-09-0606.09.2001 Z 02001-11-3030.11.2001
Shikigami no Shiro II Alfa System Shoot them up 02004-03-2525.03.2004 Z Z
Shin Honkaku Hanafuda Altron ReRéflexion (hanafuda) 01999-07-2222.07.1999 Z Z
Shirotsume Kusa Hanashi: Episode of the Clovers NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02003-06-2626.06.2003 Z Z
Shokora: Maid Cafe Curio HuneX Visual novel 02003-12-2525.12.2003 Z Z
Silent Scope Konami Shoot them up (rail shooter) 02000-10-1212.10.2000 02000-10-2525.10.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000
Silver Spiral House ROPGAction-RPG Z 02000-06-2828.06.2000 02000-06-2323.06.2000
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 1 - The Renai Adventure: Bitter Sweet Fools HuneX Visual novel 02002-08-2929.08.2002 Z Z
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 2 - The Renai Simulation: Natsuiro Celebration HuneX Visual novel 02002-09-2626.09.2002 Z Z
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 3 - The Renai Simulation 2: Fureai HuneX Visual novel 02002-09-2626.09.2002 Z Z
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 4 - The Renai Adventure: Okaeri!! HuneX Visual novel 02002-09-2626.09.2002 Z Z
Sister Princess Premium Edition MediaWorks Visual novel 02002-03-2828.03.2002 Z Z
Skies of Arcadia OverWorks RPG 02000-10-0505.10.2000 02000-11-1515.11.2000 02001-04-2727.04.2001
Slave Zero Infogrames Action Z 01999-11-1717.11.1999 02000-03-????.03.2000
SnoCross Championship Racing Unique Development Course nautique Z 02000-11-3030.11.2000 02001-02-0202.02.2001
Snow Studio Mebius Visual novel 02003-09-2525.09.2003 Z Z
Snow Surfers UEP Systems Sport de glisse (snowboard) 01999-08-2626.08.1999 01999-11-1010.11.1999 02000-??-????.??.2000
Soldier of Fortune Raven Software FPS Z 02001-07-2424.07.2001 02001-08-2121.08.2001
Sonic Adventure Sonic Team Plates-formes 01998-12-2323.12.1998 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic Team Plates-formes 02001-06-2323.06.2001 02001-06-1919.06.2001 02001-06-2323.06.2001
Sonic Shuffle Sonic Team Party game 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02000-11-1515.11.2000 02001-03-0909.03.2001
Sorcerian: Apprentice of Seven Star Magic Falcom ROPGAction-RPG 02000-04-2727.04.2000 Z Z
Soul Calibur Namco Combat 3D 01999-08-0505.08.1999 01999-09-0707.09.1999 01999-11-1515.11.1999
Soul Fighter Tokaï Beat them all Z 01999-11-2323.11.1999 02000-02-????.02.2000
Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain Crystal Dynamics Action-aventure Z 02000-01-2727.01.2000 02000-01-2525.01.2000
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack Acclaim ReRéflexion Z 01999-11-2323.11.1999 01999-11-????.11.1999
South Park Rally Tantalus Interactive Course fantaisiste Z 02000-07-0101.07.2000 02000-07-0707.07.2000
Space Channel 5 United Game Artists RyRythme 01999-12-1616.12.1999 02000-06-0707.06.2000 02000-10-0606.10.2000
Space Channel 5 Part 2 United Game Artists RyRythme 02002-02-1414.02.2002 Z Z
Space Race Melbourne House Course fantaisiste Z 02000-11-2929.11.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand Capcom Action 02000-08-1010.08.2000 02000-10-2020.10.2000 02001-01-1919.01.2001
Spec Ops II: Omega Squad Rune Craft FPS tactique Z 02000-10-2626.10.2000 02001-11-3030.11.2001
Speed Devils Ubisoft Course automobile 01999-11-1818.11.1999 01999-10-3030.10.1999 01999-11-????.11.1999
Speed Devils Online Racing Ubisoft Course automobile Z 02000-12-1616.12.2000 02001-02-0202.02.2001
Spider-Man Neversoft Entertainment Action Z 02001-04-1818.04.2001 02001-09-1111.09.2001
Spirit of Speed 1937 Broadsword Interactive Course automobile 02001-04-0505.04.2001 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
Sports Jam Wow Entertainment Sport (multi-épreuves) 02001-04-1212.04.2001 02001-07-2020.07.2001 Z
Star Wars: Demolition Activision Action Z 02000-12-2121.12.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles LucasArts Entertainment Action Z 02000-10-1111.10.2000 02000-10-2020.10.2000
Star Wars Episode I: Racer LucasArts Entertainment Course futuriste Z 02000-04-0404.04.2000 02000-07-2727.07.2000
Starlancer Warthog Combat spatial Z 02000-11-2222.11.2000 02001-03-2323.03.2001
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom Combat 2D 01999-07-0808.07.1999 02000-05-1717.05.2000 02000-09-2929.09.2000
Street Fighter III - Third Strike: Fight for the Future Capcom Combat 2D 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-10-0505.10.2000 02000-12-1414.12.2000
Street Fighter III: Double Impact Capcom Combat 2D 01999-12-1616.12.1999 02000-06-2222.06.2000 02000-09-1515.09.2000
Stunt GP Team 17 Course automobile Z Z 02001-06-0808.06.2001
Stupid Invaders Xilam Aventure Z 02001-06-2222.06.2001 02001-05-0404.05.2001
Suigetsu Mayoi-Gokoro F&C Visual novel 02004-10-2828.10.2004 Z Z
Suika Princess Soft Visual novel 02002-07-1818.07.2002 Z Z
Sunrise Eiyûtan Atelier-Sai RPGTactical-RPG 01999-12-0202.12.1999 Z Z
Super Euro Soccer 2000 Imagineer Sport (football) 02000-04-0606.04.2000 Z Z
Super Magnetic Neo Genki Plates-formes 02000-02-0303.02.2000 02000-06-1414.06.2000 02000-05-3131.05.2000
Super Producers Hudson Soft Simulation de vie 01999-11-1111.11.1999 Z Z
Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service Capcom ReRéflexion 02001-07-0505.07.2001 Z Z
Super Robot Taisen Alpha Banpresto RPGTactical-RPG 02001-08-3030.08.2001 Z Z
Super Runabout Climax Entertainment Course / Action 02000-05-2525.05.2000 Z Z
Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition Climax Entertainment Course / Action 02001-06-2121.06.2001 02000-10-2525.10.2000 02000-12-0808.12.2000
Surf Rocket Racers CRI Course nautique 02001-03-2222.03.2001 02001-02-2828.02.2001 02001-03-0101.03.2001
Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service Capcom Combat 2D 02000-12-2222.12.2000 Z Z
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing Criterion Games Course de moto 01999-04-2929.04.1999 01999-11-1010.11.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Sweet Season Takuyo Visual novel 02003-10-2323.10.2003 Z Z
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage[1] Yuke's Media Creation Action 01999-12-1616.12.1999 02000-03-1515.03.2000 02001-05-1919.05.2001
Sydney 2000 Attention to Detail Sport (athlétisme) 02000-10-2626.10.2000 02000-08-3030.08.2000 02000-09-0101.09.2000
Taisen Net Gimmick: Capcom & Psikyo All Stars Psikyo Jeu de société 02001-06-2828.06.2001 Z Z
Tako no Marine MicroCabin Jeu de société 02002-05-1616.05.2002 Z Z
Tamakyuu NEC Interchannel Visual novel 02004-01-2929.01.2004 Z Z
Tanaka Torahiko no Uru Toraryû Shôgi Arc System Works Jeu de société 01999-11-1111.11.1999 Z Z
Tanteishinshi Dash! Abel Visual novel 02000-12-2121.12.2000 Z Z
Taxi 2[2] Blue Sphere Course automobile Z Z 02000-12-????.12.2000
Tech Romancer Capcom Combat 3D 02000-01-1313.01.2000 02000-06-1414.06.2000 02000-07-0707.07.2000
Tee Off Golf Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 01999-12-0909.12.1999 02000-01-1212.01.2000 02000-01-1515.01.2000
Tenohirao, Taiyouni Princess Soft Visual novel 02004-03-2525.03.2004 Z Z
Tentama: 1st Sunny side KID Visual novel 02001-10-2525.10.2001 Z Z
Test Drive 6 Pitbull Syndicate Course automobile Z 01999-12-1515.12.1999 Z
Tetris 4D Bullet-Proof Software ReRéflexion 01998-12-2323.12.1998 Z Z
Time Stalkers Climax Entertainment RPG 01999-09-1515.09.1999 02000-03-2929.03.2000 02000-11-1010.11.2000
Tokusatsu Bouken Katsugeki Super Hero Retsuden Banpresto Action 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Tokyo Bus Guide Fortyfive Simulation de bus 01999-12-2323.12.1999 Z Z
Tokyo Bus Guide: With Bijin Bus Guide Fortyfive Simulation de bus 02000-12-2121.12.2000 Z Z
Tokyo Highway Challenge Genki Course automobile 01999-06-2424.06.1999 01999-09-0909.09.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Tokyo Highway Challenge 2 Genki Course automobile 02000-06-2222.06.2000 02000-09-2727.09.2000 02000-12-2222.12.2000
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Pipedream Interactive FPS tactique Z 02000-05-0909.05.2000 02001-01-1919.01.2001
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Pipedream Interactive FPS tactique Z 02000-11-2121.11.2000 02001-05-0404.05.2001
Tomb Raider : la Révélation finale Core Design Action-aventure 02000-07-1919.07.2000 02000-03-2525.03.2000 02000-03-0909.03.2000
Tomb Raider : Sur les traces de Lara Croft Core Design Action-aventure Z 02000-11-2424.11.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Tony Hawk's Skateboarding Neversoft Entertainment Sport de glisse (skateboard) Z 02000-05-2424.05.2000 02000-01-0101.01.2000
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Neversoft Entertainment Sport de glisse (skateboard) Z 02000-11-0808.11.2000 02000-12-1515.12.2000
Toukon Retsuden 4 Yuke's Media Creation Combat 3D (catch) 01999-09-0202.09.1999 Z Z
Toy Commander No Cliché Action 02000-01-0606.01.2000 01999-11-0404.11.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Toy Racer No Cliché Course fantaisiste Z Z 02000-12-2222.12.2000
Toy Story 2 : Buzz l'Éclair à la rescousse Disney Interactive Studios Action Z 02000-06-2929.06.2000 02000-11-1717.11.2000
Treasure Strike H.A.N.D Action 02000-02-1717.02.2000 Z Z
TrickStyle Criterion Games Sport de glisse (hoverboard) Z 01999-08-3131.08.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Tricolore Crise Victor Interactive RPG 02000-11-0909.11.2000 Z Z
Trigger Heart Exelica Warashi Shoot them up 02007-02-2222.02.2007 Z Z
Trizeal Triangle Service Shoot them up 02005-04-0707.04.2005 Z Z
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Ha wa Nishi na : Operation Sanctuary HuneX Visual novel 02004-06-2424.06.2004 Z Z
Twinkle Star Sprites SNK Shoot them up 02000-03-2323.03.2000 Z Z
Typing of the Date Hudson Soft Ludo-éducatif 02001-09-2727.09.2001 Z Z
Typing of the Dead, The Smilebit Action 02000-03-3030.03.2000 02001-01-2525.01.2001 Z
UEFA Dream Soccer Silicon Dreams Sport (football) Z Z 02000-12-0808.12.2000
UEFA Striker Rage Software Sport (football) 02000-04-0606.04.2000 02000-05-3131.05.2000 01999-10-1515.10.1999
Ultimate Fighting Championship Anchor Combat 3D (free fight) 02001-01-2525.01.2001 02000-08-3030.08.2000 01999-12-0808.12.1999
Under Defeat G.rev Shoot them up 02006-03-2323.03.2006 Z Z
UnderCover AD2025 Kei Pulse Interactive Action-aventure 02000-01-2727.01.2000 01999-12-3131.12.1999 Z
Unreal Tournament Secret Level Games FPS Z 02001-03-1313.03.2001 02001-06-2929.06.2001
Urban Chaos Mucky Foot Action Z 02000-10-2121.10.2000 02000-10-0606.10.2000
US Shenmue Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 02001-07-0505.07.2001 Z Z
Utau Tumbling Dice Ecole Visual novel 02004-06-2424.06.2004 Z Z
Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service Capcom Combat 2D 02000-08-1010.08.2000 Z Z
Vanishing Point Clockwork Games Course automobile Z 02000-12-1212.12.2000 02001-02-2626.02.2001
Vermillion Desert River Hill Software Stratégie en temps réel 01999-12-0202.12.1999 Z Z
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Luxoflux Course / Action 02000-03-2323.03.2000 01999-12-2222.12.1999 01999-??-????.??.1999
Virtua Athlete 2K Hitmaker Sport (athlétisme) 02000-07-2727.07.2000 02000-09-1313.09.2000 02000-09-0101.09.2000
Virtua Cop 2 Sega-AM2 Shoot them up (rail shooter) 02000-03-0202.03.2000 Z Z
Virtua Fighter 3tb Sega-AM2 Combat 3D 01998-11-2727.11.1998 01999-10-1919.10.1999 01999-10-1414.10.1999
Virtua Striker 2 ver.2000.1 Sega-AM2 Sport (football) 01999-12-0202.12.1999 02000-03-1515.03.2000 02000-01-????.01.2000
Virtua Tennis Hitmaker Sport (tennis) 02000-11-2323.11.2000 02000-07-1212.07.2000 02000-09-0808.09.2000
Virtua Tennis 2 Hitmaker Sport (tennis) 02001-11-1515.11.2001 02001-10-2424.10.2001 02001-11-2323.11.2001
Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram Hitmaker Combat 3D 01999-12-0909.12.1999 02000-06-1414.06.2000 Z
V-Rally 2: Expert Edition Eden Studios Course automobile Z 02000-07-0202.07.2000 02000-05-2424.05.2000
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour Crystal Dynamics Course fantaisiste Z 02000-07-1919.07.2000 02000-08-1818.08.2000
Weakness Hero Torauman Fortyfive Action 02002-02-2828.02.2002 Z Z
Web Mystery: Yochi Yume o Kenru Neko Studio Mebius Aventure 01999-04-2222.04.1999 Z Z
Wetrix+ Zed Two ReRéflexion Z 02000-01-0505.01.2000 02000-04-0707.04.2000
Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? Berkeley Systems Party game (culture gén.) Z 02000-12-0101.12.2000 Z
Wild Metal Rockstar North Action Z 02000-02-0101.02.2000 02000-02-????.02.2000
Wind: A Breath of Heart Alchemist Visual novel 02003-01-3030.01.2003 Z Z
Winning Post 4: Program 2000 Koei Gestion (équitation) 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
World Neverland 2 Plus: The Waktic Republic of Pluto River Hill Software Gestion 02000-03-3030.03.2000 Z Z
World Neverland Plus: The Olerud Kingdom Stories River Hill Software Gestion 01999-07-1515.07.1999 Z Z
World Series Baseball 2K1 Sega-AM1 Sport (baseball) 02001-03-2222.03.2001 02000-07-2121.07.2000 Z
World Series Baseball 2K2 Sega-AM1 Sport (baseball) 02002-04-1818.04.2002 02001-08-1515.08.2001 Z
Worms Armageddon Team 17 Stratégie au tour par tour Z 01999-12-1111.12.1999 01999-11-3030.11.1999
Worms World Party Team 17 Stratégie au tour par tour Z 02001-06-0505.06.2001 02001-04-2727.04.2001
WWF Attitude Acclaim Studios Austin Combat 3D (catch) Z 01999-11-1111.11.1999 01999-11-1818.11.1999
WWF Royal Rumble THQ Combat 3D (catch) 02001-04-2626.04.2001 02000-08-1515.08.2000 02000-09-2222.09.2000
Yoshia no Oka de Nekoronde... Naxat Visual novel 02001-12-2020.12.2001 Z Z
Yu Suzuki Game Works Vol. 1 Sega-AM2 Compilation 02002-01-0202.01.2002 Z Z
Yukawa Moto Senmu no Okatara Ikushi Sega Aventure 01999-03-2020.03.1999 Z Z
Yuki Gatari Takuyo Visual novel 02002-12-2626.12.2002 Z Z
Yume no Tsubasa: Fate of Heart KID Visual novel 02001-07-2626.07.2001 Z Z
Yume Uma Ken '99 Internet Shangri-La Gestion (équitation) 01999-10-2121.10.1999 Z Z
Yuukyuu Gensou Kyoku 3: Perpetual Blue MediaWorks Simulation de vie 01999-12-2222.12.1999 Z Z
Zero Gunner 2 Psikyo Shoot them up 02001-09-0606.09.2001 Z Z
Zombie Revenge Sega Beat them all 01999-11-2525.11.1999 02000-01-2626.01.2000 02000-06-0909.06.2000
Zusar Vasar Real Vision Course / Action 02000-07-2727.07.2000 Z Z
Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Notes et références

  1. a, b et c Seulement sorti au Royaume-Uni pour l'Europe.
  2. Seulement sorti en France.

Voir aussi

  • Portail du jeu vidéo Portail du jeu vidéo
Ce document provient de « Liste de jeux Dreamcast ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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