- Liste de jeux Dreamcast par ordre alphabétique
Liste de jeux Dreamcast
Liste des jeux sortis sur Dreamcast.
Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Titre Développeur Type 0-9 102 Dalmatiens à la rescousse !, Les Crystal Dynamics Plates-formes 15.11.2000 20.12.2000 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker Sega-AM2 Course de camion 12.10.2000 13.03.2001 01.06.2001 21 -TwoOne- Princess Soft Visual novel 27.12.2001 24 Heures du Mans, Les Melbourne House Course automobile 15.03.2001 08.11.2000 17.11.2000 4 Wheel Thunder Kalisto Entertainment Course automobile 04.05.2000 09.06.2000 4x4 Evolution Terminal Reality Course automobile 31.10.2000 30.03.2001 90 minutes: Sega Championship Football Smilebit Sport (football) 07.02.2002 26.10.2001 A Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 System Soft Stratégie au tour par tour 26.04.2001 Advanced Daisenryaku: Sturm über Europa - Der deutsche Blitzkrieg System Soft Stratégie au tour par tour 22.06.2000 Aero Dancing I CRI Combat aérien 15.02.2001 Aero Dancing I: Jikai Sakuma de Machite Masen CRI Combat aérien 23.08.2001 Aero Dancing: Torodoki Taichou no Himitsu Disc CRI Combat aérien 20.01.2000 Aero Dancing: Todoroki Tsubasa No Hatsu Hikuo CRI Combat aérien 16.11.2000 AeroWings CRI Combat aérien 04.03.1999 13.09.1999 31.10.1999 AeroWings 2: Airstrike CRI Combat aérien 24.02.2000 09.08.2000 08.12.2000 After... Pione Soft Visual novel 26.02.2004 Aikagi NEC Interchannel Visual novel 07.08.2003 AIR Key Visual novel 20.09.2001 Alien Front Online Wow Entertainment Action 09.08.2001 Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Darkworks Survival horror 27.09.2001 22.06.2001 Angel Present NEC Interchannel Visual novel 12.04.2001 Angel Wish Pione Soft Visual novel 24.02.2005 Animastar Aki Corporation RPG 15.06.2000 Aqua GT East Point Software Course nautique 22.10.2000 Armada Metro 3D Action 26.11.1999 Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 3DO Company Action 01.11.2000 17.11.2000 Atari Anniversary Edition Digital Eclipse Compilation 29.06.2001 Atelier Marie & Elie: Salburg no Renkinjutsu Akira Kool Kizz Amusement Works RPG 15.11.2001 Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen OverWorks Jeu de société 23.09.1999 Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen BB OverWorks Jeu de société 31.10.2000 Aventures de Buzz l'Éclair, Les Traveller's Tales Action 05.10.2000 15.12.2000 B Bangai-O Treasure Shoot them up 09.12.1999 21.03.2001 20.10.2000 Baldr Force EXE Alchemist Shoot them up 28.10.2004 Bang! Gunship Elite Rayland Interactive Combat spatial 22.12.2000 Bass Rush Dream Visco Corporation Sport (pêche) 21.12.2000 Battle Beaster Studio Wonder Effect Simulation de combat 15.03.2001 BikkuriMan 2000: Viva! Festival! Sega Mini-jeux 02.05.2000 Black/Matrix Advanced NEC Interchannel Tactical-RPG 30.09.1999 Blue Sky Blue Reindeer Visual novel 26.06.2003 Blue Steel Variable Formula: Space Griffon Panther Software Action 03.11.1999 Blue Stinger Climax Entertainment Survival horror 25.03.1999 31.08.1999 14.10.1999 Blue Submarine 6: Time and Tide Sega Aventure 07.12.2000 Boko Yume no Tatsujin FujiCom Mini-jeux 24.01.2002 Boku Doraemon Sega RPG 25.01.2001 Boku no Tennis Jinsei Bimboosoft Sport (tennis) 20.09.2001 Boku to Bokura no Natsu KID Visual novel 26.09.2002 Bomber Hehhe! FujiCom Action 10.01.2002 Bomberman Online Hudson Soft Action 01.11.2001 Border Down G.rev Shoot them up 25.09.2003 Bounty Hunter Sara Flagship Aventure (digital comics) 24.05.2001 Buggy Heat CRI Course automobile 08.07.1999 09.09.1999 02.11.1999 Bust-a-Move 4 Taito Réflexion 16.03.2000 01.06.2000 09.06.2000 C Caesar's Palace 2000 Runecraft Jeu de hasard (Casino) 20.09.2000 16.06.2000 Cafe Little Wish: Mahou no Recipe Princess Soft Visual novel 29.05.2003 Candy Stripe Wow Entertainment Visual novel 25.10.2001 Cannon Spike Psykio Shoot them up (run and gun) 21.12.2000 17.11.2000 03.05.2002 Canvas: Motif of Sepia Color NEC Interchannel Visual novel 05.04.2001 Canary: Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete NEC Interchannel Visual novel 23.08.2001 Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Capcom Combat 2D 06.09.2000 09.11.2000 15.12.2000 Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro Capcom Combat 2D 14.06.2001 Capcom VS. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 Capcom Combat 2D 13.09.2001 Card Captor Sakura: Tomoyo no Video Taisakusen Sega Rosso Visual novel 28.12.2000 Card of Destiny: Hikari to Yami no Tougoumono Abel RPG 28.03.2002 Carrier[1] Jaleco Survival horror 24.02.2000 01.03.2000 29.06.2001 CART Flag to Flag Sega Course automobile 25.03.1999 08.09.1999 Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen Studio e-go RPG 11.07.2002 Centipede Leaping Lizard Shoot them up 20.11.1999 Championship Surfer Krome Studios Sport de glisse (snowboard) 06.12.2000 10.08.2001 Chaos Field Milestone Shoot them up 16.12.2004 Charge'n Blast CRI Shoot them up (run and gun) 07.12.2000 07.02.2001 29.06.2001 Cherry Blossom Takuyo Visual novel 28.04.2004 Chicken Run Blitz Games Action 20.11.2000 24.11.2000 Chou-Hatsumei Boy Kanipan Sega RPG 08.07.1999 Choukousenki Kikaioh for Matching Service Capcom Combat 3D 18.01.2001 Christmas Seaman Vivarium Simulation de vie 16.12.1999 ChuChu Rocket! Sonic Team Réflexion 11.11.1999 08.03.2000 09.06.2000 Cleopatra Fortune Altron Réflexion 21.06.2001 Close to: Inori no Oka KID Visual novel 19.04.2001 Coaster Works Bimboosoft Gestion (fête foraine) 09.12.1999 18.05.2001 29.06.2001 Comic Party Aquaplus Visual novel 09.08.2001 Communication Logic Battle Daisessen Fortyfive Réflexion 11.05.2000 Confidential Mission Hitmaker Shoot them up (rail shooter) 14.06.2001 29.05.2001 14.05.2001 Conflict Zone Mathématiques Appliquées Stratégie en temps réel 21.12.2001 10.05.2002 Cool Cool Toon SNK Rythme 10.08.2000 Cosmic Smash Sega Rosso Sport futuriste (squash) 13.09.2001 Cool Herders HarmlessLion Réflexion 15.12.2005 15.12.2005 15.12.2005 CR Hissatsu Konjin Pachittechnomage @ VPACHI Hackberry Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 02.08.2001 Crazy Taxi Hitmaker Course / Action 27.01.2000 01.02.2000 25.02.2000 Crazy Taxi 2 Hitmaker Course / Action 31.05.2001 30.05.2001 06.07.2001 Culdcept II Omiya Soft Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 12.07.2001 D D2 WARP Survival horror 23.12.1999 22.08.2000 D+Vine (Luv) Princess Soft Visual novel 25.10.2001 Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix Dreamcast Edition Konami Rythme 17.02.2000 Dance Dance Revolution Club Version Dreamcast Edition Konami Rythme 27.04.2000 Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi! Kanzenban Konami Aventure 02.09.1999 Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi II Konami Aventure 30.09.1999 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Z-Axis Sport (BMX) 22.11.2000 08.11.2000 Daytona USA 2001 Amusement Vision Course automobile 21.12.2000 13.03.2001 11.05.2001 Dead or Alive 2 Tecmo Combat 3D 28.09.2000 14.03.2000 15.07.2000 Deadly Skies Konami Combat aérien 29.07.1999 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Death Crimson 2 Ecole Shoot them up (rail shooter) 25.11.1999 Death Crimson OX Ecole Shoot them up (rail shooter) 10.05.2001 08.08.2001 Deep Fighter Criterion Games Action 22.08.2000 22.09.2000 Dejiko No Maibura ISAO Utilitaire (navigateur internet) 14.12.2000 De La Jet Set Radio Smilebit Action 01.01.2001 Demolition Racer: No Exit Pitbull Interactive Course automobile 23.10.2000 Dengen Tenshi Taisen Mahjong: Shangri-La Marvelous Entertainment Réflexion (mah-jong) 25.11.1999 Denpa Shounen-teki Kenshou Seikatsu Hudson Soft Simulation de vie 22.07.1999 Densha de GO! 2: 3000 Taito Simulation de train 20.01.2000 Derby Tsuku Smilebit Gestion (équitation) 27.07.2000 Derby Tsuku 2 Smilebit Gestion (équitation) 09.08.2001 deSpiria Atlus Aventure 21.09.2000 DiGiCharat Fantasy Broccoli Visual novel 06.09.2001 Digital Keiba Shinbun Maitorakkuman Shouei Sport (équitation) 08.04.1999 Dino Crisis Capcom Survival horror 06.09.2000 17.11.2000 22.12.2000 Disney's Dinosaure Ubisoft Action 24.11.2000 24.11.2000 Dogu Senki Victor Interactive Action 10.08.2000 Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker Remix G.rev Réflexion 31.01.2002 Donald Couac Attack ! Ubisoft Plates-formes 16.12.2000 15.12.2000 Dousoukai 2: Again & Refrain NEC Interchannel Visual novel 27.06.2002 Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern Ubisoft Action-aventure 08.08.2001 11.01.2002 Dragon's Blood Treyarch Action 21.06.2000 16.06.2000 Dream Flyer Sega Utilitaire (mail) 09.12.1999 Dreamstudio Sega Utilitaire (développement) 09.11.2000 Ducati World Racing Challenge Attention to Detail Course de moto 06.03.2001 09.03.2001 Dynamite Cop Sega-AM1 Beat them all 27.05.1999 03.11.1999 14.10.1999 E Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future Appaloosa Interactive Action-aventure 25.01.2001 15.08.2000 16.06.2000 ECW Anarchy Rulz Acclaim Combat 3D (catch) 16.08.2000 01.09.2000 ECW Hardcore Revolution Acclaim Combat 3D (catch) 29.02.2000 01.03.2000 Eisei Meijin 3: Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou Konami CE Tokyo Mini-jeux 08.07.1999 Eldorado Gate Vol. 1 Capcom RPG 10.10.2000 Eldorado Gate Vol. 2 Capcom RPG 12.12.2000 Eldorado Gate Vol. 3 Capcom RPG 02.02.2001 Eldorado Gate Vol. 4 Capcom RPG 12.04.2001 Eldorado Gate Vol. 5 Capcom RPG 06.06.2001 Eldorado Gate Vol. 6 Capcom RPG 08.08.2001 Eldorado Gate Vol. 7 Capcom RPG 10.10.2001 Elemental Gimmick Gear Hudson Soft Action-RPG 27.05.1999 29.12.1999 Elysion NEC Interchannel Visual novel 25.07.2002 Erde KID Visual novel 07.08.2003 es TV Asahi Aventure 05.04.2001 ESPN International Track & Field Konami Sport (athlétisme) 31.08.2000 28.09.2000 22.09.2000 ESPN NBA 2 Night Sunset Entertainment Sport (basket-ball) 15.11.2000 European Super League Crimson Sport (football) 02.03.2001 Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter NetVillage Aventure 22.03.2001 Ever 17: The Out of Infinity KID Visual novel 29.08.2002 Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - Premium Edition KID Visual novel 27.11.2003 Evil Dead: Hail to the King Heavy Iron Studios Survival horror 20.12.2000 20.06.2001 Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles In Utero Plates-formes 11.01.2002 Evolution: The World of Sacred Device Sting RPG 21.01.1999 16.12.1999 06.2000 ??.Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sting RPG 23.12.1999 29.06.2000 23.11.2001 Exhibition of Speed Titus Interactive Course automobile 16.09.2001 30.05.2001 Exodus Guilty Neos Abel RPG 31.05.2001 F F1 Racing Championship Video System Course automobile (F1) 02.02.2001 F1 World Grand Prix Video System Course automobile (F1) 25.11.1999 26.04.2000 16.06.2000 F1 World Grand Prix II Video System Course automobile (F1) 22.11.2000 01.12.2000 F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa Sega-AM2 Course automobile 03.08.2000 18.09.2000 20.10.2000 Fighting Force 2 Core Design Beat them all 30.11.1999 12.1999 ??.Fighting Vipers 2 Sega-AM2 Combat 3D 18.01.2001 02.03.2001 Fire ProWrestling D Spike Co. Combat 3D (catch) 01.03.2001 First Kiss Monogatari 2 Broccoli Visual novel 08.08.2002 Floigan Brothers Visual Concepts Action-aventure 02.08.2001 23.11.2001 For Symphony: With All One's Heart Takuyo Visual novel 31.07.2003 Fous du Volant, Les Infogrames Course fantaisiste 29.06.2000 28.06.2000 Fragrance Tale Takuyo Aventure 26.07.2001 Frame Gride From Software Action 15.07.1999 Freestyle Scooter Shaba Games Sport de glisse (trotinette) 09.08.2001 03.05.2002 Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge Blitz Games Action 30.09.2000 Fur Fighters Bizarre Creations Action 14.07.2000 23.06.2000 Fûrai no Syren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan ChunSoft RPG 07.02.2002 G Gaia Master Kessen! Seikiô Densetsu Capcom Jeu de société 28.06.2001 Gakkyuu O Yamakazi Sega Party game 23.12.1999 Garou: Mark of the Wolves SNK Combat 2D 27.09.2001 23.11.2001 Gauntlet Legends Midway Games Action 07.06.2000 21.07.2000 Get!! Colonies Sega Réflexion 30.03.2000 Giant Gram: All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 Sega-AM1 Combat 3D (catch) 24.06.1999 Giant Gram 2000: All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Wow Entertainment Combat 3D (catch) 10.08.2000 Giant Killers Smoking Gun Productions Gestion (football) 11.05.2001 Gigawing Takumi Shoot them up 11.11.1999 19.07.2000 20.10.2000 Gigawing 2 Takumi Shoot them up 18.01.2001 18.05.2001 Godzilla Generations General Entertainment Action 27.11.1998 Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact General Entertainment Action 23.12.1999 Golem no Maigo Caramel Pot Réflexion 24.02.2000 Golf Shiyouyo 2: Aratanaru Chousen Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 25.01.2001 Golf Shiyouyo Adventure Hen Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 03.08.2000 Golf Shiyouyo Kouryaku Pack Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 01.06.2000 Grand Theft Auto 2 DMA Design Action 02.05.2000 28.07.2000 Grandia II Game Arts RPG 03.08.2000 06.12.2000 23.02.2001 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 1: Keiyaku Sega Aventure 30.09.1999 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 2: Torikago Sega Aventure 25.11.1999 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 3: Kansei Sega Aventure 27.01.2000 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 4: Kaikou Sega Aventure 30.03.2000 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 5: Shoukuzai Sega Aventure 25.05.2000 Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 6: Senritsu Sega Aventure 27.07.2000 Grinch, The Konami Action-aventure 07.12.2000 12.2000 ??.Guilty Gear X Arc System Works Combat 2D 14.12.2000 Gunbird 2 Psykio Shoot them up 09.03.2000 17.11.2000 02.02.2001 Gundam Battle Online Bandai Stratégie en temps réel 28.06.2001 Guru Guru Onsen 2 OverWorks Jeu de société 09.08.2001 Guru Guru Onsen 3 OverWorks Jeu de société 14.03.2002 H Happy Breeding Purple Software Visual novel 27.02.2003 Happy Lesson Datam Polystar Visual novel 26.04.2001 Happy Lesson: First Lesson Datam Polystar Visual novel 28.09.2000 Harusame Youbi Sims Visual novel 22.03.2001 Headhunter Amuze Action 16.11.2001 Heavy Metal: Geomatrix Capcom Action 12.07.2001 19.09.2001 12.05.2002 Hello Kitty Lovely Fruit Park Sega Réflexion 25.11.1999 Hello Kitty Magical Block Sega Réflexion 30.03.2000 Hello Kitty no Onnaru Mail Sega Réflexion 13.04.2000 Hello Kitty no Waku Waku Quiz Sega Réflexion 10.08.2000 Hidden & Dangerous Illusion Softworks FPS tactique 01.08.2000 08.09.2000 Himitsu: Tadagaita Natsu Starfish Visual novel 26.07.2001 Historical Mystery Adventure Troia 1186 B.C. TBS Stratégie en temps réel 22.07.1999 House of the Dead 2, The Sega-AM1 Shoot them up (rail shooter) 25.03.1999 09.09.1999 29.10.1999 Hoyle Casino Sierra Entertainment Jeu de hasard (Casino) 29.09.2000 Hundred Swords Smilebit Stratégie en temps réel 15.02.2001 Hydro Thunder Eurocom Course nautique 08.09.1999 24.10.1999 I Idol Janshi wo Tsukucchaou Jaleco Réflexion (mah-jong) 23.09.1999 Ikaruga Treasure Shoot them up 05.09.2002 Illbleed Climax Entertainment Survival horror 29.03.2001 16.04.2001 Incoming Rage Software Action 17.12.1998 01.12.1999 14.10.2000 Industrial Spy: Operation espionage NEC Interchannel Action-RPG 23.09.1999 01.06.2000 Interlude NEC Interchannel Visual novel 13.03.2003 Iris KID Visual novel 07.08.2003 Iron Aces Marionette Combat aérien 29.06.2000 06.02.2001 29.06.2001 Izumo Studio e-go Visual novel 29.01.2004 J Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Acclaim Course de motocross 09.08.2000 08.09.2000 Jet Coaster Dream 2 Bimboosoft Gestion (fête foraine) 02.11.2000 Jet Set Radio Smilebit Action 29.06.2000 01.11.2000 24.11.2000 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Dreamcast Edition Konami Sport (baseball) 30.03.2000 Jimmy White's 2: Cueball Awesome Developments Sport (billard) 07.01.2000 Jinsei Game for Dreamcast Takara Jeu de société 22.06.2000 Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou!@Vpachi Kingdom MaxBet Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 28.09.2000 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Capcom Combat 3D 25.11.1999 29.04.2000 05.2000 ??.Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for Matching Service Capcom Combat 3D 26.10.2000 July Fortyfive Aventure 27.11.1998 K Kaen Seibo: The Virgin on Megiddo Studio Line Visual novel 02.08.2001 Kaitou Apricot Takuyo Visual novel 06.03.2003 Kaze no Uta Milk Soft Visual novel 15.04.2004 Kanon Key Visual novel 14.09.2000 Kao le kangourou X-Ray Interactive Plates-formes 20.02.2001 08.12.2000 Karous Milestone Shoot them up 08.03.2007 Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Alchemist Visual novel 26.09.2002 King of Fighters Dream Match 1999, The SNK Combat 2D 24.06.1999 King of Fighters '99 Evolution, The SNK Combat 2D 30.03.2000 12.12.2000 King of Fighters 2000, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 08.08.2002 King of Fighters 2001, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 26.12.2002 King of Fighters 2002, The SNK Playmore Combat 2D 19.06.2003 KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child Tremor Entertainment FPS 31.10.2000 19.01.2001 Kita He: Photo Memories Hudson Soft Visual novel 05.08.1999 Kita He: White Illumination Hudson Soft Visual novel 18.03.1999 Kitaihei Gold NetVillage Jeu de société 18.11.1999 Kiteretsu Shounen's Gangagan Sega Action 27.04.2000 Konohana: TrueReport Success Aventure 26.04.2001 Konohana 2: Todoke Kanai Requiem Success Aventure 28.11.2002 Koun no Kizuna Sairinsyo FOG Visual novel 18.05.2000 L Lack of Love ASCII Entertainment RPG 02.11.2000 Lake Masters Pro Dreamcast Plus Dazz Sport (pêche) 23.03.2000 Langrisser Millenium: The Birthday Eve Nippon Computer System Tactical-RPG 03.11.1999 Last Blade 2, The: Final Edition SNK Combat 2D 21.12.2000 08.08.2001 Last Hope NG.Dev.Team Shoot them up 01.02.2007 Let's Make Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 05.08.1999 Let's Make More Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 28.09.2000 Let's Make Professional Baseball Team and Play Ball! Smilebit Gestion (baseball) 30.08.2001 Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club! Smilebit Gestion (football) 30.09.1999 Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club!: Saka-Tsuku Special Ed. Smilebit Gestion (football) 21.12.2000 Let's Make J-League Professional Soccer Club! 2 Smilebit Gestion (football) 13.12.2001 Let's Play with Japanese Professional Baseball Team! Smilebit Sport (baseball) 23.12.1999 Let's Play with Japanese Professional Baseball Team on Net! Smilebit Sport (baseball) 10.08.2000 Love Hina: Smile Again Sega Visual novel 29.03.2001 Love Hina: Totsuzen no Engeji Happening Sega Visual novel 28.09.2000 M Maborosi Tukiyo Sims Co. Visual novel 23.09.1999 Macross M3 Shoeisha Action 22.02.2001 Magforce Racing VCC Entertainment Course futuriste 21.07.2000 25.08.2000 Ma-Gi: Marginal Princess Soft Visual novel 17.07.2003 Magic: The Gathering Sega Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 28.06.2001 Mahjong Taikai II Special Koei Réflexion (mah-jong) 04.03.1999 Majo no Ochakai NEC Interchannel Visual novel 26.06.2003 Maken X Atlus Action 25.11.1999 2?.04.2000 04.07.2000 Maqiupai JMD Réflexion (mah-jong) 19.01.2005 19.01.2005 Marionette Company MicroCabin Visual novel 07.10.1999 Marionette Company 2 Chu! MicroCabin Visual novel 18.05.2000 Marionette Handler Micronet Simulation de robots 29.07.1999 Marionette Handler 2 Micronet Simulation de robots 09.11.2000 Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting Takumi Shoot them up 09.11.2000 27.04.2001 Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Capcom Combat 2D 25.03.1999 07.10.1999 23.06.2000 Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Capcom Combat 2D 30.03.2000 29.06.2000 16.07.2000 Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Runecraft Sport (BMX) 13.09.2001 Max Steel: Covert Missions Treyarch Action 07.12.2000 Maximum Pool Dynamix Sport (billard) 07.11.2000 MDK 2 BioWare Action 31.03.2000 09.06.2000 Mei*Puru Princess Soft Visual novel 24.10.2002 Memories Off 2nd KID Visual novel 27.09.2001 Memories Off Complete KID Visual novel 29.06.2000 Mercurious Pretty: End of the Century NEC Interchannel Visual novel 16.11.2000 Metal Wolf Princess Soft Visual novel 27.06.2002 Metropolis Street Racer Bizarre Creations Course automobile 16.01.2001 03.11.2000 Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 1 Digital Eclipse Compilation 29.06.2000 28.07.2000 Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 2 Digital Eclipse Compilation 15.11.2001 Milky Season KID Visual novel 28.02.2002 Millennium Soldier: Expendable Rage Software Shoot them up (run and gun) 24.06.1999 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Miss Moonlight Naxat Aventure 21.06.2001 Missing Parts FOG Aventure 17.01.2002 Missing Parts 2 FOG Aventure 24.10.2002 Missing Parts 3 FOG Aventure 31.07.2003 Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon DX Bandai Action 11.04.2002 Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Greed - Blood of Zeon Bandai Stratégie au tour par tour 29.06.2000 Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From the Ashes Bandai Action 26.08.1999 28.04.2000 Moekan Princess Soft Visual novel 25.12.2003 MoHo Lost Toys Action 24.12.2000 Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 Ubisoft Course automobile 11.03.1999 09.09.1999 02.11.1999 Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 Online Ubisoft Course automobile 23.11.2001 Morita no Saikyô Reversi Random House Jeu de société 15.04.1999 Morita no Saikyô Shôgi Random House Jeu de société 15.04.1999 Mortal Kombat Gold Eurocom Combat 3D 09.09.1999 10.1999 ??.Mr. Driller Namco Réflexion 29.06.2000 23.06.2000 08.12.2000 Ms Pac-Man: Maze Madness Namco Action 16.11.2000 MTV Sports: Skateboarding Darkblack Sport de glisse (skateboard) 18.10.2000 24.11.2000 Musapey's Choco Marker Ecole Réflexion 26.12.2002 Mizuiro NEC Interchannel Visual novel 07.03.2002 My Merry May KID Visual novel 25.04.2002 My Merry Maybe KID Visual novel 10.07.2003 N Nadesico the Mission Kadokawa Shoten Action-RPG 26.08.1999 Nakoruru: Anohito Kara no Okurimono Kool Kizz Amusement Works Visual novel 28.03.2002 Namco Museum Namco Compilation 26.07.2000 Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou Koei Action-aventure 20.01.2000 Napple Tale: Alisia in Daydream Sega Action-aventure 19.10.2000 NBA 2K Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 23.03.2000 10.11.1999 17.03.2000 NBA 2K1 Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 29.03.2001 01.11.2000 NBA 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (basket-ball) 23.05.2002 24.10.2001 08.03.2002 NBA Hoopz Midway Games Sport (basket-ball) 15.02.2001 13.04.2001 NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC Midway Games Sport (basket-ball) 17.11.1999 NCAA College Football 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 29.08.2001 Neo Golden Logres Success Flipper 26.10.2000 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ayanami Rei Ikusei Keikaku Broccoli Simulation de vie 18.04.2002 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Typing E-Plan Gainax Ludo-éducatif 19.04.2001 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Typing Hokan Keikaku Gainax Ludo-éducatif 30.08.2001 Neppachi Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 25.11.1999 Neppachi II Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 06.07.2000 Neppachi III Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 28.09.2000 Neppachi IV Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 14.12.2000 Neppachi V Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 14.12.2000 Neppachi VI Daikoku Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 15.02.2001 Net Versus Chess Atmark Réflexion (échecs) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Go Atmark Réflexion (jeu de go) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Hanafuda Atmark Réflexion (hanafuda) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Mahjong Atmark Réflexion (mah-jong) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Renju Gomoku Namebe Atmark Réflexion (morpion) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Reversi Atmark Réflexion (reversi) 24.05.2001 Net Versus Shôgi Atmark Réflexion (shôgi) 24.05.2001 Netto Golf Sega Sport (golf) 19.10.2000 Netto de Para Takuyo Simulation de vie 27.07.2000 Netto de Tennis Capcom Sport (tennis) 09.10.2000 Never 7: The End of Infinity KID Visual novel 21.12.2000 Next Tetris, The Blue Planet Software Réflexion 20.12.2000 05.2001 ??.NFL 2K Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 20.01.2000 09.09.1999 NFL 2K1 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 29.03.2001 07.09.2000 NFL 2K2 Visual Concepts Sport (football américain) 28.03.2002 19.09.2001 NFL Blitz 2000 Midway Games Sport (football américain) 07.09.1999 05.12.1999 NFL Blitz 2001 Midway Games Sport (football américain) 14.09.2000 NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Acclaim Sport (football américain) 30.09.1999 18.11.1999 NFL Quarterback Club 2001 Acclaim Sport (football américain) 24.08.2000 NHL 2K Treyarch Sport (hockey) 09.02.2000 07.07.2000 NHL 2K2 Treyarch Sport (hockey) 11.07.2002 14.02.2000 Nightmare Creatures II Kalisto Entertainment Survival horror 09.06.2000 22.09.2000 Nijyuei Princess Soft Visual novel 28.02.2002 Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Dankurai Nintei: Heisei Mahjong-Shou Micronet Réflexion (mah-jong) 26.10.2000 Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin Naxat Réflexion (mah-jong) 18.11.1999 Nobunaga's Ambition Reppûden Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 16.12.1999 Nobunaga's Ambition Shôseiroku Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 25.03.1999 Nomad Soul, The Quantic Dream Action-aventure 22.06.2000 31.03.2000 O Oh! My Goddess: Quiz Game Wow Entertainment Party game 30.11.2000 Omoide ni Kawaru-Kun: Memories Off KID Visual novel 28.11.2002 Onsei Ninshiki Mahjong: Jarman Visit Réflexion (mah-jong) 31.08.2000 Ooga Booga Visual Concepts Action 18.09.2001 Orange Pocket Cornetto Hook Software Creations Visual novel 28.04.2004 O.to.i.Re: Dreamcast Sequencer Waka Manufacturing Séquenceur musical 09.12.1999 Ouka Houshin: Oukasakishitoki MediaWorks Tactical-RPG 16.12.1999 Outtrigger Sega-AM2 Action 02.08.2001 26.07.2001 03.08.2001 P Pachinko no Dendou: CR Nanashi MicroCabin Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 04.10.2001 Pachi-Slot Teiô: Dream Slot Heiwa SP Media Entertainment Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 26.07.2001 Pachi-Slot Teiô: Dream Slot Olympia SP Media Entertainment Jeu de hasard (pachinko) 27.09.2001 Panzer Front ASCII Entertainment Action 22.12.1999 Pandora no Yume HuneX Visual novel 12.09.2002 Pata Pies! Sega 29.07.1999 Patisserie Nanyanko Kaga Tech Visual novel 22.09.2004 Pen Pen Tri-icelon General Entertainment Course fantaisiste 27.11.1998 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Phantasy Star Online Sonic Team RPG 21.12.2000 30.01.2001 23.02.2001 Phantasy Star Online ver.2 Sonic Team RPG 07.06.2001 25.09.2001 01.03.2002 Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 06.02.2003 Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2.5 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 21.06.2001 Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 3 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 27.03.2003 Pizzicato Polka: Suisei Genya Pajamas Soft Visual novel 17.06.2004 Planet Ring Sega Party game 12.2000 ??.Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein Capcom Combat 3D 09.12.1999 13.04.2000 25.08.2000 Plus Plumb Takuyo Réflexion 07.10.1999 Pocke-Kano: Yumi - Shuzika - Fumio Datam Polystar Visual novel 08.06.2000 POD 2 Ubisoft Course automobile 06.12.2000 14.12.2000 Pop'n Music Konami Rythme 25.02.1999 Pop'n Music 2 Konami Rythme 14.09.1999 Pop'n Music 3 Append Disc Konami Rythme 10.02.2000 Pop'n Music 4 Append Disc Konami Rythme 12.10.2000 Power Stone Capcom Combat 3D 25.02.1999 07.09.1999 14.10.1999 Power Stone 2 Capcom Combat 3D 27.04.2000 24.08.2000 22.09.2000 Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights Avalanche Software Action-aventure 05.12.2000 Princess Holiday, The Alchemist Visual novel 29.05.2003 Princess Maker Collection Gainax Simulation de vie 19.07.2001 Prism Heart KID Visual novel 29.11.2001 Prismaticallization Arc System Works Aventure 24.08.2000 Pro Mahjong Kiwame D Athena Réflexion (mah-jong) 30.03.2000 Pro Pinball Trilogy Cunning Developments Flipper 08.06.2001 Project Justice: Rivals Schools 2 Capcom Combat 3D 07.12.2000 18.05.2001 13.04.2001 Psychic Force 2012 Taito Combat 3D 04.03.1999 12.11.1999 2000 ??.??.Psychological Game, The Visit Réflexion 01.02.2001 Psyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate Skonec Shoot them up 26.02.2004 Puyo Puyo 4 Compile Réflexion 04.03.1999 Puyo Puyo Da! Compile Réflexion 16.12.1999 Puyo Pop Fever Sonic Team Réflexion 24.02.2004 Q Q*bert Pipedream Interactive Réflexion 06.12.2000 Quake III Arena Raster Productions FPS 21.10.2000 08.12.2000 Qui veut gagner des Millions ? Hothouse Creations Party game (culture gén.) 29.09.2000 R Radirgy Milestone Shoot them up 16.02.2006 Railroad Tycoon II Tremor Entertainment Gestion (entr. ferroviaire) 01.08.2000 10.11.2000 Rainbow Cotton Success Shoot them up 20.01.2000 Rayman 2: The Great Escape Ubi Soft France Plates-formes 23.03.2000 17.03.2000 23.03.2000 Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Midway Games Combat 3D (boxe) 13.01.2000 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 Midway Games Combat 3D (boxe) 25.10.2000 10.11.2000 10.11.2000 Real Sound: Kaze no Regret WARP Aventure 11.03.1999 Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Conspiracy Entertainment RPG 29.06.2000 16.03.2001 15.12.2000 Red Dog: Superior Firepower Argonaut Games Action 01.11.2000 04.2000 ??.Reel Fishing Wild Natsume Sport (pêche) 22.02.2001 27.07.2001 Renai CHU! Happy Perfect Saga Planets Visual novel 27.11.2003 Rent-A-Hero No. 1 Sega RPG 25.05.2000 Resident Evil 2 Capcom Survival horror 22.12.1999 15.12.2000 28.05.2000 Resident Evil 3 Capcom Survival horror 16.11.2000 17.11.2000 22.12.2000 Resident Evil: Code Veronica Capcom Survival horror 03.02.2000 17.11.2000 26.05.2000 Resident Evil: Code Veronica Complete Capcom Survival horror 22.03.2001 Revive Data East Aventure 28.10.1999 Re-Volt Probe Software Course / Action 13.07.2000 18.12.1999 1999 ??.??.Rez United Games Artists Shoot them up musical 22.11.2001 11.01.2002 Rhapsody of Zephyr, The Falcom RPG 22.02.2001 Ring, The: Terror's Realm Asmik Survival horror 24.02.2000 27.09.2000 Roadsters Titus Course automobile 16.03.2000 07.07.2000 Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI: Awakening of the Dragon Koei Stratégie au tour par tour 25.03.1999 Roommania #203 Wave Master Simulation de vie 27.01.2000 Roommate Asami: Okusama wa Joshi Kousei - Director's Edition Datam Polystar Visual novel 21.11.2002 Roommate Novel: Inoue Ryôko Datam Polystar Visual novel 05.07.2001 Roommate Novel: Inoue Ryôko - Rust Scene Datam Polystar Visual novel 08.11.2001 Roommate Novel: Sato Yuka Datam Polystar Visual novel 29.06.2000 Run=Dim as Black Soul Digital Dream RPG 06.09.2001 Rune Jade Hudson Soft RPG 24.08.2000 Runecaster Noisia RPG 24.08.2000 S Sakura Momoko Gekijou: Kojikoji Marvelous Entertainment Party game 20.04.2000 Sakura Taisen: Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 Red Entertainment Réflexion 06.01.2000 Sakura Taisen Red Entertainment Tactical-RPG 25.05.2000 Sakura Taisen 2 Red Entertainment Tactical-RPG 21.09.2000 Sakura Taisen 3: Paris ha moeteiruka OverWorks Tactical-RPG 22.03.2001 Sakura Taisen 4: Koi seyo Otome OverWorks Tactical-RPG 21.03.2002 Sakura Taisen Complete Box Red Entertainment Compilation 21.03.2002 Sakura Taisen Kinematron Hanagumi Mail Red Entertainment Utilitaire (mail) 28.12.2000 Sakura Taisen Online: Paris no Yûga na Hibi OverWorks Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 20.12.2001 Sakura Taisen Online: Teito no Nagai Hibi OverWorks Stratégie tour par t. (cartes) 20.12.2001 Sakura Taisen Song Show Red Entertainment 24.02.2000 Samba de Amigo Sonic Team Rythme 27.04.2000 18.10.2000 08.12.2000 Samba de Amigo ver.2000 Sonic Team Rythme 14.12.2000 San Francisco Rush 2049 Midway Games Course / Action 06.09.2000 29.09.2000 Seaman Vivarium Simulation de vie 29.07.1999 08.08.2000 Seaman 2001 Vivarium Simulation de vie 10.08.2000 Sega Bass Fishing[1] Sega-AM1 Sport (pêche) 01.04.1999 30.09.1999 1999 ??.??.Sega Bass Fishing 2 Wow Entertainment Sport (pêche) 30.08.2001 23.08.2001 Sega Extreme Sports Innerloop Studios Sport (sport extrême) 06.09.2001 29.11.2000 27.10.2000 Sega GT Sega Course automobile 17.02.2000 30.08.2000 01.12.2000 Sega Marine Fishing Sega Sport (pêche) 19.10.2000 18.10.2000 Sega Rally Championship 2 Sega-AM5 Course automobile 28.01.1999 24.11.1999 14.10.1999 Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 Sega Compilation 31.01.2001 Sega Swirl Tremor Entertainment Réflexion 12.01.2000 2000 ??.??.Sega Tetris Wow Entertainment Réflexion 23.11.2000 Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000 Silicon Dreams Sport (football) 01.12.1999 Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000: Euro Edition Silicon Dreams Sport (football) 2000 ??.??.Seirai Hata RayBlade WinkySoft Tactical-RPG 28.09.2000 Sengoku Turb NEC Interchannel Action-RPG 14.01.1999 Sengoku Turb: Fanfan I love me Dance-doubletendre NEC Interchannel Action-RPG 23.12.1999 Sentimental Graffiti: Yakusoku NEC Interchannel Visual novel 25.12.2003 Sentimental Graffiti 2 NEC Interchannel Visual novel 27.07.2000 Seventh Cross Evolution NEC Interchannel RPG 23.12.1998 21.12.1999 SGGG Hitmaker RPG 29.03.2001 Shadow Man Acclaim Studios Austin Action 30.11.1999 09.12.1999 Shanghai Dynasty Success Réflexion (mah-jong) 16.03.2000 Shenmue Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 29.12.1999 14.11.2000 01.12.2000 Shenmue II Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 06.09.2001 30.11.2001 Shikigami no Shiro II Alfa System Shoot them up 25.03.2004 Shin Honkaku Hanafuda Altron Réflexion (hanafuda) 22.07.1999 Shirotsume Kusa Hanashi: Episode of the Clovers NEC Interchannel Visual novel 26.06.2003 Shokora: Maid Cafe Curio HuneX Visual novel 25.12.2003 Silent Scope Konami Shoot them up (rail shooter) 12.10.2000 25.10.2000 17.11.2000 Silver Spiral House Action-RPG 28.06.2000 23.06.2000 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 1 - The Renai Adventure: Bitter Sweet Fools HuneX Visual novel 29.08.2002 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 2 - The Renai Simulation: Natsuiro Celebration HuneX Visual novel 26.09.2002 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 3 - The Renai Simulation 2: Fureai HuneX Visual novel 26.09.2002 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 4 - The Renai Adventure: Okaeri!! HuneX Visual novel 26.09.2002 Sister Princess Premium Edition MediaWorks Visual novel 28.03.2002 Skies of Arcadia OverWorks RPG 05.10.2000 15.11.2000 27.04.2001 Slave Zero Infogrames Action 17.11.1999 03.2000 ??.SnoCross Championship Racing Unique Development Course nautique 30.11.2000 02.02.2001 Snow Studio Mebius Visual novel 25.09.2003 Snow Surfers UEP Systems Sport de glisse (snowboard) 26.08.1999 10.11.1999 2000 ??.??.Soldier of Fortune Raven Software FPS 24.07.2001 21.08.2001 Sonic Adventure Sonic Team Plates-formes 23.12.1998 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic Team Plates-formes 23.06.2001 19.06.2001 23.06.2001 Sonic Shuffle Sonic Team Party game 21.12.2000 15.11.2000 09.03.2001 Sorcerian: Apprentice of Seven Star Magic Falcom Action-RPG 27.04.2000 Soul Calibur Namco Combat 3D 05.08.1999 07.09.1999 15.11.1999 Soul Fighter Tokaï Beat them all 23.11.1999 02.2000 ??.Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain Crystal Dynamics Action-aventure 27.01.2000 25.01.2000 South Park: Chef's Luv Shack Acclaim Réflexion 23.11.1999 11.1999 ??.South Park Rally Tantalus Interactive Course fantaisiste 01.07.2000 07.07.2000 Space Channel 5 United Game Artists Rythme 16.12.1999 07.06.2000 06.10.2000 Space Channel 5 Part 2 United Game Artists Rythme 14.02.2002 Space Race Melbourne House Course fantaisiste 29.11.2000 17.11.2000 Spawn: In the Demon's Hand Capcom Action 10.08.2000 20.10.2000 19.01.2001 Spec Ops II: Omega Squad Rune Craft FPS tactique 26.10.2000 30.11.2001 Speed Devils Ubisoft Course automobile 18.11.1999 30.10.1999 11.1999 ??.Speed Devils Online Racing Ubisoft Course automobile 16.12.2000 02.02.2001 Spider-Man Neversoft Entertainment Action 18.04.2001 11.09.2001 Spirit of Speed 1937 Broadsword Interactive Course automobile 05.04.2001 29.06.2000 09.06.2000 Sports Jam Wow Entertainment Sport (multi-épreuves) 12.04.2001 20.07.2001 Star Wars: Demolition Activision Action 21.12.2000 15.12.2000 Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles LucasArts Entertainment Action 11.10.2000 20.10.2000 Star Wars Episode I: Racer LucasArts Entertainment Course futuriste 04.04.2000 27.07.2000 Starlancer Warthog Combat spatial 22.11.2000 23.03.2001 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom Combat 2D 08.07.1999 17.05.2000 29.09.2000 Street Fighter III - Third Strike: Fight for the Future Capcom Combat 2D 29.06.2000 05.10.2000 14.12.2000 Street Fighter III: Double Impact Capcom Combat 2D 16.12.1999 22.06.2000 15.09.2000 Stunt GP Team 17 Course automobile 08.06.2001 Stupid Invaders Xilam Aventure 22.06.2001 04.05.2001 Suigetsu Mayoi-Gokoro F&C Visual novel 28.10.2004 Suika Princess Soft Visual novel 18.07.2002 Sunrise Eiyûtan Atelier-Sai Tactical-RPG 02.12.1999 Super Euro Soccer 2000 Imagineer Sport (football) 06.04.2000 Super Magnetic Neo Genki Plates-formes 03.02.2000 14.06.2000 31.05.2000 Super Producers Hudson Soft Simulation de vie 11.11.1999 Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service Capcom Réflexion 05.07.2001 Super Robot Taisen Alpha Banpresto Tactical-RPG 30.08.2001 Super Runabout Climax Entertainment Course / Action 25.05.2000 Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition Climax Entertainment Course / Action 21.06.2001 25.10.2000 08.12.2000 Surf Rocket Racers CRI Course nautique 22.03.2001 28.02.2001 01.03.2001 Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service Capcom Combat 2D 22.12.2000 Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing Criterion Games Course de moto 29.04.1999 10.11.1999 14.10.1999 Sweet Season Takuyo Visual novel 23.10.2003 Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage[1] Yuke's Media Creation Action 16.12.1999 15.03.2000 19.05.2001 Sydney 2000 Attention to Detail Sport (athlétisme) 26.10.2000 30.08.2000 01.09.2000 T Taisen Net Gimmick: Capcom & Psikyo All Stars Psikyo Jeu de société 28.06.2001 Tako no Marine MicroCabin Jeu de société 16.05.2002 Tamakyuu NEC Interchannel Visual novel 29.01.2004 Tanaka Torahiko no Uru Toraryû Shôgi Arc System Works Jeu de société 11.11.1999 Tanteishinshi Dash! Abel Visual novel 21.12.2000 Taxi 2[2] Blue Sphere Course automobile 12.2000 ??.Tech Romancer Capcom Combat 3D 13.01.2000 14.06.2000 07.07.2000 Tee Off Golf Bottoms Up Sport (golf) 09.12.1999 12.01.2000 15.01.2000 Tenohirao, Taiyouni Princess Soft Visual novel 25.03.2004 Tentama: 1st Sunny side KID Visual novel 25.10.2001 Test Drive 6 Pitbull Syndicate Course automobile 15.12.1999 Tetris 4D Bullet-Proof Software Réflexion 23.12.1998 Time Stalkers Climax Entertainment RPG 15.09.1999 29.03.2000 10.11.2000 Tokusatsu Bouken Katsugeki Super Hero Retsuden Banpresto Action 27.07.2000 Tokyo Bus Guide Fortyfive Simulation de bus 23.12.1999 Tokyo Bus Guide: With Bijin Bus Guide Fortyfive Simulation de bus 21.12.2000 Tokyo Highway Challenge Genki Course automobile 24.06.1999 09.09.1999 14.10.1999 Tokyo Highway Challenge 2 Genki Course automobile 22.06.2000 27.09.2000 22.12.2000 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Pipedream Interactive FPS tactique 09.05.2000 19.01.2001 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Pipedream Interactive FPS tactique 21.11.2000 04.05.2001 Tomb Raider : la Révélation finale Core Design Action-aventure 19.07.2000 25.03.2000 09.03.2000 Tomb Raider : Sur les traces de Lara Croft Core Design Action-aventure 24.11.2000 15.12.2000 Tony Hawk's Skateboarding Neversoft Entertainment Sport de glisse (skateboard) 24.05.2000 01.01.2000 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Neversoft Entertainment Sport de glisse (skateboard) 08.11.2000 15.12.2000 Toukon Retsuden 4 Yuke's Media Creation Combat 3D (catch) 02.09.1999 Toy Commander No Cliché Action 06.01.2000 04.11.1999 14.10.1999 Toy Racer No Cliché Course fantaisiste 22.12.2000 Toy Story 2 : Buzz l'Éclair à la rescousse Disney Interactive Studios Action 29.06.2000 17.11.2000 Treasure Strike H.A.N.D Action 17.02.2000 TrickStyle Criterion Games Sport de glisse (hoverboard) 31.08.1999 14.10.1999 Tricolore Crise Victor Interactive RPG 09.11.2000 Trigger Heart Exelica Warashi Shoot them up 22.02.2007 Trizeal Triangle Service Shoot them up 07.04.2005 Tsuki wa Higashi ni Ha wa Nishi na : Operation Sanctuary HuneX Visual novel 24.06.2004 Twinkle Star Sprites SNK Shoot them up 23.03.2000 Typing of the Date Hudson Soft Ludo-éducatif 27.09.2001 Typing of the Dead, The Smilebit Action 30.03.2000 25.01.2001 U UEFA Dream Soccer Silicon Dreams Sport (football) 08.12.2000 UEFA Striker Rage Software Sport (football) 06.04.2000 31.05.2000 15.10.1999 Ultimate Fighting Championship Anchor Combat 3D (free fight) 25.01.2001 30.08.2000 08.12.1999 Under Defeat G.rev Shoot them up 23.03.2006 UnderCover AD2025 Kei Pulse Interactive Action-aventure 27.01.2000 31.12.1999 Unreal Tournament Secret Level Games FPS 13.03.2001 29.06.2001 Urban Chaos Mucky Foot Action 21.10.2000 06.10.2000 US Shenmue Sega-AM2 Action-aventure 05.07.2001 Utau Tumbling Dice Ecole Visual novel 24.06.2004 V Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service Capcom Combat 2D 10.08.2000 Vanishing Point Clockwork Games Course automobile 12.12.2000 26.02.2001 Vermillion Desert River Hill Software Stratégie en temps réel 02.12.1999 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Luxoflux Course / Action 23.03.2000 22.12.1999 1999 ??.??.Virtua Athlete 2K Hitmaker Sport (athlétisme) 27.07.2000 13.09.2000 01.09.2000 Virtua Cop 2 Sega-AM2 Shoot them up (rail shooter) 02.03.2000 Virtua Fighter 3tb Sega-AM2 Combat 3D 27.11.1998 19.10.1999 14.10.1999 Virtua Striker 2 ver.2000.1 Sega-AM2 Sport (football) 02.12.1999 15.03.2000 01.2000 ??.Virtua Tennis Hitmaker Sport (tennis) 23.11.2000 12.07.2000 08.09.2000 Virtua Tennis 2 Hitmaker Sport (tennis) 15.11.2001 24.10.2001 23.11.2001 Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram Hitmaker Combat 3D 09.12.1999 14.06.2000 V-Rally 2: Expert Edition Eden Studios Course automobile 02.07.2000 24.05.2000 W Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour Crystal Dynamics Course fantaisiste 19.07.2000 18.08.2000 Weakness Hero Torauman Fortyfive Action 28.02.2002 Web Mystery: Yochi Yume o Kenru Neko Studio Mebius Aventure 22.04.1999 Wetrix+ Zed Two Réflexion 05.01.2000 07.04.2000 Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? Berkeley Systems Party game (culture gén.) 01.12.2000 Wild Metal Rockstar North Action 01.02.2000 02.2000 ??.Wind: A Breath of Heart Alchemist Visual novel 30.01.2003 Winning Post 4: Program 2000 Koei Gestion (équitation) 30.03.2000 World Neverland 2 Plus: The Waktic Republic of Pluto River Hill Software Gestion 30.03.2000 World Neverland Plus: The Olerud Kingdom Stories River Hill Software Gestion 15.07.1999 World Series Baseball 2K1 Sega-AM1 Sport (baseball) 22.03.2001 21.07.2000 World Series Baseball 2K2 Sega-AM1 Sport (baseball) 18.04.2002 15.08.2001 Worms Armageddon Team 17 Stratégie au tour par tour 11.12.1999 30.11.1999 Worms World Party Team 17 Stratégie au tour par tour 05.06.2001 27.04.2001 WWF Attitude Acclaim Studios Austin Combat 3D (catch) 11.11.1999 18.11.1999 WWF Royal Rumble THQ Combat 3D (catch) 26.04.2001 15.08.2000 22.09.2000 X Y Yoshia no Oka de Nekoronde... Naxat Visual novel 20.12.2001 Yu Suzuki Game Works Vol. 1 Sega-AM2 Compilation 02.01.2002 Yukawa Moto Senmu no Okatara Ikushi Sega Aventure 20.03.1999 Yuki Gatari Takuyo Visual novel 26.12.2002 Yume no Tsubasa: Fate of Heart KID Visual novel 26.07.2001 Yume Uma Ken '99 Internet Shangri-La Gestion (équitation) 21.10.1999 Yuukyuu Gensou Kyoku 3: Perpetual Blue MediaWorks Simulation de vie 22.12.1999 Z Zero Gunner 2 Psikyo Shoot them up 06.09.2001 Zombie Revenge Sega Beat them all 25.11.1999 26.01.2000 09.06.2000 Zusar Vasar Real Vision Course / Action 27.07.2000 Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notes et références
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