- Challenges
Challenges est un magazine hebdomadaire économique français paraissant le jeudi. Fondé en 1982 par Patrick Fauconnier, il a été racheté ensuite par Claude Perdriel, propriétaire du Nouvel Observateur. Il appartient au groupe de presse Perdriel.
Son slogan est : « Que dit l'économie cette semaine ? ». Sa ligne éditoriale se veut neutre politiquement. Il est actuellement dirigé par Vincent Beaufils.
Depuis 2007, l'hebdomadaire a opté pour une première page de couverture originale pour la presse française, représentant chaque semaine un portrait d'une personnalité à la Une, sur fond noir.
Lien externe
Catégories : - Presse économique française
- Presse hebdomadaire française
- Titre de presse créé en 1982
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Challenges de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Challenges Worldwide — is an award winning[1], Edinburgh based international development charity[2] that facilitates expert volunteer assignments with enterprises in the developing world. Challenges focuses its operations primarily on social businesses that support… … Wikipedia
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challenges — chal·lenge || tʃælɪndÊ’ n. invitation to engage in a contest, dare; something which tests one s ability, difficult and stimulating task v. dare, invite to engage in a contest; stimulate, test one s ability; demand that one identify himself… … English contemporary dictionary
Challenges to decisions of England and Wales magistrates' courts — This article concerns the legal mechanisms by way of which a decision of an England and Wales magistrates court may be challenged. There are four mechanisms under which a decision of a magistrates court may be challenged: reconsideration by the… … Wikipedia
Centennial Challenges — The Centennial Challenges are NASA space competition prize contests for non government funded technological achievements by American teams. Contents 1 Current Challenges 1.1 Tether beam power challenge 1.1.1 … Wikipedia
Top Gear challenges — are a segment of the Top Gear television programme where the presenters are challenged by the producers, or by each other, to prove or do various things related to automobiles. Contents 1 Novelty/stunt challenges 2 Challenge reviews 3 How hard… … Wikipedia
List of Raven challenges — This article details the many challenges that have been present over the seven series of Raven, the children s game show series.The many tasks and feats in which the warriors have to compete vary from series to series, some having been tweaked… … Wikipedia
Court Challenges Program of Canada — The Court Challenges Program of Canada (CCP) is a non profit organization whose stated purpose is to provide financial assistance for important court cases that advance language and equality rights guaranteed under Canada s Constitution . Its… … Wikipedia
Book of Challenges — Infobox Book name = Book of Challenges image caption = Cover of Book of Challenges author = Daniel Kaufman, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Mike Selinker, Skip Williams genre = Role playing game publisher = Wizards of the Coast release date = June 2002 media… … Wikipedia
Grand challenges in global health — The Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative is a partnership dedicated to supporting scientific and technical research to solve critical health problems in the developing world. Currently 14 independent Grand Challenges are supported. The… … Wikipedia