Jeux vidéo e

Jeux vidéo e

Jeux vidéo E

0 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

E- - Ea - Eb - Ec - Ed - Ee - Ef - Eg - Eh - Ei - Ej - Ek - El - Em - En - Eo - Ep - Eq - Er - Es - Et - Eu - Ev - Ew - Ex - Ey - Ez

Abréviations courantes
des plates-formes de jeu vidéo
32X 32X
A2600 Atari 2600
A5200 Atari 5200
A7800 Atari 7800
A32 Amiga CD32
A8b Atari 8-bit
AII Apple II
AGA Amiga
ARC jeu d'arcade
AST Atari ST
C64 Commodore 64
COL Colecovision
CPC Amstrad CPC
DC Dreamcast
FDS Famicom Disk System
FMT FM Towns
FM-7 FM-7
GB Game Boy
GBA Game Boy Advance
GBC Game Boy Color
GC GameCube
GG Game Gear
GIZMO Gizmondo
GP32 GamePark 32
GX-4000 GX-4000
INT Intellivision
LX Lynx
JAG Jaguar
MD Megadrive
Mac Macintosh Mac OS
N64 Nintendo 64
NDS Nintendo DS
NES Nintendo Entertainment System
NG Neo-Geo AES
NG CD Neo-Geo CD
NGA N-Gage
NGP Neo-Geo Pocket
NGPC Neo-Geo Pocket Color
ODY Odyssey
PC Compatible PC
PC-98 PC-98
PCE PC-Engine
PC CD PC-Engine CD
PIP Pippin
PLAY Playdia
PSX PlayStation
PS2 PlayStation 2
PS3 PlayStation 3
PSP PlayStation Portable
SAT Saturn
SMS Sega Master System
SNES Super Nintendo
VB Virtual Boy
VCX Vectrex
V20 Commodore VIC-20
VP Videopac
WIN Windows
WS WonderSwan
WSC WonderSwan Color
X360 Xbox 360
XB Xbox
ZX ZX Spectrum


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (A2600)
ESWAT: Cyber Police (ARC, MD, SMS)


EA Sports Rugby (PS2)
Eagle One: Harrier Attack (PSX)
Eamon (AII, PC)
Earnest Evans (MD, MCD)
Earth 2140 (PC, Mac)
Earth 2150 (PC)
Earth 2150: Lost Souls (PC)
Earth 2160 (PC)
EarthBound (SNES)
Earth Friend (ARC)
Eastern Front 2 (PC)



Eco Fighters (ARC)
EcoQuest : Le Secret de la cité engloutie (PC)
EcoQuest 2 : S.O.S. Forêt Vierge (PC)
Ecco the Dolphin (PS2, DC)
Ecco the Dolphin (MD, MCD, GG)
Ecco the Dolphin 2 (MD, MCD, GG)
Echelon (PC)
Echo Night: Beyond (PS2)
Echoes Of Faydwer (Windows)
Ecks vs Sever (GBA)
Economic War (PC)
ECW Anarchy Rulz (DC, PSX)
ECW Hardcore Revolution (N64, PSX)


Ed Hunter (PC)
Edgar Torronteras' Extreme Biker (PC)
Edge of Chaos: Independence War 2 (PC)


EEP Virtual Railroad 3 (PC)



Egg Venture (ARC)
Eggs (ARC)
Eggs Playing Chicken (ARC)
Egret II (ARC)
Égypte 1156 Av Jc (PC, PSX)
Égypte 2 (PSX, PC)
Égypte 3 : le Destin de Ramses (PC)


Ehrgeiz (PSX)


Eight Forces (ARC)
Eightman (ARC, NG)
Eigo de Go! (3DO)
Eikou no Saint Andrews (N64)


Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo (ARC)



El Viento (MD)
Elemental Master (MD)
Elepong (ARC)
Electra (ARC)
The Electric Yo-Yo (ARC)
Electroplankton (NDS)
Elevator Action (ARC, NES)
Elevator Action Returns (ARC)
Elimination (ARC)
Eliminator (ARC)
Eliminator (AGA, CPC, C64, ZX)
Eliminator (PSX, PC)
Elite (PC, NES, MSX, AGA, AII)


Embargo (ARC)
Emeraldia (ARC)
Emergency 3 (PC)
Emergency Firefighter (PC)
Emergency Call Ambulance (ARC)
EMIT Vol. 1: Toki no Maigo (3DO)
EMIT Vol. 2: Meigake no Tabi (3DO)
EMIT Vol. 3: Watashi ni Sayonara o (3DO)
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (AGA)
Empereur : la Bataille pour Dune (PC)
Empereur : l'Empire du Milieu (PC)
The Emperor's Mahjong (PC)
Empire City: 1931 (ARC)
Empire of Magic (PC)
Empire of Steel (MD)
Empires : l'Aube d'un monde nouveau (PC)
Empire Strikes Back (ARC)


Enchanted Arms (X360)
Enclave (PC)
End of Twilight (PC)
Endlessly (3DO)
Enduro Racer (ARC, SMS)
Enemy Zero (PC, SAT)
English Training (NDS)
Enigma: Rising Tide (PC)
Enji Quest (PC)
Enquetes De Nancy Drew : La Malediction Du Manoir De Blackmoor, les
Enter the Matrix (PS2, XB, GC,PC)
The Entente: Battlefields WW1 (PC)
L'Entraineur saison 2000/2001 (PC)
L'Entraineur saison 2001/2002 (PC)
L'Entraineur saison 2003/2004 (PC)
L'Entraineur 3 (PC)
L'Entraineur 3 saison 99/00 (PC)
L'Entraineur 4 saison 2002/2003 (PC)
L'Entraineur 5 : Saison 04/05 (PC)



Ephemeral Fantasia (PS2)


Equinox (SNES)


eRacer (PC)


Escape from Colditz (AGA)
Escape from Monster Manor (3DO)
ESP Ra.De. (ARC)
Espgaluda (PS2)
ESPN Baseball: Interactive Hitting (3DO)
ESPN Bass Tournament (GBA)
ESPN Beach Volleyball (3DO)
ESPN Final Round Golf (GBA)
ESPN Golf (3DO)
ESPN Golf: Mental Messages (3DO)
ESPN International Winter Sports (XB, GBA)
ESPN Let's Go Skiing (3DO)
ESPN Let's Play Soccer (3DO)
ESPN NBA 2 Night (PS2)
ESPN Step Aerobics (3DO)
ESPN Tennis (3DO)
ESPN Winter Games Snowboarding (GBA)
ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding (PS2)
ESPN X Games Skateboarding (GBA, PS2)


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)
Eternal Eyes (PSX)
Eternal Ring (PS2)
Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)
Etherlords (PC)
Etherlords 2 (PC)
Etrian Odyssey (NDS)


Euro 2000 (PSX)
Euro Rally Champion (PC)
Eurofighter Typhoon (PC)
Eurofighter Typhoon: Operation Icebreaker (PC)
Europa 1400 : les Marchands du Moyen-Age (PC)
Europa Universalis (PC)
Europa Universalis : les Guerres du Nord (PC)
Europa Universalis 2 (PC)
Europa Universalis 3 (PC)
European Air War (PC)
European Club Soccer (MD)
European Super League (GBA, DC)
Eurotour Cycling (PC)


Evany : la Clé des 7 mondes (PC)
Eve of Extinction (PS2)
EVE Online (PC)
Everblue 2 (PS2)
Evergrace (PS2)
Everybody's Golf (PSX)
Everybody's Golf 2 (PSX)
Everybody's Tennis (PS2)
Every Extend Extra (PSP)
Evil Days of Luckless John (PC)
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (DC, PSX, PC)
Evil Dead Regeneration (PC)
Evil Genius (PC)
Evil Islands (PC)
Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (PS2, PC)
EVO: Search for Eden (SNES)
Evolution (DC)
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (DC)
Evolution: Dino Dudes (JAG)
Evolution: Eternal Dungeons (NGPC)
Evolution Worlds (GC)
Evolva (PC)
Evos Space Adventures (PSX)



Excalibur 2555 AD (PSX)
Excessive Speed (PC)
Exciting Baseball (FDS)
Exed Exes (ARC, NES)
Exhumed (SAT, PSX)
Exode d'Abe, l' (PSX PC)
Exile (BBC Micro, AGA, AST)
Exile (MSX2, MD, PCE)
Exile 2 (PCE)
Exodus (NES)
eXpanded MultiPlayer (PC)
Expendable (PC)
Experts, Les (PC)
Experts : Meurtres à Las Vegas, Les (PC)
Experts : Miami, Les (PC)
ExSlyder (PS2)
Extermination (PS2)
Extreme Hunting (ARC)
Ex-Mutants (MD)
Exodus (MD)
Exosquad (MD)


Eye of the Beholder
Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor


E- - Ea - Eb - Ec - Ed - Ee - Ef - Eg - Eh - Ei - Ej - Ek - El - Em - En - Eo - Ep - Eq - Er - Es - Et - Eu - Ev - Ew - Ex - Ey - Ez

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Ce document provient de « Jeux vid%C3%A9o E ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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