Greater Manchester
- Greater Manchester
Grand Manchester
Le Grand Manchester (Greater Manchester) est un comté métropolitain dans le nord-ouest d'Angleterre, regroupant Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Trafford, Tameside, Wigan.
- Portail du Royaume-Uni
Catégories : Grand Manchester | Comté métropolitain
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Greater Manchester — Geografie Status: Zeremonielle Grafschaft Region: North West England Fläche … Deutsch Wikipedia
Greater Manchester — [ greɪtə mæntʃɪstə], Metropolitan County in England, 1 287 km2, 2,45 Mio. Einwohner; gebildet 1974 aus Teilen der Counties Cheshire, Lancashire und Yorkshire. Greater Manchester umfasst einen industrialisierten Ballungsraum mit… … Universal-Lexikon
Greater Manchester — county in NW England, surrounding Manchester: 496 sq mi (1,285 sq km); pop. 2,499,000 … English World dictionary
Greater Manchester — Infobox England county name = Greater Manchester motto = status = Metropolitan county Ceremonial county origin = 1 April 1974cite web|url= a.html|title=Local Government… … Wikipedia
Greater Manchester — a metropolitan county in central England, with the city of Manchester as its center. 2,708,900; 498 sq. mi. (1290 sq. km). * * * Metropolitan county (pop., 2001: 2,482,352), northwestern England, one of the major conurbations of the country. It… … Universalium
Greater Manchester — a metropolitan county in central England, with the city of Manchester as its center. 2,708,900; 498 sq. mi. (1290 sq. km). * * * Greater Manchester [Greater Manchester] a ↑metropolitan county in north west England consisting of ↑Manchester and… … Useful english dictionary
Greater Manchester — Sp Didỹsis Mánčesteris Ap Greater Manchester L Anglijos metropol. grafystė, Jungtinė Karalystė … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Greater Manchester Police — Abbreviation GMP Badge of the Greater Manchester Police. Motto Figh … Wikipedia
Greater Manchester — Greater Man|ches|ter a former ↑county in northwest England, that included the whole of Manchester and parts of other counties … Dictionary of contemporary English
Greater Manchester Transport Innovation Fund (TiF) — The Greater Manchester Transport Innovation Fund (TiF) is a bid by the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority (GMPTA) to secure funds from the UK Government s Transport Innovation Fund (TIF). GMPTA seeks funds of up to £3 bn which will… … Wikipedia