- Edward C. Prescott
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Prescott.
Edward Christian Prescott
Edward C. PrescottNaissance 26 décembre 1940
(États-Unis)Nationalité américaine Champs Économie (Nouvelle macroéconomie classique) Institution université d'Arizona Diplômé de Université de Princeton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Renommé pour théorie des cycles réels et de l'équilibre général, incohérence temporelle, filtre Hodrick-Prescott Distinctions « prix Nobel » d'économie en 2004 modifier Edward Christian Prescott, né en 1940, a reçu le Prix de la Banque de Suède en sciences économiques en mémoire d'Alfred Nobel en 2004, partageant la récompense avec Finn E. Kydland, « pour leurs contributions à la macroéconomie dynamique: l'incohérence temporelle des décisions de politique économique et les forces économiques responsables des fluctuations conjoncturelles ».
Il est actuellement économiste à la Réserve Fédérale de Minneapolis et à l'université d'Arizona et une figure importante en macroéconomie, spécialement sur la théorie des cycles réels et de l'équilibre général. Dans « Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans, » publié dans « The Journal of Political Economy » en 1977 avec Finn E. Kydland, ils analysent si les banques centrales doivent avoir des règles strictes ou bénéficier de choix discrétionnaires dans l'élaboration de la politique monétaire. Il est aussi connu pour le filtre Hodrick-Prescott, utilisé afin de lisser les fluctuations des séries temporelles.
Voir aussi
Quelques publications
Articles dans des revues savants- Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations,, with F. Kydland, Econometrica 50 (November 1982): 1345-70.
- Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans, with F. Kydland, Journal of Political Economy 85 (June 1977): 473-91..
- Theory Ahead of Business Cycle Measurement, Quarterly Review Vol. 10 No. 4, 1986
- Capacity Constraints, Asymmetries, and the Business Cycle,, with Gary Hansen, Review of Economic Dynamics 8, no. 4 (October 2005): 850-865.
- The 1990s in Japan: A Lost Decade, with F. Hayashi, Review of Economic Dynamics 5, no. 1 (January 2002): 206-35.
- Monopoly Rights: A Barrier to Riches, with F. with S. L. Parente, American Economic Review 89, no. 5 (December 1999): 1216-1233.
- Needed: A Theory of Total Factor Productivity, International Economic Review 39 (August 1998): 525-552.
- Barriers to Technology Adoption and Development, with S. Parente, Journal of Political Economy 102 (April 1994): 298-321.
- Postwar U.S. Business Cycles: A Descriptive Empirical Investigation, with R. Hodrick, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 29, no. 1 (February 1997): 1-16. Discussion Paper 451, Northwestern University, 1980.
- An Equilibrium Analysis with Idle Resources and Varying Capacity Utilization Rates," , with T. F. Cooley and G. D. Hansen, Economic Theory 6, no. 1 (June 1995): 35-50.
- Recursive Methods for Computing Equilibria in Business Cycle Models, with G. D. Hansen, Chapter 2 in T. F. Cooley, ed., Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, (Princeton University Press, 1995), 39-64.
- Did Technology Shocks Cause the 1990-1991 Recession?, with G. D. Hansen, American Economic Review 83, no. 2 (May 1993): 280-86.
- Hours and Employment: Variations in Business Cycle Theory," , with F. Kydland, Economic Theory 1 (January 1991): 63-82.
- Lotteries, Sunspots, and Incentive Constraints, with T. J. Kehoe and D. K. Levine, (August 1988). Revised (March 2000). Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Theory.
- Insurance Contracts as Commodities: A Note,, with A. Hornstein, Review of Economic Studies 58 (1991): 917-28.
- "Pareto Optima and Competitive Equilibria with Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard," with R. Townsend, Econometrica 52 (January 1984): 21-45.
- "Recursive Competitive Equilibrium: The Case of Homogenous Households," with R. Mehra, Econometrica 48 (September 1980): 1365-80.
- "Is the Stock Market Overvalued?", with E.R. McGrattan, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review (Fall 2000): 20-40.
- "Banking in Computable General Equilibrium Economics", with J. Diaz-Gimenez, T. Fitzgerald, and F. Alvarez, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 16, no. 3/4 (July/October 1992): 533-60.
- "Financial Intermediary Coalitions", with J. Boyd, Journal of Economic Theory 38 (April 1986): 211-32.
- "The Equity Premium: A Puzzle", with R. Mehra, Journal of Monetary Economics 15 (1985): 145-61.]
- "The Computational Experiment: An Econometric Tool,", with F. Kydland, Journal of Economic Perspectives 10, no. 1 (Winter 1996): 68-86.
- "Economic Growth and Business Cycles", with T. F. Cooley, Chapter 1 in T. F. Cooley, ed., Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, (Princeton University Press, 1995), 1-38.
- "Estimation in the Presence of Stochastic Parameter Variation", with T. Cooley, Econometrica 44 (January 1976): 167-84.
- "The Multi-Period Control Problem Under Uncertainty,", Econometrica 40 (November 1972): 1043-58.
- "Stochastic Monotonicity and Stationary Distributions for Dynamic Economies,", with H. Hopenhayn, Econometrica 60 (November 1992): 1387-1406.
- "Dynamic Coalitions: Engines of Growth", with J. Boyd, American Economic Review 77, no. 2(May 1987): 63-67, reprinted in Contractual Arrangements for Intertemporal Trade E. C. Prescott and N. Wallace, eds., (University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 1987), 146-60.
Liens externes
Catégories :- Lauréat du prix de la Banque de Suède en sciences économiques en mémoire d'Alfred Nobel
- Lauréat américain du prix Nobel
- Économiste américain
- Naissance en 1940
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