- Liste de jeux PlayStation Portable téléchargeables
La liste de jeux PlayStation Portable téléchargeables répertorie alphabétiquement les jeux PlayStation Portable disponibles en téléchargement sur le PlayStation Store, toutes régions confondues.
Pour les jeux sorti sur support UMD, consultez la liste de jeux PlayStation Portable.
Légende :
- PSN = Exclusivité PlayStation Network (jamais sorti en UMD)
- minis = Mini-jeux PlayStation Network
Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Titre Genre Développeur 0-9 A AI Igo Jeu de société - Jeu de go Marvelous Entertainment 20.11.2009 AI Mahjong Jeu de société - Mah-jong Marvelous Entertainment 20.11.2009 AI Shōgi Jeu de société - Shōgi Marvelous Entertainment 20.11.2009 Alien Havoc minis Action Creat Studios 08.10.2009 Alien Syndrome Action Totally Games 30.09.2009 08.10.2009 Ape Academy Party game Sony Computer Entertainment 24.09.2009 09.04.2009 Ape Academy 2 Party game Sony Computer Entertainment 24.09.2009 11.06.2009 Ape Quest PSN Rôle Sony Computer Entertainment 19.03.2009 10.01.2008 01.05.2008 Archer MacLean's Mercury Puzzle Ignition Entertainment 09.07.2009 Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines Action-aventure Griptonite Games 19.11.2009 James Cameron's Avatar: The Game Action Ubisoft 10.12.2009 B B-Boy Rythme FreeStyle Games 20.11.2007 Beaterator Rythme Rockstar Leeds 02.10.2009 Beats Rythme Sony Computer Entertainment 20.11.2007 Ben 10: Alien Force Action-aventure High Voltage Software 03.12.2009 Blast Off minis Halfbrick Studios 24.11.2009 26.11.2009 Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 Combat Eighting 14.05.2009 Bleach: Soul Carnival Action Sony Computer Entertainment 23.10.2008 Bleach: Soul Carnival 2 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 10.12.2009 Bliss Island Puzzle PomPom Games 05.02.2009 Bloons minis Puzzle Hands-On Mobile 01.10.2009 BrainPipe minis Puzzle Hands-On Mobile 01.10.2009 BreakQuest minis Casse-briques Beatshapers 08.10.2009 Breath of Fire III Rôle Capcom 26.11.2009 Brothers in Arms: D-Day FPS Gearbox Software 16.07.2009 Bubble Trubble minis Puzzle Creat Studios 19.11.2009 Burnout Dominator Course Electronic Arts 25.09.2008 Burnout Legends Course Electronic Arts 25.09.2008 Buzz! Brain Twister Quiz Curve Studios 18.12.2008 Buzz! Le plus malin des français Quiz Curve Studios 26.03.2009 Buzz! Master Quiz Quiz Relentless Software 29.01.2009 Buzz! Quiz World Quiz Relentless Software 17.12.2009[1] C Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded Compilation Capcom 03.12.2009 Capcom Puzzle World Puzzle (Compilation) Sensory Sweep 19.11.2009 Cérébral Challenge PSN Réflexion Gameloft 11.12.2008 Chessmaster : Entraînez-vous aux Échecs Société - Échecs Ubisoft 23.04.2009 Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Course Codemasters 05.11.2009 24.09.2009 Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus Course Six by Nine 20.08.2009 Cover Girl PSN Magazine interactif Ubisoft 15.10.2009 Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars Course (Compilation) Sniper Studios 08.10.2009 Crush Réflexion Zoë Mode 01.10.2009 Crystal Defenders PSN Tower defense Square Enix 29.10.2009 29.10.2009 Cube: 3D Puzzle Mayhem Puzzle Metia Interactive 13.11.2008 D Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower Combat Capcom 19.11.2009 Daxter Plates-formes Ready at Dawn Studios 08.10.2009 Dead Head Fred Action-aventure Vicious Cycle 16.10.2008 24.12.2008 Def Jam Fight For NY: The Takeover Combat AKI Corporation 30.10.2008 Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Tactical RPG Nippon Ichi Software 19.11.2009 Donkey Xote Action Revistronic 02.07.2009 Dracula: Undead Awakening minis Chilingo 26.11.2009 Dragoneer's Aria Rôle Hitmaker 29.10.2009 Driver 76 Action / Course Sumo Digital 30.04.2009 Dynasty Warriors Beat them all Omega Force 27.08.2009 Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Beat them all Omega Force 08.10.2009 DynoGems minis Puzzle StormBASIC 10.12.2009 E Echoes minis Puzzle Halfbrick Studios 19.11.2009 Elemental Monster TD Portable PSN Tower defense Hudson Soft 30.10.2009 04.11.2009 03.12.2009 EndWar Stratégie en temps réel Funatics Software 22.01.2009 Entraîneur 2006, L' Sport / Gestion Gusto Games 09.07.2009 Everybody's Golf Sport - Golf Clap Hanz 19.03.2009 Everybody's Golf 2 Sport - Golf Clap Hanz 05.03.2009 11.06.2009 Exit Action / Réflexion Taito 01.10.2009 23.04.2009 Exit 2 Action / Réflexion Taito 01.10.2009 F F1 2009 Course - Formule 1 Sumo Digital 17.12.2009 10.12.2009 Fading Shadows Réflexion Ivolgamus 21.05.2009 Fate/unlimited codes Combat Eighting 03.09.2009 10.09.2009 Fieldrunners minis Tower defense Subatomic Studios 01.10.2009 FIFA 09 Sport - Football Electronic Arts 31.08.2009 13.11.2008 FIFA 10 Sport - Football Electronic Arts 10.12.2009 02.10.2009 Fight Night Round 3 Sport - Boxe Electronic Arts 29.01.2009 Final Armada Action I-Imagine Interactive 09.07.2009 flOw Simulation de vie SuperVillain Studios 24.04.2008 06.03.2008 24.04.2008 Football Manager Handheld 2009 Sport / Gestion Sports Interactive 18.12.2008 Football Manager Handheld 2010 Sport / Gestion Sports Interactive 30.10.2009 Fortix minis Réflexion Complete-IT 01.10.2009 Free Running Sport Rebellion Software 08.01.2009 Full Auto 2: Battlelines Course / Action Deep Fried Entertainment 01.10.2009 Funky Punch minis Combat Solus Games 01.10.2009 G Gangs of London Action / GTA-like Team Soho 24.07.2008 Generation of Chaos Stratégie au tour par tour Idea Factory 26.02.2009 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Tir subjectif High Voltage Software 05.02.2009 Go! Puzzle Puzzle Cohort Studios 20.11.2007 Go! Sudoku Réflexion Sumo Digital 20.11.2007 God of War: Chains of Olympus Beat them all Ready at Dawn Studios 01.10.2009 Gottlieb Pinball Classics Flipper FarSight Studios 01.10.2009 Gran Turismo Course Polyphony Digital 01.10.2009 01.10.2009 Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Tir objectif / Action Rockstar Leeds 23.10.2009 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Tir objectif / Action Rockstar Games 01.10.2009 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Tir objectif / Action Rockstar Games 01.10.2009 Guilty Gear Judgment Combat Arc System Works 24.12.2008 H Half-Minute Hero Action-RPG Opus 07.01.2010 Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show Rythme Disney Interactive 22.10.2009 Heracles: Chariot Racing minis Course Neko Entertainment 10.12.2009 Hero of Sparta minis Action Gameloft 01.10.2009 Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This? Stratégie en temps réel / Gestion Acquire 22.10.2009 16.07.2009 08.10.2009 I IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Simulateur de vol Dynamic Systems 01.10.2009 Impossible Mission Action / Plates-formes System 3 08.10.2009 International Athletics Sport - Athlétisme The Code Monkeys 19.02.2009 International Snooker minis Sport - Snooker Big Head Games 22.12.2009[2] Iron Man Action Artificial Mind & Movement 01.10.2009 J Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier Action-aventure High Impact Games 19.11.2009 K Kahoots minis Puzzle Honeyslug 01.10.2009 Key of Heaven Action-RPG Climax Entertainment 07.05.2009 Killzone: Liberation Action Guerrilla Games 05.06.2008 King of Pool Sport - Billard Ivolgamus 09.07.2009 L LEGO Indiana Jones : la Trilogie originale Action-aventure Traveller's Tales 26.11.2009 Lemmings Réflexion Team 17 22.10.2009 09.04.2009 Let's Golf! minis Sport - Golf Gameloft 10.12.2009 LittleBigPlanet Plates-formes Sony Computer Entertainment 03.12.2009 19.11.2009 LocoRoco Plates-formes Sony Computer Entertainment 24.09.2009 07.05.2009 LocoRoco 2 Plates-formes Sony Computer Entertainment 04.12.2008 27.11.2008 LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival PSN Plates-formes Sony Computer Entertainment 01.11.2009 29.10.2009 M Madden NFL 10 Sport - Football américain Electronic Arts 14.08.2009 Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 minis Puzzle G5 Entertainment 01.10.2009 Major League Baseball 2K9 Sport - Baseball 2K Sports 04.06.2009 Mana Khemia: Student Alliance Rôle Gust 19.11.2009 Manhunt 2 Action / Infiltration Rockstar London 01.10.2009 Marvel Super Hero Squad Action THQ 22.10.2009 Mawaskes Puzzle Irem 05.11.2009 17.12.2009[1] Medal of Honor: Heroes Tir subjectif Electronic Arts 21.08.2008 Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 Tir subjectif Electronic Arts 28.08.2008 MediEvil Resurrection Action-aventure SCE Studio Cambridge 29.05.2008 Megaman Maverick Hunter X Plates-formes Capcom 19.11.2009 Mercury Meltdown Puzzle Ignition Entertainment 19.11.2009 Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel Fiction interactive Kojima Productions 01.11.2009 10.12.2009 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Infiltration / Action Kojima Productions 01.11.2009 10.12.2009 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus Infiltration / Action Kojima Productions 01.11.2009 10.12.2009 Midnight Club: L.A. Remix Course Rockstar London 01.10.2009 Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Course Rockstar Leeds 01.10.2009 Mission G Action Keen Games 22.10.2009 Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Action-aventure Capcom 02.07.2009 MotorStorm: Arctic Edge Course Bigbig Studios 01.11.2009 01.10.2009 N NBA 2K10 Sport - Basket-ball Visual Concepts 26.11.2009 NBA Live 09 Sport - Basket-ball Electronic Arts 31.08.2009 Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 Course EA Black Box 16.04.2009 Need for Speed: ProStreet Course EA Black Box 23.04.2009 Need for Speed: Shift Course EA Bright Light 12.11.2009 18.09.2009 No Gravity: The Plague of Mind PSN Shoot them up Realtech VR 05.03.2009 Numblast PSN Puzzle Sony Computer Entertainment 01.12.2009 05.11.2009 02.07.2009 O Obscure: The Aftermath Survival horror Hydravision 26.11.2009 P Patapon Rythme Sony Computer Entertainment 24.09.2009 14.02.2008 Patapon 2 Rythme Sony Computer Entertainment 10.12.2009 12.03.2009 Phantasy Star Portable 2 Action-aventure Alfa System 03.12.2009 Pinball Dreams minis Flipper Cowboy Rodeo 19.11.2009 Pinball Fantasies minis Flipper Cowboy Rodeo 01.10.2009 Pirates des Caraïbes : Jusqu'au bout du monde Action Eurocom 03.09.2009 Pirates des Caraïbes : Le Secret du coffre maudit Action Griptonic Games 06.08.2009 PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe Tower defense Q-Games 01.11.2009 01.10.2009 01.10.2009 Power Stone Collection Combat (compilation) Capcom 26.11.2009 Practical IQ Réflexion Now Production 23.10.2008 Prince of Persia: Revelations Action / Plates-formes Ubisoft Montréal 30.04.2009 Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? Action / Plates-formes Nippon Ichi Software 26.11.2009 03.09.2009 Pursuit Force Action / Course Bigbig Studios 26.06.2008 Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice Action / Course Bigbig Studios 09.04.2009 Puyo Puyo 7 Puzzle Sonic Team 26.11.2009 Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords Puzzle / Rôle Infinite Interactive 23.10.2008 Puzzle Scape minis Puzzle Farmind 01.10.2009 Q R R-Type Tactics Shoot them up tactique Irem 24.09.2009 R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate Shoot them up tactique Irem 10.12.2009 Ratchet & Clank : la taille ça compte Plates-formes High Impact Games 19.03.2009 Real Madrid: The Game Sport - Football Atomic Planet 13.08.2009 Red Bull X-Fighters minis Sport - Moto-cross Xendex Holding 07.10.2009 Resistance: Retribution Tir objectif Sony Computer Entertainment 12.03.2009 19.03.2009 Ridge Racer Course Namco 01.11.2009 Riff: Everyday Shooter PSN Shoot them up Queasy Games 11.06.2009 04.12.2008 22.01.2009 Riviera : la Terre Promise Rôle Sting Entertainment 20.08.2009 S Samurai Warriors: State of War Beat them all Omega Force 30.07.2009 Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign PSN Tower defense FluffyLogic 22.12.2009[2] Sega Megadrive Collection Compilation Digital Eclipse 08.10.2009 Seigneur des Anneaux, Le : Tactics Tactical RPG Amaze Entertainment 10.12.2009 Sid Meier's Pirates! Stratégie en temps réel Full Fat 21.08.2008 Sims 2, Les Simulation de vie Maxis 17.12.2009[1] Sims 2, Les : Animaux et Cie Simulation de vie Maxis 10.12.2009 Skate Park City Sport - Skateboard Zeroscale 30.04.2009 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo Tir objectif Zipper Interactive 19.03.2009 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 2 Tir objectif Zipper Interactive 07.05.2009 Sonic Rivals 2 Action / Course Backbone Entertainment 08.10.2009 S.O.S. Fantômes le Jeu Vidéo Action Red Fly Studio 05.11.2009 SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny Combat Namco 01.11.2009 01.10.2009 Spinout Course / Réflexion Icon Games 19.03.2009 Splinter Cell: Essentials Tir objectif Ubisoft 19.03.2009 Spot the Differences! minis Réflexion Sanuk Games 05.10.2009 Stand O'Food minis Gestion G5 Entertainment 03.12.2009 Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron Tir objectif Rebellion 05.11.2009 Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron Tir objectif Rebellion 26.11.2009 Star Wars: Battlefront II Tir objectif Savage Entertainment 19.11.2009 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Les Héros de la République Action Krome Studios 26.11.2009 StateShift Course / Action Midas Interactive Entertainment 19.02.2009 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Combat Capcom 22.10.2009 Sudoku minis Réflexion Electronic Arts 08.10.2009 Super Fruit Fall Puzzle System 3 26.11.2009 Super Hind Action Mountain Sheep 02.07.2009 Super Monkey Ball Adventure Plates-formes Traveller's Tales 01.10.2009 Super Pocket Tennis Sport - Tennis HuneX 22.01.2009 Super Stardust Portable PSN Shoot them up Housemarque 18.12.2008 04.12.2008 25.11.2008 Syphon Filter: Combat Ops Tir objectif Sony Computer Entertainment 20.11.2007 24.01.2008 Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Tir objectif Sony Computer Entertainment 09.04.2009 Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Tir objectif Sony Computer Entertainment 11.06.2009 T Tekken 6 Combat Namco Bandai Games 01.11.2009 11.12.2009 Tetris minis Puzzle Electronic Arts 01.11.2009 08.10.2009 Thexder Neo PSN Action Square Enix 01.10.2009 01.10.2009 Thrillville : Le Parc en Folie Gestion Frontier Developments 22.12.2009[2] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Sport - Golf Electronic Arts 03.07.2009 TMNT : Les Tortues ninja Action Ubisoft Montréal 25.06.2009 Tokobot Action / Réflexion Tecmo 04.06.2009 Tomb Raider: Anniversary Action-aventure Crystal Dynamics 16.07.2009 Tomb Raider: Legend Action-aventure Crystal Dynamics 08.10.2009 Twisted Metal: Head-On Combat motorisé Incognito Entertainment 19.03.2009 U Unbound Saga PSN Beat them all Vogster Entertainment 16.07.2009 30.07.2009 Undead Knights Action Koei Tecmo 24.12.2009 V Vempire minis Puzzle Impressionware 01.10.2009 W Warriors, The Beat them all Rockstar Toronto 19.11.2009 Wagic : The Homebrew Cartes Wololo Warriors Orochi Beat them all Omega Force 01.11.2009 20.08.2009 Warriors Orochi 2 Beat them all Omega Force 17.12.2009[1] Wild Arms XF Tactical RPG Media.Vision 26.11.2009 20.08.2009 WipEout Pulse Course futuriste SCE Studio Liverpool 11.06.2009 WipEout Pure Course futuriste SCE Studio Liverpool 24.09.2009 15.05.2008 World of Pool Sport - Billard Ghostlight 19.02.2009 World Tour Soccer 2 Sport - Football SCE London Studio 07.05.2009 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 Combat - Catch Yuke's 24.10.2009 WWII: Battle Over the Pacific Action Midas Interactive Entertainment 26.02.2009 X Y Yetisports minis Sport Xendex 17.10.2009 Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam minis Simulation Virtual Toys 08.10.2009 Z Zombie Tycoon minis Gestion Frima Studio 29.10.2009 Sommaire : Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notes et références
- Guillaume Couturier, « Mise à jour du PlayStation Store du 17 décembre 2009 - PlayStation Blog »
- Guillaume Couturier, « Mise à jour du PlayStation Store du 22 décembre 2009 - PlayStation Blog »
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