- Punjabi
Le panjâbî (ou penjâbî ; nom local : ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / pañjābī ou پنجابی / panjābī) est une langue indo-européenne de la branche des langues indo-iraniennes parlée au Penjab (En Inde et au Pakistan.) par environ 100 millions de locuteurs (tous dialectes confondus; ce nombre peut être bien inférieur si l'on en exclut certains dialectes); elle est issue de prâkrits, comme l'hindî, tout en étant plus archaïque, donc irrégulière, que celle-ci. Elle utilise principalement le semi-syllabaire gurmukhī pour son écriture en Inde et le shâhmukhî au Pakistan, mais parfois la devanâgarî. Elle serait, avec l'hindî, la langue-mère du romani, la langue des Tsiganes. La panjâbî est une langue à accent de hauteur, à la manière du sanskrit autrefois, fonctionnant avec trois intonations. C'est une des rares langues indo-aryennes modernes de ce type.
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Punjabi — may refer to: *The Punjabi language of Pakistan and India **Punjabi grammar **List of Punjabi language poets **List of Punjabi authors *The Punjabi people of India and Pakistan *Anything from the Punjab region *Anything from the Punjab, Pakistan… … Wikipedia
Punjabi — [pun jä′bē] n. 1. a person born or living in the Punjab 2. the Indo Aryan language spoken in the Punjab … English World dictionary
Punjabi — [[t]pʌnʤɑ͟ːbi[/t]] Punjabis 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Punjabi means belonging or relating to the Punjab region of India or Pakistan, its people, or its language. He comes from a middle class Punjabi family. ...Punjabi cuisine. 2) N COUNT A Punjabi is a… … English dictionary
Punjabi — I UK [pʌnˈdʒɑːbɪ] / US [pʌnˈdʒɑbɪ] noun Word forms Punjabi : singular Punjabi plural Punjabis 1) [countable] someone who comes from the Punjab region of India or Pakistan, or whose family originally comes from that area 2) [uncountable] the… … English dictionary
Punjabi — Pun|ja|bi1 [ pʌn dʒabi ] noun count someone who comes from the Punjab region of India or Pakistan a. uncount the language that most people speak in Punjab Punjabi Pun|ja|bi 2 [ pʌn dʒabi ] adjective someone who is Punjabi is from Punjab a.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Punjabi — [pʌnˈdʒɑːbi] noun [U] I the language most people speak in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan II adj Punjabi [pʌnˈdʒɑːbi] 1) someone who is Punjabi is from Punjab 2) relating to Punjab, or its language or culture … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Punjabi — Pun•ja•bi or Panjabi [[t]pʌnˈdʒɑ bi[/t]] n. pl. bis, adj. 1) a native or inhabitant of the Punjab 2) peo an Indo Aryan language of the Punjab 3) peo of or pertaining to the Punjab, its inhabitants, or the language Punjabi • Etymology: <… … From formal English to slang
Punjabi — /pʊnˈdʒabi/ (say poon jahbee), /pʌn / (say pun ) noun 1. a native or inhabitant of the Punjab. 2. an Indo European language or group of related dialects spoken in the Punjab region, including Western Punjabi (Jammu and Kashmir) and Eastern… …
Punjabi — noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu pañjābī, from pañjābī of Punjab, from Persian panjābī, from Panjāb Punjab Date: 1846 1. an Indo Aryan language of the Punjab 2. a native or inhabitant of the Punjab region of the northwestern Indian subcontinent •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Punjabi — Panjabi (پنجابی,ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) Gesprochen in Pakistan, Indien Sprecher 129 Millionen Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanische Sprachen Indoiranische Sprachen Indoarische Sprachen Panjabi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Punjabi — /pun jah bee/, n., pl. Punjabis for 1. 1. a native or inhabitant of the Punjab. 2. an Indic language of the Punjab. adj. 3. of or pertaining to the Punjab, its people, or their language. Also, Panjabi. [ < Punjabi Pañjabi < Pers panjab PUNJAB + i … Universalium