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GLYOXYSOME — Pendant la germination des graines oléagineuses (ricin, tournesol), les réserves lipidiques de l’albumen ou des cotylédons des semences disparaissent. Ces lipides sont convertis en glucides, principalement du saccharose: ainsi un flux de carbone… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Glyoxysome — Glyoxysomes are specialized peroxisomes found in plants (particularly in the fat storage tissues of germinating seeds) and also in filamentous fungi. As in all peroxisomes, in glyoxysomes the fatty acids are hydrolyzed to acetyl CoA by… … Wikipedia
glyoxysome — noun Any of various specialized peroxisomes found in plants (particularly in the fat storage tissues of germinating seeds) and also in filamentous fungi, serving to break down fatty acids and provide enzymes to produce intermediates for the… … Wiktionary
glyoxysome — gly·ox·y·some (gli okґsĭ sōm) any of the microbodies present in certain plants and microorganisms, resembling the peroxisomes of vertebrate animal cells, but having, in addition to catalase and oxidase enzymes, the enzymes of the… … Medical dictionary
Organelle — A typical animal cell. Within the cytoplasm, the major organelles and cellular structures include: (1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (6) Golgi apparatus … Wikipedia
Cell (biology) — Allium cells in different phases of the cell cycle … Wikipedia
Cytoplasm — Schematic showing the cytoplasm, with major components of a typical animal cell (organelles): (3) ribosomes (indicated by purple dots) (4) vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (6) Golgi apparatus (7) cytoskeleton (8) smooth ER (9)… … Wikipedia
Cell nucleus — HeLa cells stained for the cell nucleus DNA with the Blue Hoechst dye. The central and rightmost cell are in interphase, thus their entire nuclei are labeled. On the left, a cell is going through mitosis and its DNA has condensed ready for… … Wikipedia
Chloroplast — Simplified structure of a chloroplast Chloroplasts (English pronunciation: /ˈklɒrəplæsts/) are organelles found in plant cells and other eukaryotic organisms that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts capture light energy to conserve … Wikipedia
Cell membrane — Illustration of a Eukaryotic cell membrane The cell membrane or plasma membrane is a biological mem … Wikipedia