Liste Des Sigles De L'AAR Débutant Par C

Liste Des Sigles De L'AAR Débutant Par C

Liste des sigles de l'AAR débutant par C

Voir l'article principal: Sigle de l'AAR


  • CA - Chesapeake and Albemarle Railroad
  • CABU - Bacardi and Company, Ltd.
  • CABX - Cabot Corporation
  • CACV - Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railway
  • CACZ - Comacasa Line
  • CAD - Cadiz Railroad
  • CADX - Cando Corporation
  • CAFU - Bay Cities Leasing Company
  • CAGX - MHC, Inc. (subsidiary of ConAgra)
  • CAGY - Columbus and Greenville Railway
  • CAGZ - Columbus and Greenville Railway
  • CALA - Carolina Southern Railroad
  • CALX - California Railcar Corporation
  • CAMX - Canamax Commodity Corporation
  • CANX - CANAC International, Inc.
  • CAOX - Westlake CA and O
  • CAPX - TransAlta Utilities Corporation
  • CARR - Carrollton Railroad
  • CARX - Carlon; Lamson and Sessions
  • CARZ - Anton Caraton and Son
  • CASO - Canada Southern Railway; New York Central Railroad; Penn Central; Conrail; Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CATU - CATU Containers, SA
  • CAXU - Container Applications International, Inc.
  • CBC - Carbon County Railway; Chemin de Fer Baie des Chaleurs, Inc. (Canada)
  • CBCX - Colonial Brick Company, Inc.
  • CBGR - Council Bluffs Railway; Great Western Railway of Iowa
  • CBHU - China Ocean Shipping Company
  • CBIU - Combi Line-Lash
  • CBIX - Central Bi-Products
  • CBL - Conemaugh and Black Lick Railroad
  • CBLU - Cooper Brothers Containers, Ltd.
  • CBNS - Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia Railway
  • CBPU - CBSL Transportation Services, Ltd.
  • CBQ - Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad; Burlington Northern Railway; Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway; BNSF Railway
  • CBQZ - Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad; Burlington Northern Railway; Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway; BNSF Railway
  • CBRM - Chillicothe-Brunswick Rail Maintenance Authority
  • CBRW - Columbia Basin Railroad
  • CBRX - Charles Barthoid
  • CBRY - Copper Basin Railway
  • CBYN - Crosbyton Railway
  • CC - Chicago Central and Pacific Railway
  • CCAX - FDJ Leasing
  • CCBX - Union Carbide Corporation
  • CCCL - Connecticut Central Railroad
  • CCCU - Compass Container Company, Inc.
  • CCCX - Carondelet Coke Corporation
  • CCCZ - Compass Container Company, Inc.
  • CCDX - Dayton Power and Light Company
  • CCEZ - Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad
  • CCFZ - Chi-Can Freight Forwarding
  • CCGX - Cando Contracting, Ltd.
  • CCHX - Columbian Chemicals Canada, Ltd.
  • CCIM - Corpus Christi Terminal Railroad
  • CCIX - Stauffer Chemical Company (Consolidated Chemical Division)
  • CCIZ - Crete Intermodal
  • CCKX - California Contemporary, Inc.; CCKX, Inc.
  • CCKY - Chattooga and Chickamauga Railway
  • CCLU - Char Ching Shipping (USA), Ltd.
  • CCLX - Crystal Car Lines
  • CCMX - Calcium Carbonate Company
  • CCPR - Chelatchie Prairie Railroad
  • CCPX - Canadian Chemical Producers
  • CCQX - Construction Carrier, Inc.
  • CCR - Corinth and Counce Railroad; Kansas City Southern Railway
  • CCRA - Camp Chase Industrial Railroad
  • CCRR - Claremont Concord Railroad
  • CCRU - Compagnie Des Containers Reservoir
  • CCRX - Coastal Refining and Marketing, Inc.
  • CCRY - Charles City Railway
  • CCRZ - Kansas City Southern Railway
  • CCSU - Trans Ocean, Ltd.
  • CCT - Central California Traction Company
  • CCTU - Coordinated Caribbean Transport, Inc.
  • CCTX - Central Power and Light Company
  • CCTZ - Crowley Maritime Corporation
  • CCUO - Chicago-Chemung Railroad
  • CCWX - Coastal Chem, Inc.
  • CCX - Columbian Chemicals Company
  • CCXU - Char Ching Shipping (USA), Ltd.
  • CCXX - Costain Coal, Inc.
  • CDAC - Canadian American Railroad; Bangor and Aroostook Railroad; Montral, Maine and Atlantic
  • CDAU - Canadian Tire Corporation, Ltd.
  • CDAZ - Canadian Tire Corporation, Ltd.
  • CDCX - Air Liquide America Corporation
  • CDGX - Carolinas Domestic Gas Company, Inc.; Chatham Oil Company
  • CDHX - Caledonian Rail Lines, LLC
  • CDLZ - Cardinal Freight Carriers
  • CDNU - Carotrans International
  • CDPX - Chevron USA, Inc.
  • CDTX - California Department of Transportation (Amtrak California)
  • CDVX - Caddo Valley Railcar Repair, Inc.
  • CEBX - Combustion Engineering, Inc.
  • CEDR - Cedar River Railroad
  • CEFX - CIT Equipment Finance Corporation
  • CEI - Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad
  • CEIW - Central Indiana and Western Railroad
  • CELX - Celtran, Inc.
  • CEMR - Central Manitoba Railway
  • CEMX - Cementos Mexicanos, SA; Cemex Mexico, SA de CV
  • CENX - Western Aggregates, Inc.
  • CEPX - Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.; Trinity Industries Leasing
  • CERA - Central Railroad of Indianapolis
  • CERX - Carpenter Chemical Company; ER Carpenter, LLP
  • CETU - Custom Environmental Transport, Inc.
  • CEWX - Canadian Enterprise Gas Products
  • CF - Cape Fear Railway
  • CFKZ - XTRA Intermodal
  • CFLX - Crestbrook Forest Industries
  • CFMG - Chemin de Fer de Matapédia et du Golfe (Canada)
  • CFMX - Cargill, Inc.
  • CFNR - California Northern Railroad
  • CFPX - GE Railcar Services Corporation
  • CFRU - Cardinal Freight Carriers
  • CFSX - C and T Refinery, Inc.
  • CFTX - Canadian Fertilizers, Ltd.
  • CFWR - Caney Fork and Western Railway
  • CG - Central of Georgia; Norfolk Southern
  • CGA - Central of Georgia; Norfolk Southern
  • CGAX - Cargill, Inc. (C.G.D. Division)
  • CGBX - Procor, Ltd.; Dow Chemical Canada, Inc.
  • CGCX - Continental Grain Company
  • CGDX - Country Gas Distributors, Inc.; Eastern Propane Gas
  • CGEX - Canadian General Electric Company, Ltd.; Cargill, Inc.
  • CGFX - Consolidated Gas Company of Florida
  • CGLX - Canadian General Transit
  • CGMU - Compagnie Generale Maritime
  • CGMX - GATX Rail Canada Corporation
  • CGMZ - Compagnie Generale Maritime
  • CGNE - Champagne Railroad, Inc.
  • CGOX - Cargill, Inc.
  • CGR - CG Railway
  • CGRX - Consolidated Grain and Barge Company
  • CGRY - Carrizo Gorge Railway, Inc.
  • CGSX - Proflame Incorporated
  • CGT - Canada and Gulf Terminal Railway
  • CGTU - Compagnie Generale Maritime
  • CGTX - Canadian General Transit
  • CGW - Chicago Great Western Railway; Chicago and North Western Railway; Union Pacific Railroad
  • CHAU - Combined Transport Group, Inc.
  • CHAX - Chartrand's Tank Car Service, Inc.
  • CHEX - Chemplex Company; Equistar Chemicals
  • CHFU - Challenge International
  • CHH - Cheswick and Harmar
  • CHIU - Chimco - Bulgaria
  • CHLX - Chemleco, Inc.
  • CHMX - C. H. Masland and Sons; First Union Rail
  • CHP - Ferrocarril de Chihuahua al Pacifico, SA de CV; Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico
  • CHR - Chestnut Ridge Railway
  • CHRC - Chaparral Railroad
  • CHRR - Chesapeake Railroad
  • CHRX - The Chesapeake Division
  • CHS - Charlotte Southern Railroad
  • CHSX - Cenex Harvest States Cooperative
  • CHSZ - Intermodal Services, Inc.
  • CHTS - Penn Eastern Rail Lines, Inc.
  • CHTT - Chicago Heights Terminal Transfer Railroad; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad
  • CHV - Chattahoochee Valley Railway
  • CHVX - Chevron Chemical Company
  • CHW - Chesapeake Western Railway; Norfolk Southern
  • CI - Cambria and Indiana Railroad
  • CIC - Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway (Crandic)
  • CIIX - Contico International, Inc.
  • CIM - Chicago and Illinois Midland Railway
  • CIND - Central Railroad of Indiana; Conrail
  • CIPX - Central Illinois Public Service Company; Ameren Energy Generating Company
  • CIR - City of Rochelle, Illinois
  • CIRR - Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad
  • CIRX - Consbec, Inc.
  • CIRY - Central Illinois Railroad
  • CISD - Colonel's Island Railroad
  • CITU - Citroën
  • CITX - PLM International
  • CIW - Illinois Central Gulf; Illinois Central Railroad; Canadian National Railway
  • CIXX - Calciner Industries, Inc.
  • CJPX - General Electric Rail Services Corporation
  • CKIX - C.K. Industries
  • CKP - Colorado Kansas and Pacific Railway
  • CKRY - Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad
  • CKSI - Carthage Knightstown and Shirley Railroad
  • CLC - Columbia and Cowlitz Railway
  • CLCO - Claremont and Concord Railway
  • CLCX - Union Oil Company of California; Chatahoochee Locomotive Company
  • CLCZ - Complete Logistics Company
  • CLDZ - Celadon Trucking Services, Inc.
  • CLEX - Chemical Enterprises, Inc.; Cieco Corporation
  • CLGR - Central Louisiana and Gulf Railroad
  • CLGU - Costa Line Cargo Services
  • CLIF - Cliffside Railroad
  • CLIX - Calumet Lubricants
  • CLK - Cadillac and Lake City Railway
  • CLMX - Cyprus Sierrita Corporation
  • CLNA - Carolina Coastal Railway
  • CLOU - CLOU Container Leasing, GmbH
  • CLOX - Clark Refining and Marketing, Inc.
  • CLP - Clarendon and Pittsford Railroad
  • CLPX - Boulder Scientific Company
  • CLPZ - Clarendon and Pittsford Railroad
  • CLRX - Clayton Rail
  • CLSL - Columbia and Silver Creek Railroad
  • CLSX - Cargill Incorporated (Salt Division)
  • CLTU - Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc.
  • CLTX - Cloro de Tehuantepec, SA de CV
  • CM - Central Montana Rail
  • CMBU - CMB, SA
  • CMC - CMC Railroad, Inc.
  • CMCU - Crowley Maritime Corporation
  • CMCX - Sweetman Construction Company
  • CMCZ - Crowley Maritime Corporation
  • CMDX - Cargill, Inc.
  • CMER - Curtis, Milburn and Eastern Railroad
  • CMG - Chicago, Milwaukee and Gary Railway
  • CMGN - Central Michigan Railway
  • CMHX - CarMath, Inc.
  • CMIX - Consolidated Minerals, Inc.
  • CMLU - Containers Marine Lines (Division of American Export Lines)
  • CMLX - Craggy Mountain Line, Inc.
  • CMLZ - Containers Marine Lines Isbrandtsen
  • CMMU - Medcontainers
  • CMO - Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway; Chicago and North Western Railway
  • CMPA - Madison Railroad Division of City of Madison Port Authority
  • CMPU - Complete Logistics Company
  • CMSN - Crowley Marine Services
  • CMU - Columbus Charter Service
  • CMUU - Canada Maritime Agencies Limited
  • CN - Canadian National Railway
  • CNA - Canadian National Railway
  • CNAZ - Grand Trunk Western Railroad; Canadian National Railway
  • CNCX - Columbia Nitrogen Corporation
  • CNDX - Connecticut Department of Transportation
  • CNE - Central New England Railway; New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad
  • CNEU - Canadian National Railway
  • CNEZ - Canadian National Railway
  • CNGU - Sicng (Ind. Chim. Du Nord de la Grece SA)
  • CNGX - CONAG Finance, Inc.
  • CNHX - Ontario Hydro; Ontario Power Generation
  • CNIS - Canadian National Railway
  • CNJ - Central Railroad of New Jersey; Conrail
  • CNLX - CANAC International
  • CNMZ - Conrail
  • CNNU - Compania Nacional de Nabegacao
  • CNOR - Cincinnati Northern
  • CNOW - Columbia and Northern Railway
  • CNOX - Shell Canada Ltd.
  • CNPU - Canadian National Railway
  • CNPZ - Canadian National Railway
  • CNQ - Canadian National Railway
  • CNRR - California Northern Railroad
  • CNRU - Canadian National Railway
  • CNRX - Canadian National Railway
  • CNRZ - Canadian National Railway
  • CNSX - Consolidated Oil and Transportation Company, Inc.
  • CNTP - Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway
  • CNTX - Continental Tank Car Corporation
  • CNUR - C and NC Railroad Corporation
  • CNVX - Convoyeur National, Inc.
  • CNW - Chicago and North Western Railway; Union Pacific Railroad
  • CNWS - Chicago and North Western Railway
  • CNWX - Canadian Wheat Board
  • CNWZ - Chicago and North Western Railway; Union Pacific Railroad
  • CNYK - Central New York Railroad
  • CNYX - Central New York Locomotive Company
  • CNZR - Central New England Railroad
  • CO - Chesapeake and Ohio Railway; Chessie System; CSX Transportation
  • COAX - Trinity Rail Management, Inc.
  • COBX - Cobre Mining Company, Ltd.
  • COCX - Chevron Oronite Company, LLC
  • COE - Colorado and Eastern Railroad
  • COEH - Conecuh Valley Railroad
  • COER - Crab Orchard and Egyptian Railroad
  • COEZ - Crab Orchard and Egyptian Railroad
  • COLX - Alliant Energy
  • COMX - Commonwealth Edison Company
  • CONU - Contrans
  • CONX - Conoco Inc.
  • COOK - Cook Transit
  • COOX - Cooperative Producers, Inc.; First Union Rail
  • COP - City of Prineville Railway
  • COPX - CanadianOxy Industrial Chemicals, LP
  • CORP - Central Oregon and Pacific
  • CORU - CATU Containers, SA
  • CORX - Coors Brewing Company
  • COSU - China Ocean Steamship, Ltd.
  • COSX - Cabot Corporation (CAB-O-SIL Division)
  • COTX - Consolidated Transportation Corporation; GLNX Corporation
  • COZ - CSX Transportation
  • CP - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPAA - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPAX - CITGO Petroleum Corporation
  • CPBU - Soo Line; Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPBZ - Soo Line; Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPCX - Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
  • CPDR - South Carolina Central Railroad (Carolina Piedmont Division)
  • CPDU - Delaware and Hudson Railway
  • CPDX - Chevron USA, Inc.
  • CPDZ - Delaware and Hudson Railway
  • CPGZ - ContainerPort Group, Inc.
  • CPHX - Ontario Hydro; Ontario Power Generation
  • CPI - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPIX - Continental Polymers, Inc.; ICI Acrylics, Inc.
  • CPLJ - Camp Lejeune Railroad
  • CPLT - Camino, Placerville and Lake Tahoe Railroad
  • CPLX - CPLX Leasing
  • CPOX - Consumers Power Company
  • CPPU - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPPX - Consolidated Papers, Inc.
  • CPPZ - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPRS - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPRX - Carolina Power and Light Company
  • CPRZ - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPSX - Commercial Plastics Systems, Inc.
  • CPT - Canadian Pacific Railway
  • CPVU - Containers and Pressure Vessels, Ltd.
  • CPWX - Canadian Wheat Board
  • CQPA - Central Columbiana and Pennsylvania Railway
  • CR - Conrail
  • CRAX - Crystal Hopper Associates
  • CRAZ - Cornucopia Transportation, Inc.
  • CRCX - Conrail
  • CRCZ - Norfolk Southern
  • CRDX - Chicago Freight Car Leasing Company
  • CRE - Conrail (Eastern District)
  • CREU - Canadian Retail Shippers Association
  • CREX - Merchants Investment Company; Citicorp Railmark, Inc.
  • CREZ - Canadian Retail Shippers Association
  • CRGX - Cargill, Inc.
  • CRI - Conrail
  • CRIJ - Carolina Rail Services, Inc.
  • CRIX - GE Railcar Services Corporation; Citicorp Railmark, Inc.
  • CRL - Chicago Rail Link
  • CRLE - Coe Rail, Inc.
  • CRLU - Carlisle Leasing International
  • CRLX - Canadian Railserve, Ltd.
  • CRMU - Norfolk Southern
  • CRMX - The Cropmate Company
  • CRMZ - Norfolk Southern
  • CRN - Carolina and Northwestern Railway; Norfolk Southern
  • CROX - Sylvachem Corporation
  • CRP - Central Railroad of Pennsylvania
  • CRPU - Norfolk Southern
  • CRPX - Centennial Gas Liquids
  • CRQU - Norfolk Southern
  • CRR - Clinchfield Railroad; Seaboard System Railroad; CSX Transportation
  • CRRR - Copper Range Refrigerator
  • CRRX - Canon City and Royal Gorge Railroad, LLC
  • CRSX - Cost Rail Service
  • CRTZ - Norfolk Southern
  • CRXU - Cronos Containers (U.K.)
  • CRYX - Cryo-Trans, Inc.
  • CRZ - Norfolk Southern
  • CS - Colorado and Southern; Burlington Northern Railway; Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway; BNSF Railway
  • CSAO - Conrail Shared Assets Operations
  • CSAU - Costa Line
  • CSBX - Cargill Incorporated (Salt Division)
  • CSCD - Cascade and Columbia River Railroad
  • CSCX - Oglebay Norton; Coal Supply Corporation
  • CSDX - Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
  • CSGX - Central Sand and Gravel Company
  • CSKR - C and S Railroad
  • CSKU - Consolidated Services, Inc.
  • CSL - Chicago Short Line Railway
  • CSMX - Carol and Andy Muller
  • CSNX - Cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation; Trident NGL, Inc.
  • CSO - Connecticut Southern Railroad
  • CSOX - CITGO Petroleum Corporation
  • CSP - Camas Prairie RailNet
  • CSPX - Chesapeake Speciality Products; Cities Service Company
  • CSRX - Conway Scenic Railroad
  • CSRZ - CSX Transportation
  • CSS - Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad
  • CSTX - Canadian Starch Company (Casco)
  • CSUX - City of Colorado Springs Department of Electric Generation
  • CSVU - Compania Sud Americana de Vapores, GmbH
  • CSWX - Central and South West Services, Inc.
  • CSX - Central Transportation Company, Inc.
  • CSXE - CSX Transportation
  • CSXT - CSX Transportation
  • CSXU - CSX Transportation
  • CSXZ - CSX Transportation
  • CSYX - Central Soya
  • CT - Columbia Terminal
  • CTCU - Container Trading Company
  • CTCX - GE Railcar Services Corporation; Endasa, SA de CV
  • CTE - Cen-Tex Rail Link
  • CTEU - Spanish Lines
  • CTEX - Canterra Energy, Ltd.; PLM International, Inc.
  • CTGZ - Combined Transport Group, Inc.
  • CTIE - Kansas City Southern Railway
  • CTIU - CTI-Container Transport International, Inc.
  • CTIX - Southeastern Industrial Enterprises, Inc.
  • CTIZ - CTI-Container Transport International, Inc.
  • CTKU - Container Tank Services, Ltd.
  • CTLX - Endasa, SA de CV
  • CTML - Cairo Terminal Railroad
  • CTN - Canton Railroad
  • CTNX - Continental Carbon
  • CTOU - Chem-Rail Logistics, LLC
  • CTPX - Certain Teed Corporation; Courtesy Corporation
  • CTR - Clinton Terminal Railroad
  • CTRN - Central of Tennessee Railway
  • CTRR - Cloquet Terminal Railroad
  • CTRU - Container Trading Company
  • CTRW - Carlton Trail Railway
  • CTRX - C and T Refinery, Inc.
  • CTSU - Bibby Bros Company
  • CTSX - CTS Cement Manufacturing, Inc. (Chem Comp Systems)
  • CTSZ - Carotrans International
  • CTTX - Trailer Train Company; TTX Company
  • CTUU - Container Trading Company
  • CTVX - Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railway
  • CTWU - Container Trading Company
  • CTZZ - Continental Transportation Company
  • CUEX - Colorado-Utility Electric Association
  • CUOH - Columbus and Ohio River Rail Road
  • CURB - Curtis Bay Railroad
  • CUST - Chicago Union Station Company
  • CUT - Cincinnati Union Terminal
  • CUVA - Cuahoga Valley Railway; ISG Cleveland Works Railway
  • CV - Central Vermont Railway; Grand Trunk Western; Canadian National Railway
  • CVC - Central Vermont Railway; Canadian National Railway
  • CVQ - Grand Trunk Western Railroad; Canadian National Railway
  • CVR - Cimarron Valley Railroad
  • CVRR - Cumberland Valley Railroad
  • CVRX - Locomotive and Tower Preservation Fund, Ltd.
  • CVRY - Caddo Valley Railroad
  • CVRZ - Grand Trunk Western Railroad; Canadian National Railway
  • CVYR - Caddo Valley Railroad
  • CW - Colorado and Wyoming Railroad
  • CWBX - C. W. Brooks, Inc.
  • CWCX - Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc.
  • CWCY - Caldwell County Railroad
  • CWEX - Commonwealth Edison Company; Midwest Generation, LLC
  • CWI - Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad
  • CWIU - Con-Way Intermodal
  • CWIZ - Con-Way Intermodal
  • CWMX - Chemical Waste Management, Inc.
  • CWP - Chicago, West Pullman and Southern Railroad; Chicago Rail Link
  • CWR - California Western Railroad; CWR, Inc.
  • CWRC - Central Wisconsin Railroad
  • CWRL - Central Western Railway
  • CWRO - Cleveland Works Railway
  • CWRY - Commonwealth Railway
  • CWRZ - Providence and Worcester Railroad
  • CWSX - USS Fabrication Division (United States Steel Corporation)
  • CWTX - ChemWest Industries, Inc.
  • CWTZ - Con-Way Truckload Services
  • CXCZ - CSX Lines, LLC
  • CXIX - Chemical Exchange Industries, Inc.
  • CXPZ - CSX Transportation
  • CXRZ - CSX Transportation
  • CXVZ - CSX Intermodal, Inc.
  • CYCY - Crystal City Railroad
  • CYDX - Conrad Yelvington Distributors, Inc.
  • CYTX - Construcciones Y Trituaraciones, SA de CV
  • CYX - American Cyanamid Company
  • CZ - Coahuila and Zacatecas Railway
  • CZCX - Crown Zellerbach Corporation
  • CZRY - Carrizo Gorge Railway
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