- Prix Lumière de la vérité
Le prix Lumière de la vérité est un prix des droits de l’homme, le plus prestigieux du mouvement tibétain, créé par Campagne internationale pour le Tibet. Il est décerné presque chaque année à une personne ou une organisation qui a contribué publiquement de façon substantielle à faire connaître le combat pour les droits de l’homme et les libertés démocratiques du peuple tibétain. En 2001, le prix a été décerné au peuple de l’Inde, il a été réceptionné par le président R. Venkataraman Depuis 1995, au nom d’ICT, le Dalaï-lama a remis ce prix aux récipiendaires[1]. Les récipiendaires sont :
- 1995 : A. M. Rosenthal
- 1996 : Richard Gere, Lavinia Currier, et Michael Currier
- 1997 : Charlie Rose, et Claiborne Pell
- 1998 : Martin Scorsese, et Melissa Mathison
- 1999 : Hugh Edward Richardson, et Danielle Mitterrand
- 2000 : Richard C. Blum
- 2001 : Le peuple de l’Inde, réceptionné par R. Venkataraman
- 2002 : Heinrich Harrer, et Petra Kelly
- 2003 : Benjamin A. Gilman, Michele Bohana, et Robert Thurman
- 2004 : Otto Graf Lambsdorff, Irmtraut Wäger, et Václav Havel
- 2005 : Elie Wiesel, Carl Gershman, et Lowell Thomas, Jr.
- 2006 : Fondation Hergé, et Desmond Tutu
- 2009 : Julia V. Taft[2], et Wang Lixiong[3],[4],[5].
- 2011 : George Patterson
- (en) Light of Truth Awards, International Campaign for Tibet. Consulté le 2010-02-04, sur le site savetibet.org
- Light of Truth Awards
- (en) Chinese writer embraces Dalai Lama, seeks dialogue: update
- A Washington, le dalaï lama rend hommage à un écrivain chinois pro-tibétain
- (en) Michael Barker, op. cit. : « Some of ICT’s directors are also integral members of the ‘democracy promoting’ establishment, and include Bette Bao Lord (who is the chair of Freedom House, and a director of Freedom Forum),[14] Gare A. Smith (who has previously served as principal deputy assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor), Julia Taft (who is a former director of the NED, the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, has worked for USAID, and has also served as the President and CEO of InterAction), and finally, Mark Handelman (who is also a director of the National Coalition for Haitian Rights, an organization whose work is ideologically linked to the NED’s longstanding interventions in Haiti).[15] The ICT’s board of advisors also presents two individuals who are closely linked to the NED, Harry Wu, and Qiang Xiao (who is the former executive director of the NED-funded Human Rights in China).[16] Like their board of directors, ICT’s international council of advisors includes many ‘democratic’ notables like Vaclav Havel, Fang Lizhi (who in 1995 – at least – was a board member of Human Rights in China), Jose Ramos-Horta (who serves on the international advisory board for the Democracy Coalition Project), Kerry Kennedy (who is a director of the NED-funded China Information Center), Vytautas Landsbergis (who is an international patron of the British-based neoconservative Henry Jackson Society – see Clark, 2005), and until her recent death, the “mid-wife of the neocons” Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (who was also linked to ‘democratic’ groups like Freedom House and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies) ».
- Portail du Tibet
- Portail des récompenses et distinctions
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