- Opet
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- La « belle fête d'Opet » (heb nefer en Ipet) était l’une des fêtes religieuses les plus somptueuses de l’Égypte pharaonique. Elle fut célébrée tous les ans au mois de phaophi, 2e mois de la saison akhet.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Opet de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Opet — OPET, established in 1992, is a Turkish fuel oil distribution company having the biggest network of gas stations in Turkey. It is co owned by the Koç Group.Its strategically strong high tonnage terminals enables OPET a 10.3 % market share. It is… … Wikipedia
opet — ȍpēt pril. čest. DEFINICIJA 1. a. još jedanput, iznova, ponovo b. pak, međutim [jedni imaju, drugi opet nemaju] 2. (s veznikom a) sa zn. neočekivane radnje: (pa) ipak, i pored toga, i na sve to, i sa svim tim, i uza sve to [ne želi, a opet ide] 3 … Hrvatski jezični portal
OPET — This article is about the Turkish gas station company. For the ancient Egyptian festival of Amun, see Opet Festival. The OPET logo OPET, established in 1992, is a Turkish fuel oil distribution company having the biggest network of gas stations in … Wikipedia
Opet — Ancient Egyptian festival of the New Year. In the celebration of Opet, statues of Amon and Mut and their son Khons were carried down the Nile on barges in a ritual journey from their shrines at Karnak to the temple of Luxor. There the statues… … Universalium
Opet — Ipet in Hieroglyphen Ab Altes Reich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opet — Antigua festividad egipcia del año nuevo. Durante la celebración de Opet, las estatuas de Amón y Mut, y la de su hijo Jonsu, eran transportadas en barcas por el Nilo en un viaje ritual, desde sus santuarios en Karnak hasta el templo de Luxor. Las … Enciclopedia Universal
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Opet Festival — The Beautiful Feast of Opet (or Opet Festival) was an Ancient Egyptian festival, celebrated annually in Thebes, during the New Kingdom period and later. The statues of the gods of the Theban Triad Amun, Khonsu and Mut (hidden from sight in a… … Wikipedia