Liste des promotions de la National Wrestling Alliance

Liste des promotions de la National Wrestling Alliance

Cette liste des promotions de la National Wrestling Alliance regroupe toutes les promotions indépendantes utilisant le nom de la NWA et étant rattaché à la maison mère, la National Wrestling Alliance original existe depuis les années 1940.

Promotions actuel

Promotion Promoteur(s) Fondation Pays Affilié(s)
NWA Oregon
NWA Washington
Inoki Genome Federation Antonio Inoki 2007– Japon
NEO Japan Kyoko Inoue

Tetsuya Koda

1998– Japon
New Japan Pro Wrestling Antonio Inoki 1972 Japon
International Wrestling Association Victor Quiñones 1994–2001
Puerto Rico
NWA Addicted Chad Merchant
Chad Peters
2004 Vermont NWA Cold Front
NWA Anarchy Jerry Palmer 2005 Géorgie NWA Georgia
NWA Battle Zone Denny McLain 2002 Mississippi NWA New South
NWA Bluegrass Kenny McCoy 2002 Kentucky
NWA Championship Wrestling from Florida Kevin Rhodes 2003 Floride
NWA East Jim Miller 1995 Pennsylvanie
Pro Wrestling eXpress
Hybrid Pro Wrestling
Undisputed Championship Wrestling
Championship Wrestling Inc.
Allied Powers Wrestling Federation
NWA Underground
Mr. Chainsaw Productions Wrestling
Susquehanna Wrestling Organization
NWA Georgia Bill Behrens 1998 Alabama
NWA Anarchy
NWA Blue Ridge
NWA Rocky Top
North American Wrestling Association
Pro Wrestling Evolution
NWA Empire Mike Rossario 2006 New York NWA Upstate
NWA Liberty States/On Fire Mario Savoldi
Tommy Savoldi
Sonny Roselli
2008 New Jersey
Puerto Rico
International Wrestling Association
NWA East
NWA Main Event Mike Porter 1997 Tennessee NWA Georgia
NWA Mid-Atlantic Ricky Nelson 1998 Caroline du Nord
Caroline du Sud
NWA Mid-South Alvin Minnick 1997 Tennessee
NWA Midwest Ed Chuman 1998 Illinois
NWA Mountain State Wrestling Leonard Sims 2005 Virginie NWA Tri-State
NWA New Jersey/New York Fred Rubenstein 2003 New Jersey
New York
NWA North Jersey
NWA Shockwave
NWA Upstate
NWA North Jersey Fred Rubenstein 2004 Northern New Jersey NWA New Jersey/New York
NWA Shockwave
NWA Upstate
NWA Oregon Sam Simms
Kevin Brandt
2005 Oregon NWA Pro Wrestling David Marquez 2005 Californie NWA Ultra Championship Wrestling-Zero
Explosive Pro Wrestling (Australie)
Alternative Wrestling Show
Empire Wrestling Federation
Rising Phoenix Wrestling
NWA Pro Wrestling East
High Risk Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Revolution
SoCal Pro Wrestling
Fusion Pro Wrestling
NWA Quebec Rodney Kellman 2004 Québec Portneuf Wrestling Association
NWA Rocky Top James Strange 2005 Tennessee NWA Georgia
NWA Shockwave 2002 New Jersey NWA New Jersey/New York
NWA North Jersey
NWA Upstate
NWA Southwest Ken Taylor 1998 Texas
NWA Universal
World of Wrestling
International Championship Pro Wrestling
Gulf Coast Wrestling Alliance
Professional Wrestling Federation
NWA Top Rope Mike Sircy 2005 Tennessee NWA Main Event
NWA Tri-State Richard Arpin 1998 Ohio
NWA Mountain State
NWA Universal Christopher Fox 2003 Oklahoma
NWA Upstate Mike Rossario (2004-2008)
Chip Stetson (2008-)
2004 New York NWA Empire
NWA UK Hammerlock Andre Baker 1993 Grande-Bretagne
NWA Ireland
Scottish Wrestling Alliance
NWA Ultra Championship Wrestling-Zero Steve Neilson 2003 Utah NWA Pro Wrestling
NWA Underground 2007 Indiana NWA Midwest
NWA Championship Wrestling from Virginia Rick O'Brien 2000 Virginie NWA All-Star Wrestling
Mountain Empire Championship Wrestling
NWA Wisconsin Jason Jerry 2002 Wisconsin NWA Midwest
NWA Wrestle Birmingham Linda Marx 2005 Alabama NWA Georgia
Ultimate NWA Will Owens 2003 Tennessee NWA Georgia
ICWA - NWA France Daniel Jalbert 2002 France NWA France

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Liste des promotions de la National Wrestling Alliance de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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