- Kashmir
Cachemire (homonymie)
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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Kashmir de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Kashmir — Исполнитель Led Zeppelin Альбом Physical Graffiti Дата выпуска 24 февраля 1975 года Дата записи … Википедия
KASHMIR — KASHMIR, region in S. central Asia. The association of Kashmir with Jews was first alluded to by the 11th century Muslim scholar Al Bīrūnī in his India Book : In former times the inhabitants of Kashmir used to allow one or two foreigners to… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kashmir — [kash′mir, kash mir′] 1. region in S Asia, between Afghanistan & Tibet: since 1846, part of Jammu and Kashmir 2. JAMMU AND KASHMIR 3. Vale of valley of the Jhelum River, in W Kashmir Kashmirian adj., n … English World dictionary
kashmir — /ka ʃmir/, it. / kaʃmir/ s.m. [dal nome della regione del Kashmīr, dove originariamente veniva prodotta]. (tess.) [tessuto morbido e leggero che si ricava dal pelo delle capre del Kashm¦¯r] ▶◀ cachemire … Enciclopedia Italiana
Kashmir — from Skt. Kashypamara land of Kashyap, said to be the name of a renowned sage. Related: Kashmiri … Etymology dictionary
Kashmir — m DEFINICIJA v. Kašmir … Hrvatski jezični portal
Kashmir — This article is about the geographical region of greater Kashmir. For other meanings, see Kashmir (disambiguation), or Cashmere. Kashmir (Balti: کشمیر; Poonchi/Chibhali: کشمیر; Dogri: कश्मीर; Kashmiri: कॅशीर, کٔشِیر; Shina: کشمیر; Uyghur:… … Wikipedia
Kashmir — Karte (2004) Talmarg (Indien) Kaschmir (Devanagari: कश्मीर, Kaśmīr, Kashmir) ist ein ehemaliger Fürstenstaat im … Deutsch Wikipedia
kashmir — /kazh mear, kash /, n. cashmere. * * * Region of the northwestern Indian subcontinent. It is bounded to the northeast and east by China, to the south by India, to the west by Pakistan, and to the northwest by Afghanistan. The land is… … Universalium
Kashmir — /kash mear, kazh , kash mear , kazh /, n. 1. Also, Cashmere. a former princely state in SW Asia, adjacent to India, Pakistan, Sinkiang, and Tibet: sovereignty in dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947. 2. Official name, Jammu and Kashmir.… … Universalium
Kashmir — A creation of the Hindi Dogra dynasty and of the British government of India, Kashmir comprises three separate regions of the Valley of Kashmir, predominantly Muslim and Kashmiri speaking, Jammu; predominantly Hindu speaking Dogri; and Ladakh … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914