Jansher Khan

Jansher Khan
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Pour les articles homonymes, voir Khan (homonymie).

Jansher Khan, le 15 juin 1969 à Peshawar, est un ancien joueur de squash pakistanais, considéré comme l'un des plus grands joueurs de tous les temps, avec huit titres de champion du monde (record) et 6 British Open.


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  • Jansher Khan — (born 15 June 1969, in Peshawar, Pakistan) is a former World No. 1 professional squash player from Pakistan, who is widely considered to be one of the greatest squash players of all time. During his career he won the World Open a record eight… …   Wikipedia

  • Jansher Khan — (* 15. Juni 1969 in Peshawar, Pakistan) ist ein ehemaliger Squashprofi von Weltrang. Er war mehrfacher Weltmeister, sowie jahrelang Weltranglistenerster. Werdegang Jansher Khan ist einer der erfolgreichsten Squasher überhaupt: Im Verlauf seiner… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jansher Khan — (nacido el 15 de junio de 1969, en Peshawar, Pakistán) es un jugador profesional de squash pakistaní , ex nº 1 del mundo, ampliamente considerado uno de los más grandes jugadores de squash de todos los tiempos. A lo largo de su carrera ganó ocho… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Khan, Jansher — ▪ 1998       For many years the name Khan had been synonymous with success in the game of squash. In 1997 it was Jansher Khan who dominated the sport, winning his sixth successive British Open in April, his eighth Hong Kong Open in August, and… …   Universalium

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  • Jahangir Khan — Jahangir Khan, HI (born December 10 1963, in Karachi, Pakistan) (sometimes spelled Jehangir Khan ) is a former World No. 1 professional squash player from Pakistan, who is considered by many to be the greatest player in the history of the game.… …   Wikipedia

  • Jahangir Khan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Khan (homonymie). Jahangir Khan …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mohibullah "Mo" Khan — For information on the other Pakistani squash player also named Mohibullah Khan, click on the following link: Mohibullah Khan Mohibullah Khan, often referred to by the nickname Mo Khan , was a squash player from Pakistan. He was one of the… …   Wikipedia

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