


Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

Agapet est un nom propre qui peut désigner, par ordre chronologique présumé du décès :

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  • Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire Bouillet. Il est possible de supprimer cette indication, si le texte reflète le savoir actuel sur ce thème, si les sources sont citées, s'il satisfait aux exigences linguistiques actuelles et s'il ne contient pas de propos qui vont à l'encontre des règles de neutralité de Wikipédia.
Ce document provient de « Agapet ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • Agapetus — can be:* Agapetus (physician), an ancient Greek doctor * Pope Agapetus I * Pope Agapetus II * Agapetus of Seleucia, a fourth century metropolitan bishop of Seleucia ad Calycadnum. * Agapetus of Synada, a fourth century bishop. * Agapetus of… …   Wikipedia

  • Agapetus — • Fifth century deacon of the church of Sancta Sophia at Constantinople, reputed tutor of Justinian Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Agapetus     Agapetus      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Agapetus II —     Pope Agapetus II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Agapetus II     A Roman by birth, elected to the papacy 10 May, 946; he reigned, not ingloriously, for ten years, during what has been termed the period of deepest humiliation for the papacy …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Agapētus — Agapētus, 1) St. A., Jüngling in Präneste, welcher um 274 den Märtyrertod erlitt; Tag: 18. August. 2) Diakonus zu Constantinopel um 530; Lehrer des Kaisers Justinian; schr.: Σγέδη βασιλιχή (ein Fürstenspiegel), herausg. von Calliergos, Vened.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • AGAPETUS — I. AGAPETUS Imperatoris Anastasri in Consulatu collega. An. Urb. Cond. 1117. II. AGAPETUS Synadorum urbis Phrygiae Pacatianae Episcopus sectae Macedonianae, ad Orthodoxam fidem postea conversus. Socrates l. 7. c. 3. III. AGAPETUS apud Praeneste… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Agapetus I —    Pope (q.v.) from 535 536 when Justinian I (q.v.) began his campaign to reconquer Italy from the Ostrogoths (qq.v.). Justinian s need of papal support allowed Agapetus a certain latitude in religious matters. When Agapetus arrived in… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • Agapetus I. — Agapitus I. (auch Agapetus; * in Rom; † 22. April 536) war Bischof von Rom vom 13. Mai 535 bis zu seinem Tode. Sein Name bedeutet: der Geliebte (griech.). Er war Sohn des römischen Priesters Gordian, der bei Unruhen erschlagen wurde. Er arbeitete …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Agapetus I., S. — S. Agapetus (Agapitus), I. Papa. (20. Sept. al. 17. Apr.) Gr. ἀγαπητός = der Geliebte. – Der hl. Papst Agapet I. war ein in legitimer Ehe erzeugter Sohn des (späteren) Cardinalpriesters Gordianus ander Kirche zu den hhl. Johannes und Paulus,… …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Agapetus of Pechersk — an Orthodox Christian saint and doctor, monk of Kiev Pechersk Lavra‎. [ [ type=article action=fullinfo id=5719 Ukrainian Orthodox Portal] ] He was born in Kyiv and was later taught and admitted to monastic …   Wikipedia

  • Agapetus (deacon) — Agapetus was a deacon of the church of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople (about 500), reputed tutor of Justinian, and author of a series of exhortations in seventy two short chapters addressed (ca. 527) to that emperor ( Patrologia Graecae, LXXXVI,… …   Wikipedia

  • Agapetus (physician) — Agapetus (Gr. polytonic|Ἀγαπητός) was an ancient Greek physician, whose remedy for the gout is mentioned with approbation by Alexander Trallianus [xi. p. 303] and Paulus Aegineta. [iii. 78, p. 497, vii. 11, p. 661] He probably lived between the… …   Wikipedia

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