Dunnet Head
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Dunnet Head — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Punto más septentrional de Gran Bretaña continental. Dunnet Head (en gaélico escocés Ceann Dùnaid) es una península que incluye la punta más septentrional del territorio principal de Gran Bretaña. La punta queda en… … Wikipedia Español
Dunnet Head — Gewässer 1 Pentland Firth Gewässer 2 Thurso Bucht Geographische Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dunnet Head — [Dunnet Head] a place in Scotland which is the most ↑northern part of the British ↑mainland. The most ↑northern point in the whole of Britain, including its islands, is a rock called Muckle Flugga, a mile off the coast of the island of Unst in… … Useful english dictionary
Dunnet Head — (spr. dánnet hedd), ein Vorgebirge der schott. Grafschaft Caithneß, unter 58°40´ nördl. Br. und 3°22´ westl. L., am Pentland Firth, mit Leuchtturm, ist die nördlichste Spitze Großbritanniens … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dunnet Head — Most northerly point of mainland Britain. Sketch map of Dunnet Head, showing positi … Wikipedia
Dunnet Head — a place in Scotland which is the most northern part of the British mainland. The most northern point in the whole of Britain, including its islands, is a rock called Muckle Flugga, a mile off the coast of the island of Unst in the Shetland… … Universalium
Dunnet Head — Sp Dãneto kyšulỹs Ap Dunnet Head L D. Britanijoje (Škotijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Dunnet Head — geographical name headland N Scotland on N coast W of John o Groat s; northernmost point of mainland, at 58°50′N … New Collegiate Dictionary
DUNNET HEAD — a rocky peninsula, the most northerly point in Scotland, the rocks from 100 to 600 ft. high … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Dunnet Head — northernmost point on Scotland’s mainland … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games