

Crust punk

Crust Punk
Origines stylistiques D-Beat
Punk hardcore
Metal extrême
Origines culturelles
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
milieu années 1980
Instrument(s) typique(s) Guitare électrique, basse, batterie
Popularité Underground

Genre(s) dérivé(s) Grindcore

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Le crust punk est un sous-genre musical du punk, qui mêle à celui-ci des éléments de l'anarcho-punk du punk hardcore et du metal. Le mouvement est politisé et donc proche de l' anarchisme ainsi que du milieu des squats.

Sur le plan musical, le son se rapproche du punk rock, mais la musique est plus rapide et s'approche du grindcore, avec cependant quelques passages lourds, proches du metal.

Les crusties sont les fans de cette musique. Ils le montrent en portant des tshirts, badges et patches de groupes crust punk. Il célèbrent la liberté ainsi qu'une certaine approche de la nature.

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  • Portail de l’anarchisme Portail de lanarchisme
  • Portail du punk Portail du punk
  • Portail du rock Portail du rock
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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Crust de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Crust — (kr?st), n. [L. crusta: cf. OF. crouste, F. cro[^u]te; prob. akin to Gr. ????? ice, E. crystal, from the same root as E. crude, raw. See {Raw}, and cf. {Custard}.] 1. The hard external coat or covering of anything; the hard exterior surface or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crust — [krʌst] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: crusta crust, shell ] 1.) the hard brown outer surface of bread ▪ sandwiches with the crusts cut off 2.) the baked outer part of foods such as ↑pies or ↑pizzas ▪ a thin crust pizza 3.) a thin …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • crust — [ krʌst ] noun count or uncount * 1. ) the hard brown outer part of a LOAF of bread: a crust of bread: Sparrows pecked at a crust of bread. 2. ) a layer of cooked PASTRY that forms the outer part of a PIE. The inner part is called the filling. 3 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • crust´i|ly — crust|y «KRUHS tee», adjective, crust|i|er, crust|i|est. 1. of or like a crust; having a crust; hard: »crusty bread. 2. Figurative. harsh in man …   Useful english dictionary

  • crust|y — «KRUHS tee», adjective, crust|i|er, crust|i|est. 1. of or like a crust; having a crust; hard: »crusty bread. 2. Figurative. harsh in man …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crust — Crust, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crusted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Crusting}.] [Cf. OF. crouster, L. crustare. See {Crust}, n. ] To cover with a crust; to cover or line with an incrustation; to incrust. [1913 Webster] The whole body is crusted over with ice …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crust — early 14c., hard outer part of bread, from O.Fr. crouste (13c., Mod.Fr. croûte) and directly from L. crusta rind, crust, shell, bark, from PIE *krus to that which has been hardened, from root *kreus to begin to freeze, form a crust (Cf. Skt. krud …   Etymology dictionary

  • crust — ► NOUN 1) the tough outer part of a loaf of bread. 2) a hard, dry scrap of bread. 3) informal a living or livelihood: earning a crust. 4) a hardened layer, coating, or deposit on something soft. 5) a layer of pastry covering a pie. 6) the… …   English terms dictionary

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