Confederation of british industry
- Confederation of british industry
Confederation of British Industry
La Confederation of British Industry (CBI) est le plus important syndicat patronal britannique. Son directeur général est Richard Lambert, son président est Martin Broughton (depuis janvier 2007). Elle publie un magazine mensuel, le Business Voice.
Dirigeants depuis 1965
- Portail de l’économie
- Portail du syndicalisme
Catégories : Économie britannique | Organisation patronale
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Confederation of british industry de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Confederation of British Industry — Abbreviation CBI Motto The Voice of Business Formation 1965 Legal status Non profit organization Purpose/focus Briti … Wikipedia
Confederation Of British Industry — La Confederation of British Industry (CBI) est le plus important syndicat patronal britannique. Son directeur général est Richard Lambert, son président est Martin Broughton (depuis janvier 2007). Elle publie un magazine mensuel, le Business… … Wikipédia en Français
Confederation of British Industry — Confedeˌration of ˌBritish ˈIndustry abbreviation CBI noun ECONOMICS ORGANIZATIONS in Britain, an organization with members from many private businesses and large companies, which represents them in talks with the government, trade union S, legal … Financial and business terms
Confederation of British Industry — (CBI) The UK s leading employers organisation. The CBI represents companies from all sectors of UK business. It is a powerful lobbying organisation and provides advice and information for businesses. CBI website: Practical Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary
Confederation of British Industry — [kənfedə reɪʃn ɔf brɪtɪʃ ɪndəstri], Abkürzung CBI [sibi aɪ], Spitzenorganisation der britischen Arbeitgeberverbände, der die meisten Industrieunternehmen angeschlossen sind; Sitz: London … Universal-Lexikon
Confederation of British Industry — La Confederation of British Industry (CBI) est le plus important syndicat patronal britannique. Son directeur général est Richard Lambert, son président est Martin Broughton (depuis janvier 2007). Elle publie un magazine mensuel, le Business… … Wikipédia en Français
Confederation Of British Industry - CBI — The premier lobbying organization for U.K. businesses on national and international issues. The mission of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) is to help create and sustain the conditions in which businesses in the United Kingdom can… … Investment dictionary
Confederation of British Industry — Confederation of Brit|ish In|dus|try, the the full name of the CBI … Dictionary of contemporary English
Confederation of British Industry — CBI An organization that lobbies for British business on matters of concern, chiefly to the UK government but also to the European Union and other international bodies. Its objective is to help create and sustain the conditions in which British… … Accounting dictionary
Confederation of British Industry — CBI An organization that lobbies for British business on matters of concern, chiefly to the UK government but also to the European Union and other international bodies. Its objective is to help create and sustain the conditions in which British… … Big dictionary of business and management