Work in progress
- Work in progress
Work in Progress, ou Work in Process, acronyme WIP, est une locution anglaise fréquemment utilisée en français ainsi que dans d'autres langues et qui désigne un encours de production, un travail en cours, non terminé et ayant requis un investissement.
Dans l'industrie
Dans l'art
En art, la locution « Work in Progress » est employée par un artiste qui désire présenter soit un projet, soit son œuvre pendant son exécution. En cinéma, un film peut aussi être projeté comme « Work in Progress », c'est-à-dire que son réalisateur estime que le montage du film est à améliorer ou n'est pas terminé. Un exemple de film projeté comme « Work in Progress » est Apocalypse Now de Francis Ford Coppola qui fut pour la première fois projeté au Festival de Cannes 1979 et qui partagea la Palme d'or avec Le Tambour de Volker Schlöndorff.
Références externes
- Portail du travail et des métiers
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Work in progress de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Work in progress — or work in progress may refer to one of the following:In film, * A Work in Progress , a documentary film of the recording of Rush s Test for Echo album * Work in Progress (2000 film), a 2000 computer animated short filmIn music, * Work in… … Wikipedia
work in progress — UK US noun (US also work in process) ► [C or U] something that is being developed or suggested but that is not yet complete: »The Senate Minority Leader described the team reorganization as a work in progress . be (still)/remain a work in… … Financial and business terms
Work in progress — „Work in progress“ (dt.: laufende Arbeit) ist die allgemeine Bezeichnung für ein unvollendetes, noch aktuelles Werk oder ein Werk ohne Absicht auf Vollendung (siehe auch Prozesskunst und Generative Kunst) der Arbeitstitel des Buches „Finnegans… … Deutsch Wikipedia
work in progress — /work imˈprɔɡres, ingl. wYːkɪnˈprəuɡrɛs/ [loc. ingl., propr. «opera, lavoro (work) in (in) corso (progress)»] loc. sost. m. inv. opera aperta … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
work in progress — Services or supplies which are in the course of being completed and to which a value is ascribed based on expected value or revenue. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms … Law dictionary
work in progress — noun a) Work that has been commenced, but is not complete. All the efforts to make a New Man are still work in progress. b) A project that has been commenced but is not complete. Reorganizing my office is a work in progress … Wiktionary
work-in-progress — N UNCOUNT In book keeping, work in progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has not yet been completed. [BUSINESS] ...five million pounds worth of finished goods and two million pounds worth of work… … English dictionary
work in progress — /ˌwɜ:k ɪn prəυgres/ noun the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goodwill and work in progress. Abbreviation WIP (NOTE: The US term is work in… … Dictionary of banking and finance
work-in-progress — adjective Attributive use of work in progress as adjective. Weve worked hard to reduce work in progress inventory by speeding up production … Wiktionary
work in progress — /ˌwɜ:k ɪn prəυ gres/ noun the value of goods being manufactured which are not complete at the end of an accounting period ● Our current assets are made up of stock, goodwill and work in progress. Abbr WIP (NOTE: American English is work in… … Marketing dictionary in english