- Ágnes Heller
Dans ce nom hongrois, le nom de famille, Heller, précède le prénom mais cet article utilise l'ordre occidental où le prénom précède le nom..
Ágnes Heller Ágnes Heller en juin 2010.Activités philosophe
professeure des Universités
membre de l'Académie hongroise des sciencesNaissance 12 mai 1929
Langue d'écriture hongrois, anglais Distinctions Prix Széchenyi Ágnes Heller (/ˈaːgnɛʃ ˈhɛllɛɾ/), née le 12 mai 1929 à Budapest, est une philosophe et sociologue hongroise d'inspiration marxiste.
Disciple de Georg Lukács, elle a été professeure de sociologie à l'Université de Trobe, en Australie. Actuellement (2007), elle est lectrice à la New School Research Social à New York.
Heller a publié plusieurs œuvres avec Ferenc Fehér, qui est lui aussi hongrois et disciple de Lukács, et lecteur dans la même université.
- Beyond Justice, Oxford, Boston, Basil Blackwell, 1988
- Can Modernity Survive?, Cambridge, Berkeley, Los Angeles: Polity Press and University of California Press, 1990
- Dictatorship Over Needs (with F. Fehér and G. Markus). Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983
- Doomsday or Deterrence (with F. Fehér). White Plains: M.E. Sharpe, 1986
- Eastern Left - Western Left (Freedom, Totalitarianism, Democracy) (with F. Fehér). Cambridge, New York: Polity Press, Humanities Press, 1987
- An Ethics of Personality, Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1996
- From Yalta to Glasnost (The Dismantling of Stalin's Empire) (with F. Fehér). Oxford, Boston: 1990
- General Ethics, Oxford, Boston: Basil Blackwell, 1989
- The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism (with F. Fehér). New Brunswick: Transaction, 1990
- The Humanisation of Socialism (with A. Hegedus et alii.), (collected papers trans. from Hungarian). London: Allison and Busby, 1976
- Hungary, 1956 Revisited: The Message of a Revolution A Quarter of a Century After (with F. Fehér). London, Boston, Sydney: George Allen and Unwin, 1983
- Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc, November 2005.
- Individuum and Praxis (Positionen der Budapester Schule), (collected essays trans. from Hungarian, with G. Lukács et al.). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975
- On Instincts (English trans. of Hungarian original). Assen: Van Gorcum, 1979
- Lukács Revalued, editor. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983. (Paperback, 1984)
- A Philosophy of Morals, Oxford, Boston: Basil Blackwell, 1990
- The Postmodern Political Condition (with F. Fehér), Cambridge, New York: Polity Press Columbia University Press, 1989
- The Power of Shame (A Rationalist Perspective), London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985
- Reconstructing Aesthetics, editor with F. Fehér. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986
- Renaissance Man (English trans. of Hungarian original). London, Boston, Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.
- A Theory of Modernity, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge MA, 1999
- A Theory of Need in Marx, London: Allison and Busby, 1976
- The Time is Out of Joint: Shakespeare as Philosopher of History, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge MA, 2000
- Towards a Marxist Theory of Value, Carbondale: University of Southern Illinois, Telos Books, 1972
- Are We Living in a World of Emotional Impoverishment?, Thesis Eleven, Melbourne, no 22, 1989, 46-61.
- Can Everyday Life Be Endangered?, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol. 13, no 4, 1988, 297-315.
- Can Poetry Be Written After the Holocaust? (On Adorno's Dictum), Dialectical Anthropology, New York, Amsterdam, 1990, no 2, 16-25
- Civic Virtues, Revue Internationale de Sociologie, Roma, year 26, 1987, no 1, 2-14.
- The Complexity of Justice (A Challenge to the Twenty-First Century)," in Ratio Juris, vol.9: 2, June 1996, 138-152.
- The Contingent Person and the Existential Choice, The Philosophical Forum, New York, vol. 21, nos l-2, Fall-Winter 1989-90, 53-70. (Reprinted in M. Kelly, ed., Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics and Politics, Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1990, 53-70).
- Does Socialism Have a Future? (with F. Fehér), Dissent, New York, Summer 1989, 1-20. (Reprinted in New Socialist, London, Dec. 1989-Jan. 1990, 12-17).
- Europa, Un Epilogo? Letra International, Madrid, Fall-Winter 1988, 6-12.
- Existentialism, Alienation, Postmodemism: Cultural Movements as Vehicles of Change in the Patterns of Everyday Life, A. Milner, P. Thomson, C. Worth, eds. Postmodern Conditions, Monash University, Melbourne, 1988, 1-15
- From Totalitarian Dictatorship through Rechtsstaat to Democracy, (with F. Fehér) Thesis Eleven, Melbourne, no. 26, 1990, 7-26.
- Germania: La guerra the finisce senza pace," (with F. Fehér), Mondoperaio, August-September 1990.
- Le gloriosi rivoluzioni dell'Est, Mondoperaio, Roma, 1990, year 43, no 10, 81-91.
- Krushchev and Gorbacev: A Contrast, (with F. Fehér), Dissent, New York, Winter 1988, 6-11.
- The Moral Situation in Modernity, Social Research, New York, vol. 55, no 4, Winter 1988, 531-551.
- Models of the Happy Life and the Good Life Today, Journal fur Sozialforschung, vol. 1, 1995.
- On the Genealogy of Morals and Parsifal, in Inmitten der Zeit, Thomas Grethlein and Heinrich Leitner eds., 1996, 409-430.
- Sociology as the Defetishization of Modernity, Madrid-Cardiff: International Sociology, vol. 2, no 4, December 1987, 391-403. (Reprinted in M. Albrow and E. King, Globalization, Knowledge and Society, London, Newbury Park, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990, 35-47).
- The Two Myths of Technology, The New Hungarian Quarterly, Budapest, vo1. 9, no 30, Summer 1968, 135-142.
- Unknown Masterpiece, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol.15, no 3, 1990, 205-241.
- What Is and What Is Not Practical Reason?, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol. 14, nos 3-4, 1988, 391-411. (Reprinted in D. Rasmussen, ed. Universalism VS. Communitarianism (Contemporary Debates in Ethics) Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1990, 163-183).
- With Castoriadis to Aristotle, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Geneva, year 27, 1989, no 86, 161-173.
Sur Heller
- R.J. Crampton Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century-And Beyond. Second Edition. London: Routledge, 1994.
- Ferenc Fehér and Agnes Heller (1983) Hungary 1956 Revisited: The Message of a revolution- a Quarter of a Century After, London, UK: George Allen and Unwin Publishers Ltd
- John Grumley (2005) Ágnes Heller: A Moralist in the Vortex of History, London, UK: Pluto Press
- Curriculum vitae of Ágnes Heller
- Agnes Heller (2000) The Frankfurt School, 2 December 2005
- Csaba Polony Interview with Ágnes Heller
- Simon Tormey (2001) Ágnes Heller: Socialism, Autonomy and the Postmodern, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press
Liens externes et source
- Agnes Heller invitée auprès de l'Université de Milan, Italie, le 7 May 2008. [1]
- Collegium Budapest[2]
- Interview with Ágnes Heller: Post Marxism and the Ethics of Modernity, A Brief History of Radical Philosophy 2005. 2 December 2005[3]
- Heller, Ágnes. The Three Logics of Modernity and the Double Bind of the Modern Imagination, Collegium Budapest, 2 December 2005. [4] (.pdf file)
- Robert Kuhn, Marxism Overview, 24 August 2004, 2 December 2005. [5]
- Mikko Mäntysaari, Ágnes Heller, 2 December 2005 [6]
- Liam McNamara, Michael E. Gardiner (2000) Critiques of Everyday Life, New York and London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-11314-8. 2 December 2005. [7]
- Simon Tormey Interviews with Agnes Heller (1998)” 1 February 2004. 2 December 2005. [8]
- Interview with Agnes Heller, "On Ethics of Personality", by Andrea Vestrucci, in Secretum 16-2008 [9]
- "La philosophie qui dérange", article d'Ágnes Heller, Le Monde, 12 mars 2011 [10]
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Ágnes Heller » (voir la liste des auteurs)
Catégories :- Essayiste ou théoricien marxiste
- Philosophe hongrois
- Femme philosophe
- Sociologue hongrois
- Naissance en 1929
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