- Agnes Heller
Ágnes Heller
Ágnes Heller (née le 12 mai 1929) a été d'abord une philosophe marxiste puis sociologue à Budapest en
Disciple de Georg Lukács, elle a été professeure de sociologie à l'Université de Trobe, en
Australie. Actuellement (2007), elle est lectrice à la « New School Research Social » à New York
Heller a publié plusieurs œuvres avec Ferenc Fehér, qui est lui aussi hongrois et disciple de Lukács, et lecteur dans la même université.
- Beyond Justice, Oxford, Boston, Basil Blackwell, 1988
- Can Modernity Survive?, Cambridge, Berkeley, Los Angeles: Polity Press and University of California Press, 1990
- Dictatorship Over Needs (with F. Fehér and G. Markus). Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983
- Doomsday or Deterrence (with F. Fehér). White Plains: M.E. Sharpe, 1986
- Eastern Left - Western Left (Freedom, Totalitarianism, Democracy) (with F. Fehér). Cambridge, New York: Polity Press, Humanities Press, 1987
- An Ethics of Personality, Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1996
- From Yalta to Glasnost (The Dismantling of Stalin's Empire) (with F. Fehér). Oxford, Boston: 1990
- General Ethics, Oxford, Boston: Basil Blackwell, 1989
- The Grandeur and Twilight of Radical Universalism (with F. Fehér). New Brunswick: Transaction, 1990
- The Humanisation of Socialism (with A. Hegedus et alii.), (collected papers trans. from Hungarian). London: Allison and Busby, 1976
- Hungary, 1956 Revisited: The Message of a Revolution A Quarter of a Century After (with F. Fehér). London, Boston, Sydney: George Allen and Unwin, 1983
- Immortal Comedy: The Comic Phenomenon in Art, Literature, and Life, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc, November 2005.
- Individuum and Praxis (Positionen der Budapester Schule), (collected essays trans. from Hungarian, with G. Lukács et al.). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975
- On Instincts (English trans. of Hungarian original). Assen: Van Gorcum, 1979
- Lukács Revalued, editor. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983. (Paperback, 1984)
- A Philosophy of Morals, Oxford, Boston: Basil Blackwell, 1990
- The Postmodern Political Condition (with F. Fehér), Cambridge, New York: Polity Press Columbia University Press, 1989
- The Power of Shame (A Rationalist Perspective), London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985
- Reconstructing Aesthetics, editor with F. Fehér. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986
- Renaissance Man (English trans. of Hungarian original). London, Boston, Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.
- A Theory of Modernity, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge MA, 1999
- A Theory of Need in Marx, London: Allison and Busby, 1976
- The Time is Out of Joint: Shakespeare as Philosopher of History, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge MA, 2000
- Towards a Marxist Theory of Value, Carbondale: University of Southern Illinois, Telos Books, 1972
- Are We Living in a World of Emotional Impoverishment?, Thesis Eleven, Melbourne, no 22, 1989, 46-61.
- Can Everyday Life Be Endangered?, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol. 13, no 4, 1988, 297-315.
- Can Poetry Be Written After the Holocaust? (On Adorno's Dictum), Dialectical Anthropology, New York, Amsterdam, 1990, no 2, 16-25
- Civic Virtues, Revue Internationale de Sociologie, Roma, year 26, 1987, no 1, 2-14.
- The Complexity of Justice (A Challenge to the Twenty-First Century)," in Ratio Juris, vol.9: 2, June 1996, 138-152.
- The Contingent Person and the Existential Choice, The Philosophical Forum, New York, vol. 21, nos l-2, Fall-Winter 1989-90, 53-70. (Reprinted in M. Kelly, ed., Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics and Politics, Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1990, 53-70).
- Does Socialism Have a Future? (with F. Fehér), Dissent, New York, Summer 1989, 1-20. (Reprinted in New Socialist, London, Dec. 1989-Jan. 1990, 12-17).
- Europa, Un Epilogo? Letra International, Madrid, Fall-Winter 1988, 6-12.
- Existentialism, Alienation, Postmodemism: Cultural Movements as Vehicles of Change in the Patterns of Everyday Life, A. Milner, P. Thomson, C. Worth, eds. Postmodern Conditions, Monash University, Melbourne, 1988, 1-15
- From Totalitarian Dictatorship through Rechtsstaat to Democracy, (with F. Fehér) Thesis Eleven, Melbourne, no. 26, 1990, 7-26.
- Germania: La guerra the finisce senza pace," (with F. Fehér), Mondoperaio, August-September 1990.
- Le gloriosi rivoluzioni dell'Est, Mondoperaio, Roma, 1990, year 43, no 10, 81-91.
- Krushchev and Gorbacev: A Contrast, (with F. Fehér), Dissent, New York, Winter 1988, 6-11.
- The Moral Situation in Modernity, Social Research, New York, vol. 55, no 4, Winter 1988, 531-551.
- Models of the Happy Life and the Good Life Today, Journal fur Sozialforschung, vol. 1, 1995.
- On the Genealogy of Morals and Parsifal, in Inmitten der Zeit, Thomas Grethlein and Heinrich Leitner eds., 1996, 409-430.
- Sociology as the Defetishization of Modernity, Madrid-Cardiff: International Sociology, vol. 2, no 4, December 1987, 391-403. (Reprinted in M. Albrow and E. King, Globalization, Knowledge and Society, London, Newbury Park, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990, 35-47).
- The Two Myths of Technology, The New Hungarian Quarterly, Budapest, vo1. 9, no 30, Summer 1968, 135-142.
- Unknown Masterpiece, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol.15, no 3, 1990, 205-241.
- What Is and What Is Not Practical Reason?, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Boston, vol. 14, nos 3-4, 1988, 391-411. (Reprinted in D. Rasmussen, ed. Universalism VS. Communitarianism (Contemporary Debates in Ethics) Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1990, 163-183).
- With Castoriadis to Aristotle, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, Geneva, year 27, 1989, no 86, 161-173.
Sur Heller
- R.J. Crampton Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century-And Beyond. Second Edition. London: Routledge, 1994.
- Ferenc Fehér and Agnes Heller (1983) Hungary 1956 Revisited: The Message of a revolution- a Quarter of a Century After, London, UK: George Allen and Unwin Publishers Ltd
- John Grumley (2005) Ágnes Heller: A Moralist in the Vortex of History, London, UK: Pluto Press
- Curriculum vitae of Ágnes Heller [1]
- Agnes Heller (2000) The Frankfurt School, 2 December 2005 [2]
- Csaba Polony Interview with Ágnes Heller [3]
- Simon Tormey (2001) Ágnes Heller: Socialism, Autonomy and the Postmodern, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press
Liens externes et source
- Agnes Heller invitée auprès de l'Université de Milan, Italie, le 7 May 2008. [4]
- Collegium Budapest[5]
- Interview with Ágnes Heller: Post Marxism and the Ethics of Modernity, A Brief History of Radical Philosophy 2005. 2 December 2005[6]
- Heller, Ágnes. The Three Logics of Modernity and the Double Bind of the Modern Imagination, Collegium Budapest, 2 December 2005. [7] (.pdf file)
- Robert Kuhn, Marxism Overview, 24 August 2004, 2 December 2005. [8]
- Mikko Mäntysaari, Ágnes Heller, 2 December 2005 [9]
- Liam McNamara, Michael E. Gardiner (2000) Critiques of Everyday Life, New York and London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-11314-8. 2 December 2005. [10]
- Simon Tormey Interviews with Agnes Heller (1998)” 1 February 2004. 2 December 2005. [11]
- Interview with Agnes Heller, "On Ethics of Personality", by Andrea Vestrucci, in Secretum 16-2008 [12]
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu d’une traduction de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Ágnes Heller ».
- Portail de la sociologie
- Portail de la philosophie
Catégories : Essayiste ou théoricien marxiste | Philosophe hongrois | Femme philosophe | Sociologue hongrois | Naissance en 1929
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