Soundtrack de la série God of War

Soundtrack de la série God of War

Soundtrack de la série God of War

Soundtrack du premier épisode

  1. "Escape From Madness" (Gerard Marino) – 0:38
  2. "The Vengeful Spartan" (Gerard Marino) – 1:21
  3. "Kratos and the Sea" (Gerard Marino) – 2:21
  4. "Have Faith"(Gerard Marino) – 1:21
  5. "The Splendor of Athens" (Mike Reagan) – 2:09
  6. "This City Will Be Your Grave" (Gerard Marino) – 0:24
  7. "Ares Destroys Athens" (Mike Reagan) – 1:13
  8. "Mind the Cyclops" (Mike Reagan) – 2:09
  9. "Athenian Battle" (Mike Reagan) – 3:07
  10. "Exploring the Ruins" (Winifred Phillips) – 2:02
  11. "Athens Rooftops Fighting" (Gerard Marino) – 2:39
  12. "Save the Oracle Challenge" (Gerard Marino) – 1:35
  13. "Kratos' Evil Past" (Gerard Marino) – 2:01
  14. "Too Late" (Gerard Marino) – 1:58
  15. "The Great Sword Bridge of Athena" (Gerard Marino) –2:17
  16. "What the Oracle Spoke" (Gerard Marino) –1:09
  17. "The Story of Chronos" (Gerard Marino) – 1:17
  18. "Battle the Lethal Sirens" (Mike Reagan) – 2:28
  19. "The Temple of Pandora" (Ron Fish) – 0:36
  20. "Pandoran Cyclopes Attack" (Ron Fish) – 1:42
  21. "The Architect's Mysteries" (Ron Fish) – 2:00
  22. "Zeus' Wrath Divine" (Cris Velasco) – 3:04
  23. "The Underwater World of Poseidon" (Winifred Phillips) – 3:04
  24. "Minotaur Boss Battle" (Cris Velasco) – 1:57
  25. "Burning Visions" (Ron Fish) – 1:15
  26. "Pandora's Box" (Winifred Phillips) – 1:00
  27. "Hades, God of the Underworld" (Cris Velasco) – 1:13
  28. "The Fury of Ares" (Ron Fish) – 1:26
  29. "Duel With Ares" (Mike Reagan & Cris Velasco) – 2:26
  30. "Enthroned on Mount Olympus" (Winifred Phillips) – 1:57
  31. "God of War End Title" (Gerard Marino) – 5:06

Soundtrack de God of War II: Divine Retribution

  1. "Main Titles" (Gerard K. Marino) – 2:59
  2. "The Glory of Sparta" (Mike Reagan) – 3:10
  3. "The Way of the Gods" (Gerard K. Marino) – 2:13
  4. "Colossus of Rhodes" (Gerard K. Marino) – 2:22
  5. "The Bathhouse" (Mike Reagan) – 2:02
  6. "Death of Kratos" (Gerard K. Marino) – 4:12
  7. "The End Begins" (Gerard K. Marino) – 1:57
  8. "Typhon Mountain" (Mike Reagan) – 3:14
  9. "Waking the Sleeping Giant" (Cris Velasco) – 1:49
  10. "Battle for the Skies" (Mike Reagan) – 2:12
  11. "Exploring the Isle" ( Gerard K. Marino) – 2:19
  12. "The Isle of Creation" (Cris Velasco) – 3:20
  13. "The Summit of Sacrifice" (Ron Fish) – 2:35
  14. "An Audience with Cronos" (Ron Fish) – 2:07
  15. "The Barbarian King Returns" (Cris Velasco) – 2:00
  16. "Bog of Lost Souls" (Ron Fish) – 2:19
  17. "Battle in the Bog" (Mike Reagan) – 2:00
  18. "Crossing the Lowlands" (Gerard K. Marino) – 2:07
  19. "Atlas" (Ron Fish) – 3:37
  20. "Palace of the Fates" (Ron Fish) – 2:46
  21. "Phoenix Rising" (Cris Velasco) – 2:16
  22. "Ashen Spire" (Gerard K. Marino) – 1:06
  23. "Athena" (Mike Reagan) – 0:56
  24. "The Battle for Olympus" (Gerard K. Marino) – 3:11
  25. "Junkie XL Colossus Remix" (Junkie XL) – 4:24
  26. "Blood of Destiny" (Shadows Fall) – 2:43
  27. "God-Like" (George "TraGiC" Doman) – 2:14

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