Shaw brothers

Shaw brothers

Shaw Brothers

Les studios Shaw Brothers

Shaw Brothers (邵氏片場) est une société hongkongaise spécialisée dans la production et dans la distribution de films de cinéma.



Dans les années 1920 à Shanghaï, quatre fils d'un riche marchand de textiles décident de se lancer dans l'industrie du cinéma : Shao Yi-Fu, Shao Zuiweng, Shao Cunren et Shao Renmei.

Liste de films

Classement par année, puis par ordre alphabétique au sein de chaque année :

Année Titre Titre original
1952 Destroy 毀滅
1952 Sweet Memories 滿園春色
1953 Heaven of Love, Sea of Sin 孽海情天
1953 Meal Time 閨房樂
1954 The Wind Withers 風蕭蕭
1955 Love & Obligation 戀愛與義務
1956 Madame White Snake
1957 Miss Evening Sweet 夜來香
1957 You are My Soul 你是我的靈魂
1958 La Belle et l'Empereur 江山美人
1958 Love with an Alien 異國情鴛
1958 The Magic Touch
1958 The Unforgettable Night 一夜風流
1958 Where is My Bride ? 鳳求凰
1959 Enchanting Shadow 倩女幽魂
1959 Rear Entrance
1959 Stolen Love 偷情記
1960 Eve of the Wedding 特嫁春心
1960 How to Marry a Millionaire
1960 Kiss Me Again 第二吻
1960 Les Belles 千嬌百媚
1960 Malayan Affair
1960 My Daughter, My Daughter 兩代女性
1960 Secret of Miss Pai
1960 Street Boys
1960 Twilight Hours
1960 When the Peach Blossoms Bloom
1961 Love Parade 花團錦簇
1961 Love Without End 不了情
1961 Oh Boys ! Oh Girls !
1961 The Dream of The Red Chamber 紅樓夢
1961 The Fair Sex
1961 The Girl Next Door
1961 The Lost Love 盲目的愛情
1962 Love Eterne 梁山伯與祝英台
1962 Madam White Snake
1962 The Bride Napping 花田錯
1963 A Maid From Heaven 七仙女
1963 Inside the Forbidden City 宋宮秘史
1963 Lady General Hua Mu Lan 花木蘭
1963 Stepmother
1963 The Armorous Lotus Pan
1963 Three Dolls of Hong Kong
1964 Beyond the Great Wall 王昭君
1964 Lover's Rock
1964 The Dancing Millionairess 萬花迎春
1964 The Grand Substitution 萬古流芳
1964 The Last Woman of Shang 妲己
1965 Call of the Sea
1965 Crocodile River
1965 Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore
1965 Move Over, Darling
1965 Pink Tears
1965 Song Fest
1965 Song of Orchid Island
1965 Sons of the Good Earth
1965 Squadron 77
1965 Temple of the Red Lotus 江湖奇俠
1965 The Butterfly Chalice Woo Dip Booi
1965 The Lark
1965 The Lotus Lamp 寶蓮燈
1965 The Mermaid
1965 The Twin Swords
1965 The West Chamber 西廂記
1965 Vermillion Door 紅伶淚
1966 Auntie Lan 蘭姨
1966 Downhill They Ride
1966 L'Hirondelle d'or 大醉俠
1966 Madam Slender Plum 慾海情魔
1966 Magnificent Trio 邊城三俠
1966 Poisonous Rose
1966 Princess Iron Fan 鐵扇公主
1966 Rose, Be My Love 玫瑰我愛你
1966 Sweet and Wild
1966 The Blue and the Black 1 藍與黑
1966 The Blue and the Black 2 監與黑續集
1966 The Dawn Will Come
1966 The Golden Buddha 金菩薩
1966 The Joy of Spring
1966 The Knight of Knights 文素臣
1966 The Mating Season
1966 The Monkey Goes West 西遊記
1966 The Perfumed Arrow
1966 Tiger Boy
1966 Till the End of Time 何日君再來
1966 Too Late for Love 烽火萬里情
1967 Angel with the Iron Fists
1967 Asia-Pol
1967 Blue Skies
1967 Fallen Petals 落花時節
1967 Four Sisters
1967 Hong Kong Nocturne 香江花月夜
1967 International Secret Agent
1967 Inter-Pol
1967 King Cat
1967 King Drummer
1967 Kiss and Kill
1967 Lady Jade Locket
1967 Moonlight Serenade
1967 Moonlight serenade 菁菁
1967 My Dreamboat
1967 Un Seul Bras les Tua Tous 獨臂刀
1967 Operation Lipstick
1967 Rape of the Sword
1967 Sing High, Sing Low
1967 Song of Tomorrow
1967 Spring Blossoms
1967 Summons to Death
1967 Susanna
1967 Swan Song
1967 Sweet is Revenge
1967 Sword and the Lute
1967 That Man in Chang-an
1967 That Tender Age
1967 The Assassin
1967 The Bandits
1967 The Black Falcon 黑鷹
1967 The Cave Of Silken Web 盤絲洞
1967 The Dragon Creek
1967 The Goddess of Mercy
1967 The King with My Face 鐵頭皇帝
1967 The Midnight Murder
1967 The Mirror
1967 The Mirror and the Lichee
1967 The Pearl Phoenix 女巡按
1967 The Purple Shell
1967 The Silent Swordsman
1967 The Thundering Sword 神劍震江湖
1967 Trail of the Broken Blade 斷腸劍
1967 Trapeze Girl
1968 Angel Strikes Again
1968 Black Butterfly
1968 Death Valley
1968 Divorce, Hong Kong Style
1968 Double Trouble
1968 Fallen Petals
1968 Flower Blossoms
1968 Forever and Ever
1968 Forever Diamonds
1968 Gun Brothers 千面大盜
1968 Hong Kong Rhapsody 花月良宵
1968 Killer Darts
1968 Mist Over Dream Lake
1968 Summer Heat 狂戀詩
1968 Temptress of a Thousand Faces 千面魔女
1968 That Fiery Girl 紅辣椒
1968 The Bells of Death
1968 The Brain-Stealers
1968 The Enchanted Chamber
1968 The Fastest Sword
1968 Le Retour de l'hirondelle d'or 金燕子
1968 The Jade Raksha
1968 The Land of Many Perfumes 女兒國
1968 The Magnificent Swordsman
1968 The Rainbow
1968 The Silver Fox
1968 The Sword of Swords 神刀
1968 Three Swinging Girls
1968 When the Clouds Roll By 雲泥
1969 Dark Rendez-vous
1969 Dark Semester
1969 Dead End Si jiao
1969 Dear Murderer
1969 Diary of a Lady-Killer 獵人
1969 Dragon Swamp 毒龍潭
1969 Farewell My Love 春蠶
1969 Guess Who Killed My Twelve Lovers 嘖火美人魚
1969 Have Sword, Will Travel 保鏢
1969 Killers Hao xia zhuan
1969 Killers Five
1969 Le Bras de la Vengeance 獨臂刀王
1969 Raw Courage 虎膽
1969 Raw Passions
1969 River of Tears
1969 The 5 Billion Dollar Legacy 遺產五億圓
1969 The Flying Dagger 飛刀手
1969 The Golden Sword 龍門金劍
1969 The Invincible Fist Tie shou wu qing
1969 The Millionaire Chase 釣金龜
1969 The Partisan Lovers
1969 The Singing Escort
1969 The Singing Thief 大盜歌王
1969 The Sword Mates
1969 The Three Smiles 三笑
1969 The Younger Generation 兒女是我們的
1969 Tomorrow is Another Day
1969 Torrent of Desire 慾燄狂流
1969 Tropical Interlude
1969 Twelve Deadly Coins
1969 Twin Blades of Doom
1969 Unfinished Melody
1969 Vengeance is a Golden Blade
1970 A Cause to Kill 殺機
1970 Apartment for Ladies 女子公寓
1970 A Place To Call Home 玉女親情
1970 A Taste of Cold Steel
1970 A Time for Love 那個不多情
1970 Brothers Five
1970 Double Bliss
1970 Heads for Sale 女俠賣人頭
1970 Hellgate
1970 Heroic Ones 十三太保
1970 Lady of Steel
1970 Les 12 médaillons d'or 十二金牌
1970 Love Song over the Sea
1970 Love Without End 新不了情
1970 My Son 春火
1970 Naked Love
1970 Price of Love 愛情的代價
1970 Ripples
1970 Swordswomen Three
1970 The Chinese Boxer 龍虎門
1970 The Enchanting Ghost 鬼屋麗人
1970 The Golden Knight
1970 The Iron Buddha
1970 The Orchid
1970 The Secret of the Dirk Daai Law Kim Hap
1970 The Singing Killer Siu Saat Sing
1970 The Wandering Swordsman Yau Hap Ngai
1970 Valley of the Fangs
1970 Vengeance 報仇
1970 Whose Baby is in the Classroom ? 女校春色
1970 Winged Tiger Chaap Chi Foo
1970 Young Lovers 青春戀
1971 Come Haunt with Me
1971 Deadly Duo 雙俠
1971 Duel for Gold
1971 Duel of Fists 拳擊
1971 It Takes a Man to Be Henpecked
1971 King Eagle Ying Wong
1971 Lady with a Sword
1971 La Rage du tigre 新獨臂刀
1971 L' Ombre du fouet 影子神鞭
1971 Long Road to Freedom
1971 Mighty One
1971 Mission Impossible
1971 Redbeard
1971 Shadow Girl
1971 Six Assassins 六刺客
1971 Sunset 夕陽戀人
1971 Swordsman at Large
1971 The Anonymous Heroes 無名英雄
1971 The Bandits
1971 The Bride From Hell 鬼新娘
1971 The Crimson Charm
1971 The Duel Daai Kuet Dau
1971 The Eunuch
1971 The Golden Seal
1971 The Jade Faced Assassin
1971 The Lady Hermit 鍾馗娘子
1971 The Lady Professional 女殺手
1971 The Long Chase
1971 The Long Years
1971 The Man with Two Wives
1971 The Merciful Sword
1971 The Merry Wife 娃娃夫人
1971 The Night is Young
1971 The Oath of Death
1971 The Rescue 血洒天牢
1971 The Silent Love 啞吧與新娘
1971 The Swift Knight
1971 The Venus' Tear Diamond 鑽石艷盜
1971 The Yellow Muffler 玉女嬉春
1971 Thousand Years Fox
1971 Vengeance of a Snowgirl
1971 We Love Millionaires 我愛金龜婿
1972 Deadly Knives
1972 Delightful Forest Faai Wood Lam
1972 Finger of Doom
1972 Fists Of Vengeance
1972 Flower in the Rain
1972 Four Riders Sei Gei Si
1972 Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan 愛奴
1972 Intrigue in Nylons
1972 Killer
1972 La Main de Fer
1972 Legends of Lust 風月奇譚
1972 Le Justicier de Shanghai 馬永貞
1972 Les 14 Amazones 馬永貞
1972 Of Wives and Mistresses
1972 Pursuit
1972 Stranger in Hong Kong
1972 The Black Enforcer
1972 The Casino
1972 The Champion of Champions
1972 The Fugitive
1972 The Gourd Fairy
1972 The Human Goddess 仙女下凡
1972 The Imperial Swordsman
1972 The Lizard 壁虎
1972 The Thunderbolt Fist
1972 The Warlord 大軍閥
1972 La Légende du lac 水滸傳
1972 Trilogy of Swordsmanship
1972 Warrior of Steel Chau Lin Waan
1972 Young Avenger
1972 Young People 年輕人
1973 Ambush
1973 Frères de sang 刺馬 Ci Ma
1973 Call to Arms
1973 Facets of Love
1973 Heroes of Sung 龍虎會風雲
1973 Heroes Two 方世玉與洪熙官
1973 Illicit Desire 風流韻事
1973 Imperial Tomb Raiders
1973 Iron Bodyguard 大刀王五
1973 Kiss of Death 毒女
1973 Love Across the Seas
1973 Payment in Blood
1973 Police Force 警察
1973 River of Fury
1973 Sexy Girls of Denmark 丹麥嬌娃
1973 Sexy Playgirls
1973 Tales of Larceny
1973 The Bamboo House of Dolls 女集中營
1973 The Bastard 小雜種
1973 The Big Fellow
1973 The Boxers
1973 The Delinquent 憤怒青年
1973 The Escaper
1973 The Generation Gap 叛逆
1973 The Happiest Moment 一樂也
1973 The House of 72 Tenants 七十二家房客
1973 The Master of Kung Fu
1973 The Pirate Daai Hoi Diy
1973 The Sugar Daddies
1973 The Villains
1973 The Virgins
1974 A Mad World of Fools 怪人怪事
1974 Crazy Bumpkins
1974 Crazy Nuts of Kung Fu
1974 Five Tough Guys
1974 Friends Pang Yau
1974 Gossip Street
1974 Hong Kong 73 香港73
1974 Kidnap 天網
1974 Les cinq maîtres de Shaolin 少林五祖
1974 Men from the Monastery Siu Lam Ji Dai
1974 Mini-Skirt Gang
1974 Na Cha The Great 哪吒
1974 Rivals of Kung Fu
1974 Savage 5
1974 Scandal
1974 Sex for Sale 面具
1974 Sex, Love and Hate
1974 Sinful Confession 聲色犬馬
1974 Sorrow of the Gentry 朱門怨
1974 Supermen Against the Orient
1974 Tea House 成記茶樓
1974 The Cheeky Little Angels
1974 The Ghost Lovers
1974 The Golden Lotus 金瓶雙艷
1974 The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
1974 The Rat Catcher 捉鼠記
1974 The Shadow Boxer 太極拳
1974 The Sinful Adulteress
1974 The Two Faces of Love
1974 Thirteen 早熟
1974 Virgins of the Seven Seas
1974 Women of Desire 女人面面觀
1974 Young Passion
1975 All Men are Brothers 蕩寇誌
1975 Big Brother Cheng 大哥成
1975 Black Magic 降頭
1975 Bloody Money Lung Foo Chow Tin Aai
1975 Carry on Con Men 陳夢吉計破脂粉陣
1975 Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold
1975 Cohabitation
1975 Evil Seducers
1975 Fantastic Magic Baby Hung Haai Ngai
1975 Fearful Interlude
1975 Forbidden tales of Two Cities
1975 Gambling Syndicate
1975 Girl with the Long Hair 長髮姑娘
1975 Lady of the Law
1975 Lovers Destiny 新啼笑姻缘
1975 Queen Hustler
1975 Return of the Crazy Bumpkin
1975 Romance in Paris
1975 Salina
1975 Spiritual Boxer 神打
1975 Super Inframan 中國超人
1975 Supermen Against the Amazons
1975 Temperament of Life
1975 That's Adultery 捉姦趣事
1975 The Big Holdup 大劫案
1975 The Bloody Escape Tiu Miu
1975 The Empress Dowager 傾國傾城
1975 The Flying Guillotine 血滴子
1975 The Golden Lion
1975 The Happy Trio
1975 The Imposter 七面人
1975 The Taxi Driver Dik si daai liu
1975 The Young Rebel 後生
1975 Two Con Men 扭計祖宗陳夢吉
1976 7 Man Army Baat Diy Lau Ji
1976 Beautiful Vixen
1976 Big Bad Sis
1976 Big Time for the Crazy Bumpkins
1976 Black Magic 2
1976 Bloody Avengers
1976 Brotherhood
1976 Bruce Lee and I
1976 Challenge of the Masters 陸阿采與黃飛鴻
1976 Crazy Bumpkin in Singapore
1976 Crazy Sex 拈花惹草
1976 Emperor Chien Lung
1976 Erotic Nights
1976 Farewell to a Warrior
1976 Girls for Sale
1976 Heroes of the Underground
1976 Homicides - The Criminals, Part 2
1976 Hustler from Canton
1976 La Guerre des clans 流星蝴蝶劍
1976 Killers on Wheels
1976 King Gambler 賭王大騙局
1976 Le Temple de Shaolin 少林寺
1976 Love Swindlers
1976 Mr Funny Bone 老夫子
1976 New Shaolin Boxers Choi Lee Bat Siu Ji
1976 Oily Maniac 油鬼子
1976 Oriental Playgirls
1976 Spirit of the Raped
1976 Spiritual Fists San Kuen Saam Chong Si
1976 Springtime in Pattaya
1976 The Condemned 死囚
1976 The Criminals 香港奇案
1976 The Dragon Missile
1976 The Escort Girls
1976 The Girlie Bar 酒帘
1976 The Last Tempest 瀛台泣血
1976 Le Sabre Infernal 天涯明月刀
1976 The Sexy Killer 紅粉煞星
1976 The Shaolin Avengers 方世玉與胡惠乾
1976 The Snake Prince
1976 The Web of Death 五毒天羅
1976 Wedding Nights
1977 Assault The Criminals 4
1977 Brave Archer 射鵰英雄傳
1977 Chinatown Kid 唐人街功夫小子
1977 Le Complot des Clans 楚留香
1977 Cobra Girl
1977 Confessions of a Private Secretary
1977 Deadly Angels
1977 Death Duel 三少爺的劍
1977 Dream of the Red Chamber
1977 Dreams of Eroticism
1977 Executioners From Shaolin 洪熙官
1977 Innocent Lust
1977 Le Tigre de Jade 白玉老虎
1977 Lady Exterminator
1977 Magnificent Wanderers Kong Woo Hon Ji
1977 Moods of Love
1977 Murder on the Wedding Night
1977 Mysterious Lady Killer
1977 Pursuit of Vengeance
1977 Return of the Con Men
1977 Starlets for Sale
1977 The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung
1977 The Battle Wizard
1977 The Call Girls 應召名冊
1977 The Criminals 3: Arson
1977 The Crooks
1977 The Judgement of an Assassin Kuet Saai Ling
1977 The Mad Monk
1977 The Mighty Peking Man 猩猩王
1977 The Naval Commandos Hoi Gwan Dat Gik Dui
1977 The Romantic Scholar
1977 Le Poignard Volant 多情劍客無情劍
1977 To Kill a Jaguar 絕不低頭
1978 Bank-Buster
1978 Brave Archer 2 射鵰英雄傳續集
1978 Challenge of the Ninja
1978 Clan of Amazons 秀花大盜
1978 Crazy Imposters
1978 Crippled Avengers 殘缺
1978 Delinquent Teenagers
1978 Dream of the Red Chamber
1978 Gang of Four
1978 Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre Yi tian tu long ji
1978 Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2 Yi tian tu long ji da jie ju
1978 Hello Sexy Late Homecomers
1978 Invincible Shaolin 南少林與北少林
1978 La 36ème chambre de Shaolin 少林三十六房
1978 La Mante Religieuse 螳螂
1978 Legend of The Bat 蝙蝠傳奇
1978 Mr Funny Bone - Strikes Again 老夫子奇趣錄
1978 Sensual Pleasures Jeung Sik Sing Wun
1978 Shaolin Hand Lock 十字鎖喉手
1978 Soul of the Sword 殺絕
1978 Swordsman and Enchantress 蕭十一郎
1978 La Vengeance de l'aigle de shaolin Long xie shi san ying
1978 The Cunning Hustler
1978 The Double Crossers
1978 The Five venoms 五毒
1978 The Flying Guillotine 2 清宮大刺殺
1978 The Mad Monk Strikes Again
1978 The Notorious Frameup
1978 The Proud Youth
1978 The Psychopath
1978 The Vengeful Beauty 血芙蓉
1978 The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung 乾隆下揚州
1979 Abbot of Shaolin Siu Lam Ying Hung Bong
1979 Daredevils of Kung Fu Chap Gei Miu Meng Dui
1979 Dirty Ho
1979 Emperor Chin Lung and the Beauty 乾隆皇與三姑娘
1979 Five Superfighters
1979 Full Moon Scimitar
1979 He Who Never Dies
1979 Invincible Enforcer
1979 Kung Fu Instructor
1979 Legend of Feng Shui
1979 Life Gamble Sang Sei Dau
1979 Mad Monkey Kung Fu 瘋猴
1979 Monkey Kung Fu
1979 Murder Plot Hung Cheuk Wong Chiu
1979 Naughty Scandals
1979 Return of the Dead
1979 Shaolin Rescuers Gaai Shut Ying Hung
1979 Spiritual Boxer 2
1979 Ten Tigers of Kwangtung 廣東十虎興役五需
1979 The Best Hustler Wins
1979 The Brothers
1979 The Deadly Breaking Sword Feng liu duan jian xiao xiao dao
1979 The Forbidden Past 小樓殘夢
1979 The Foxy Ladies
1979 The Ghost and I
1979 The Ghost Story
1979 The Kid With the Golden Arm Gam Bei Tung
1979 The Last Judgement
1979 The Magnificent Ruffians Maai Meng Siu Ji
1979 The Master 背叛師門
1979 The Proud Twins
1979 The Reckless Cricket
1979 The Scandalous Warlord 軍閥趣史
1979 The Tigress of Shaolin
1979 To Kill a Mastermind
1979 What Price Honesty ?
1979 Young Lovers 純愛
1980 Bat without Wings
1980 Clan of the White Lotus 洪文定三破白蓮教
1980 Coward Bastard
1980 Heaven and Hell 第三類打鬥
1980 Heroes Shed No Tears 英雄無淚
1980 Hex Versus Witchcraft 邪鬥邪
1980 Hex
1980 Rendez-vous with Death
1980 Retour à la 36ème chambre 少林搭棚大師
1980 Spearmen of Death Tit Kei Moon
1980 The Informer 金手指
1980 The Rebel Intruders Daai Saai Sei Fong
1980 Two Champions of Shaolin 少林與武當
1981 Black Lizard
1981 Brave Archer 3 射雕英雄傳三集
1981 Challenge of The Gamesters 千王鬥千霸
1981 Gambler's Delight
1981 Mahjong Heroes 打雀英雄傳
1981 Martial Club 武館
1981 Masked Avengers Cha Sau
1981 My Young Auntie 長輩
1981 Notorious Eight 千門八將
1981 One Way Only 單程路
1981 Return of the Sentimental Swordsman 魔劍俠情
1981 Roar of the Lion 南北獅王
1981 Sword stained with Royal Blood 碧血劍
1981 The Battle for the Republic of China
1981 The Duel of the Century 陸小鳳之決戰前後
1981 The Emperor and his Brother 書劍恩仇錄
1982 36 Secrets of Courtship 追女三十六房
1982 Cat Versus Rat
1982 Hell Has No Boundary
1982 Hex After Hex 邪完再邪
1982 Human Lanterns 人皮燈籠
1982 Legendary Weapons of China 十八般武藝
1982 Lovers Blades
1982 Master of Disaster
1982 Ode to Gallantry
1982 Passing Flickers 三十年細說從頭
1982 Super Ninjas Ng Dun Yan Sui
1982 The Pure and the Evil 青春1000日
1982 The Spirit of the Sword
1982 Young Vagabond
1983 Bastard Swordsman
1983 Demon of the Lute
1983 Descendant of the Sun
1983 Fast Fingers
1983 Ghosts Galore
1983 Holy Flame of Martial World 武林聖火令
1983 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1983 Hong Kong Playboys 花心大少
1983 Let's Make Laugh 表錯七日情
1983 Little Dragon Maiden 楊過與小龍女
1983 Mad Mad 1997
1983 Mad Mad 83
1983 Men from the Gutter
1983 Mercenaries from Hong Kong
1983 On the Wrong Track 毁滅號地車
1983 Portrait in Crystal
1983 Roving Swordsman 大俠沈勝衣
1983 Seeding of a Ghost
1983 Shaolin Intruders
1983 Shaolin Prince 少林傳人
1983 Take Care, Your Majesty
1983 Tales of a Eunuch
1983 The Enchantress
1983 The Lady Assassin
1983 The Lady is the Boss 掌門人
1983 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 星際鈍胎
1983 Weird Man
1984 A Friend from Inner Space 奸人鬼
1984 An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty 唐朝豪放女
1984 Behind the Yellow Line 緣份
1984 Cherie
1984 Les 8 diagrammes de Wu-Lang 五郎八卦棍
1984 Family Light Affair 城市之光
1984 How to Choose a Royal Bride
1984 I Will Finally Knock You Down, Dad
1984 Long Road to Gallantry
1984 Love in a Fallen City 傾城之戀
1984 Lust For Love of a Chinese Courtesan 愛奴新傳
1984 Misfire
1984 Mr. Virgin
1984 My Darling Genie 我愛神仙遮
1984 New Tales of the Flying Fox 新飛狐外傳
1984 Opium and the Kung-fu Master
1984 Pale Passion
1984 Return of Bastard Swordsman
1984 Secret Service of the Imperial Court 錦衣衛
1984 Sex Beyond the Grave
1984 The Frog Prince
1984 The Hidden Power of the Dragon Sabre
1984 The Little Cute Fellow
1984 The Siamese Twins 連體
1984 Three Stooges Go Undercover
1984 Thunderclap
1984 Ugly Tycoon
1984 Wits of the Brats
1985 Carry on Doctors and Nurses
1985 Crazy Shaolin Disciples 弟子也瘋狂
1985 Danger Has Two Faces 皇家大賊
1985 Hong Kong Godfather
1985 Illegal Immigrant
1985 Journey of the Doomed 水兒武士
1985 Les Disciples de la 36ème chambre 霹靂十傑
1985 Love With a Perfect Stranger
1985 My Mind, Your Body
1985 My Name Ain't Suzie 花街時代
1985 Puppy Love 鬥氣小神仙
1985 Pursuit of a Killer
1985 The Master Strikes Back
1985 This Man is Dangerous
1985 Twisted Love
1985 Wives and Lovers
1985 Women
1988 Mr. Possessed
1988 Painted Faces 七小福
1988 Starry is the Night
1989 Doubles Cause Troubles
1994 Whatever you want
1995 Tragic Commitment
1996 Le Roi des masques Bian Lian
1997 Hero 馬永貞
2003 Drunken Monkey 醉馬騮

Voir aussi

Articles connexes

Liens externes

  • Portail du cinéma Portail du cinéma
  • Portail de la réalisation audiovisuelle Portail de la réalisation audiovisuelle
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  • Shaw Brothers — Studio «Студия Shaw Brothers» (китайский: 邵氏片場), принадлежащая Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd., является первопроходцем и крупнейшей компанией по производству фильмов в Гонконге. В 1924 году Ран Ран Шоу (邵逸夫, Run Run Shaw) и его третий брат Ранме Шоу… …   Википедия

  • Shaw Brothers — war eine Filmproduktionsfirma aus Hongkong, die von 1925 bis 1985 existierte und vor allem dem Genre des Martial Arts Films zum Durchbruch verhalf. Gründer waren Runme Shaw (1901–1985) und Run Run Shaw. Auch zahlreiche technische Innovationen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shaw Brothers — Shaw Brothers, abreviado Shaw Bros. (邵氏兄弟有限公司) es un estudio cinematográfico chino, fundado en Hong Kong en 1958 por los hermanos Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫 | Shao Yi Fu, 1907 2008), Runme Shaw (邵仁枚 | Shao Ren Mei, 1901 85), Runde Shaw (邵囤人 | 邵邨人 | 邵村人,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shaw Brothers — Pour la compagnie de distribution singapourienne, voir Shaw Brothers Ltd.. Les studios Shaw Brothers Shaw Brothers (邵氏片場) est une société hongkongaise spécialisée dans la production et dans la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shaw Brothers Studio — «Студия Shaw Brothers» (китайский: 邵氏片場), принадлежащая Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd., является первопроходцем и крупнейшей компанией по производству фильмов в Гонконге. В 1924 году Ран Ран Шоу (邵逸夫, Run Run Shaw) и его третий брат Ранме Шоу (邵仁枚,… …   Википедия

  • Shaw Brothers Studio — The Shaw Brothers Studio (Chinese: 邵氏片場), owned by Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd. sehk|0080, is the foremost and the largest movie production company of Hong Kong movies.Fact|date=February 2007From their distribution base in Singapore where they founded …   Wikipedia

  • Shaw Brothers Ltd. —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Shaw Brothers. Shaw Brothers Ltd. est une société singapourienne spécialisée dans la distribution de films de cinéma. Fondée en [Quand ?], elle a longtemps produit et distribué les films de Malay Films… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Студия Shaw Brothers — Эта статья должна быть полностью переписана. На странице обсуждения могут быть пояснения …   Википедия

  • List of Shaw Brothers Films — NOTOC An attempt at a complete list of films produced by Shaw Brothers Studios. Films that were distributed but not produced by the Studio are not included in this list. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 19591960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965… …   Wikipedia

  • Shaw — may refer to:In geography of the United States: *Shaw, Mississippi, a city *Shaw, Washington, D.C., a neighborhood *Shaw, St. Louis, Missouri, a neighborhoodIn geography of England, United Kingdom: *Shaw, Berkshire, a village *Shaw, Wiltshire, a… …   Wikipedia

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