Lama dei peligni

Lama dei peligni

Lama dei Peligni

Lama dei Peligni

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Pays Italie Italie
Région Abruzzo bandiera.svg Abruzzes 
Province Chieti 
Code ISTAT 069045
Code postal 66010
Préfixe tel. 0872
Culture et démographie
Population 1 485 hab. (2001)
Densité 48 hab./km²
Gentilé lamesi
Saint patron San Sebastiano
Fête patronale 20 janvier
Coordonnées 42° 03′ 00″ Nord
       14° 11′ 00″ Est
/ 42.05000, 14.18333
Altitude 669 m
Superficie 31 km²
Code cadastral B102
Voir la carte physique
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Lama dei Peligni est une commune de la province de Chieti dans les Abruzzes en Italie.

Lama dei Peligni, in the province of Chieti, is on the eastern slopes of the Maiella near the Aventino River, between the Fara San Martino and Taranta Peligni valleys. The town is situated on a foothill of the Maiella at an elevation of 2200 feet; its population numbers about 1500 inhabitants. In this area are many caves, the most important of which are the Grotte del Cavallone, which lie in the territory of two towns, Lama dei Peligni and Taranta Peligni. The caves extend for a distance of 4200 feet, but the most interesting section is the first 1500 feet, in which there are many stalactites and stalagmites.

The town was founded in the 7th century in an area which had been populated since very ancient times. It takes its name from the Peligni, one of the Italic tribes that lived in this area. "Lama dei Peligni" means Sword of the Peligni. During the feudal era the village belonged, among others, to the Grandinati, Capua, and d'Aquino families. It was greatly damaged during WWII and in the earthquakes of 1915, 1933 and 1984.

In 1913, in the section of the town known as Fonterossi, a fossilized human skeleton was found, with the skull well-preserved. These remains date from the late paleolithic period and are known as "uomo della Majella," (Majella man), although in fact they are the remains of a woman. She was most likely a member of a small agricultural settlement that existed at Lama dei Peligni about 5500 B.C. The remains are now in the Museo Preistorico e Etnografico at Rome.

The principal monuments in Lama dei Peligni date from the 16th century, and they are: the church of San Nicola, which houses a silver Madonna by Nicola da Guardiagrele in the sacristy; the remains of the Palazzo Ducale built by the Capua family; and the Fontecannella, a stone fountain. On the outskirts of the town are the church of Maria Santissima della Misericordia, and also the so-called cave of Sant'Angelo, a place of worship in the 8th century. Near the town a haven has been set up by the World Wildlife Federation, with an acclimatization enclosure for the chamois (a species of deer) of the National Park of the Majella. A national school for spelaeology (cave exploration and study) has been established in the town and organizes various courses and conferences.


Liste des maires (sindaci) successifs
Période Identité Parti Qualité
30 mai 2006 Antonino Amorosi Centro-Sinistra -
Toutes les données ne nous sont pas encore connues.


Corpi Santi, Fonti Rossi, Vaccarda, Piani Marini

Communes limitrophes

Civitella Messer Raimondo, Colledimacine, Fara San Martino, Gessopalena, Pacentro (AQ), Taranta Peligna, Torricella Peligna

  • Portail de l’Italie Portail de lItalie
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