John Evans

John Evans
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  • John Evans — may refer to many different people: Academics *John Evans (archaeologist) (1823–1908), English archaeologist and geologist *John Davies Evans (b.1925), English archaeologist specialising in the prehistory of the Mediterranean and Malta, former… …   Wikipedia

  • John Evans — ist der Name folgender Personen: John Evans (Pirat), britischer Seeräuber am Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts John Evans (Entdecker) (1770–1799), walisischer Entdecker John Evans (Politiker) (1814–1897), amerikanischer Politiker John Evans… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Evans (governor) — John Evans (9 March, 1814 ndash; 2 July, 1897) was a U.S. politician, physician, railroad promoter, Governor of the Territory of Colorado, and namesake of Evanston, Illinois; Evans, Colorado; and Mount Evans, Colorado. He is most noted for being… …   Wikipedia

  • John Evans (surgeon) — John Evans (4 July 1756 ndash; October 1846) was a Welsh surgeon and cartographer.LifeEvans was born on 4 July 1756 at Llwyn y groes, Llanymynech on the border between Montgomeryshire, Wales and Shropshire, England. His father was the map maker… …   Wikipedia

  • John Evans (Politiker) — John Evans John Evans (* 9. März 1814 in Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio; † 3. Juli 1897 in Denver, Colorado) war ein US amerikanischer Arzt und Politiker. Zwischen 1862 und 1865 war er Gouverneur des Colorado Territoriums …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Evans (explorer) — John Thomas Evans (April 1770 may 1799) was a Welsh explorer who produced an early map of the Missouri River.John Evans was born in Waunfawr, near Caernarfon. In the early 1790s there was an upsurge of interest in Wales in the story of Madog… …   Wikipedia

  • John Evans Atta Mills — John Atta Mils en un cartel electoral en 2008. Presidente de Ghana 2009 – presente …   Wikipedia Español

  • John Evans Jones — (* 5. Dezember 1840 in Montgomeryshire, Wales; † 10. April 1896) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und Gouverneur von Nevada. 1856 ging seine Familie nach Iowa und Jones k …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Evans (writer) — John Evans is a Welsh singer, artist, filmmaker, and writer. He started his career as frontman for the punk band The Tax Exiles. The Tax Exiles were regulars at The Roxy Club, and other punk venues, in 1976 1978. In the early 1980s he embarked on …   Wikipedia

  • John Evans (Entdecker) — John Evans (* 1770 in Waunfawr nahe Caernarfon; † 1799 in New Orleans) war ein walisischer Entdecker, der sich auf der Suche nach den Spuren Madocs nach Nordamerika begab. Teil der Karte, die Evans im Missouri Gebiet 1795 1796 anfertigte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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