- Incorrigible
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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Le terme incorrigible, qui qualifie ce qui ne peut être corrigé, peut renvoyer :
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incorrigible — Incorrigible … Thresor de la langue françoyse
incorrigible — [ ɛ̃kɔriʒibl ] adj. • 1334; bas lat. incorrigibilis ♦ Qui ne peut être corrigé. 1 ♦ (Personnes) Qui persévère dans ses défauts, ses erreurs. ⇒ entêté, impénitent, indécrottable. Un enfant incorrigible. « les hommes sont incorrigibles et ils ne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Incorrigible — In*cor ri*gi*ble, a. [L. incorrigibilis: cf. F. incorrigible. See {In } not, and {Corrigible}.] Not corrigible; incapable of being corrected or amended; bad beyond correction; irreclaimable; as, incorrigible error. Incorrigible fools. Dryden.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
incorrigible — I adjective beyond help, beyond reform, chronic, cureless, hardened, hopeless, impenitent, incapable of correction, incurable, intractable, intransigent, inveterate, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreformable, irremediable,… … Law dictionary
Incorrigible — In*cor ri*gi*ble, n. One who is incorrigible; a person whose persistent bad behavior cannot be changed; especially, a hardened criminal; as, the perpetual imprisonment of incorrigibles; incorrigible and disruptive children need to be placed in a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
incorrigible — Incorrigible. adj. de tout genre. Qui ne se peut corriger. Un esprit incorrigible. un enfant incorrigible. les defauts de la nature sont incorrigibles … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
incorrigible — (adj.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. incorrigible (mid 14c.), or directly from L. incorrigibilis not to be corrected, from in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + corrigibilis, from corrigere to correct (see CORRECT (Cf. correct)). Related:… … Etymology dictionary
incorrigible — [in kôr′ə jə bəl, inkär′ə jə bəl] adj. [ME incorygibile < OFr < LL incorrigibilis] not corrigible; that cannot be corrected, improved, or reformed, esp. because firmly established, as a habit, or because set in bad habits, as a child n. an… … English World dictionary
incorrigible — [adj] bad, hopeless abandoned, beastly, hardened, incurable, intractable, inveterate, irredeemable, irreparable, loser, recidivous, uncorrectable, unreformed, useless, wicked; concept 570 Ant. good, manageable, nice, obedient, reformable … New thesaurus
incorrigible — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not able to be corrected or reformed. DERIVATIVES incorrigibility noun incorrigibly adverb. ORIGIN Latin incorrigibilis, from in not + corrigibilis correctable … English terms dictionary
incorrigible — incorrigibility, incorrigibleness, n. incorrigibly, adv. /in kawr i jeuh beuhl, kor /, adj. 1. not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform: incorrigible behavior; an incorrigible liar. 2. impervious to constraints or punishment; willful;… … Universalium