Alexander Hislop

Alexander Hislop

Alexandre Hislop ( en 1807, mort en 1862) pasteur protestant anticatholique ayant réalisé un travail sur l'origine des mythologies.



Son ouvrage le plus polémique, écrit en 1853 est Les deux Babylones[1]. Il y traite notamment de l'origine du dogme de la Trinité, et de l'origine du culte de la Vierge.


  • Christ's Crown and Covenant: or national covenanting essentially connected with national revival (Arbroath and Edinburgh, 1860)
  • Infant Baptism, according to the Word of God and confession of faith. Being a review, in five letters, of the new theory of Professor Lumsden, as advocated in his treatise entitled, "Infant baptism: its nature and objects." (Edinburgh, 1856)
  • The Light of Prophecy let in on the dark places of the Papacy (exposition of 2 Thess 2: 312) (Edinburgh, 1846)
  • The Moral Identity of Babylon and Rome (London, 1855)
  • The Red Republic; or Scarlet Coloured Beast of the Apocalypse (Edinburgh, 1849)
  • The Rev. E.B. Elliott and the "Red Republic" (Arbroath, circa 1850)#
  • The Scriptural Principles of the Solemn League and Covenant : in their bearing on the present state of the Episcopal churches (Glasgow, 1858)
  • The Trial of Bishop Forbes (A lecture delivered in East Free Church, Arbroath) (Edinburgh, 1860)
  • Truth and Peace (in reply to a pamphlet, entitled "Charity and mutual forbearance" by "Irenicus") (Arbroath, 1858)
  • The Two Babylons; or, the Papal Worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife (Edinburgh, 1853 & 1858)
  • Unto the Venerable the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland : the petition of the undersigned (relates to James Lumsden on "Infant Baptism": Hislop was head signatory of this petition) (Edinburgh, 1860)

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