

Goose est un groupe de rock-electro belge originaire de Courtrai. Il fut formé en 2000 par Mickael Karkousse, Dave Martijn, Tom Coghe et Bert Libeert. Leur single Audience fut diffusé à travers toute l'Europe par Coca-Cola dans une de leurs campagnes publicitaires.





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  • Goose — (g[=oo]s), n.; pl. {Geese} (g[=e]s). [OE. gos, AS. g[=o]s, pl. g[=e]s; akin to D. & G. gans, Icel. g[=a]s, Dan. gaas, Sw. g[*a]s, Russ. guse. OIr. geiss, L. anser, for hanser, Gr. chh n, Skr. ha[.m]sa. [root]233. Cf. {Gander}, {Gannet}, {Ganza},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • goose — a large waterfowl proverbially noted, I know not why, for foolishness [Johnson], O.E. gos, from P.Gmc. *gans goose (Cf. O.Fris. gos, O.N. gas, O.H.G. gans, Ger. Gans goose ), from PIE *ghans (Cf. Skt. hamsah, masc., hansi, fem., goose, swan; Gk …   Etymology dictionary

  • Goose — steht für Goose (Band) belgische Elektro Rock und Dance Punk Band GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Events, Netzwerkprotokoll das Wasserflugzeug Grumman G 21 Siehe auch XSM 73 Goose Goose Island Blue Goose Grey Goose Goose Creek …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • goose — UK US /guːs/ noun [C] ● the goose that lays the golden egg(s) Cf. the goose that lays the golden eggs ● kill the goose that lays the golden egg(s) Cf. kill the goose that lays the golden eggs …   Financial and business terms

  • goose — [go͞os] n. pl. for 1 3, geese; for 4 & 5, gooses [ME gose < OE gos, akin to Du & Ger gans, ON gas < IE * ĝhans > L anser; GOOSE vt. 1 prob. for the fact that geese sometimes attack children from the rear] 1. any of various long necked,… …   English World dictionary

  • Goose — (spr. Guhs), 1) Insel an der Südküste von Australien; 2) östliches Cap der Nordwestküste Neufoundlands; 3) (Goose Creek, spr. G. Krieck), Fluß im Staate Virginia (Nordamerika), entspringt[472] in der Grafschaft Fauquier u. fällt in den Potomac… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • goose — ► NOUN (pl. geese) 1) a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet, and a short, broad bill. 2) the female of such a bird. 3) informal a foolish person. ► VERB informal ▪ poke (someone) in the bottom. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Goose — Taxobox name = Goose image width = 240px image caption = Canada Goose, Branta canadensis regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves superordo = Galloanserae ordo = Anseriformes familia = Anatidae subfamilia = Anserinae tribus = Anserini… …   Wikipedia

  • goose — gooselike, adj. /goohs/, n., pl. geese for 1, 2, 4, 8, 9; gooses for 5 7; v., goosed, goosing. n. 1. any of numerous wild or domesticated, web footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are… …   Universalium

  • goose — I UK [ɡuːs] / US [ɡus] noun Word forms goose : singular goose plural geese UK [ɡiːs] / US [ɡɪs] 1) a) [countable/uncountable] a large white or grey bird with a long beak called a bill. A male goose is called a gander and a young goose is called a …   English dictionary

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