GCR signifie :
- Groupe Communiste Révolutionnaire
- en anglais : Gas Cooled Reactor (Réacteur Refroidi au Gaz)
- dans le domaine de l'imprimerie et de la quadrichromie : Gray Component Replacement (en français : retrait achromatique ou remplacement du gris). C'est une technique de substitution des tons neutres produits par la superposition des encres primaires (cyan, magenta, jaune) par une densité plus élevée d'encre noire.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article GCR de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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GCR — ist die Abkürzung für: Galactic Cosmic Ray, siehe Kosmische Strahlung Gasgekühlter Reaktor (Gas Cooled Reactor), wie z. B. der Magnox Reaktortyp Generalized Completely Continuous Representations in GCR Algebra (ein Typ von C* Algebren) Ghost … Deutsch Wikipedia
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GCR — sigla Técnica utilizada para reduzir a quantidade de cião, magenta e amarelo numa área e substituí la com um grau apropriado de preto. ‣ Etimologia: sigla de Gray Component Replacement … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
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GCR Class 11F — Infobox Locomotive powertype=Steam name = GCR Class 11F LNER Class D11 caption = GCR Class 11F no. 506 Butler Henderson is the only preserved Great Central Railway passenger locomotive designer = Robinson builder = GCR builddate = 1920 1924… … Wikipedia
GCR Class 9N — Infobox Locomotive powertype=Steam name = GCR Class 9N LNER Class A5 caption = designer = J. G. Robinson builder = GCR, LNER, Hawthorn Leslie and Company builddate = 1911 1926 totalproduction = whytetype = 4 6 2T gauge = 4 8½ leadingsize =… … Wikipedia
GCR Class 9F — The Great Central Railway (GCR) Class 9F was a class of 0 6 2T steam locomotive.Originally constructed by Thomas Parker in 1891 for the Great Central Railway (GCR), the prototype 9F was built in a total of 12 batches up to 1901, with 131 locos… … Wikipedia
GCR Class 1 — Infobox Locomotive powertype=Steam name=GCR Class 1 whytetype=4 6 0 wheeldiameter=6ft 9in leadingsize=3ft 6in firearea=26 sq ft boilerpressure=180psiThe Great Central Railway Class 1 London and North Eastern Railway Class B2, later B19 were a… … Wikipedia
GCR-Algebra — Postliminale C* Algebren sind eine in der Mathematik betrachtete Klasse von C* Algebren. Alternative Bezeichnungen, die weiter unten motiviert werden, sind GCR Algebra oder Typ I C* Algebra. Es handelt sich um eine Verallgemeinerung der Klasse… … Deutsch Wikipedia