


Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.



  • Agathocles est un groupe belge de grindcore
Ce document provient de « Agathocl%C3%A8s ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Agathocles — (361 289 BC), (Greek name Αγαθοκλής ( Agathokles ): derived from αγαθός ( agathos ) good and κλέος ( kleos ) glory ), was tyrant of Syracuse (317 289 BC) and king of Sicily (304 289 BC).BiographyAgathocles was born at Thermae Himeraeae (modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Agathocles — Жанр Грайндкор Годы с 1985 Страна …   Википедия

  • AGATHOCLES — I. AGATHOCLES Babylonius, sive Cyzicenus, utrôque enim modô ab Athenaeo appellatur, l. 9. et 12. Cyzicenorum res scripsit. Fuit praeterea alius, Chius; rei Rusticae seriptor, de quo Varro l. 1. c. 1. et Columella. l. 1. c. 1. Est et Agathocles… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Agathocles — /euh gath euh kleez /, n. 361 289 B.C., tyrant of Syracuse 317 289. * * * born 361 BC, Thermae Himeraeae, Sicily died 289 Tyrant of Syracuse (317–304?) and self styled king of Sicily (304?–289). He moved to Syracuse as a youth and served in its… …   Universalium

  • Agathoclès — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Agathocle de Syracuse, tyran puis roi de Syracuse (361 289 av. J. C.) ; Agathoclès de Thrace, fils de Lysimaque, mort en 284 av. J. C. ;… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Agathocles — Agathokles war ein im antiken Griechenland häufig vorkommender Männername. Die bekanntesten Personen mit diesem Namen sind: Agathokles, ein Musiker, Schüler des Pythagoras, Lehrer Damons Agathokles, ein Historiker im 5. oder 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Agathocles, S. — S. Agathocles, M. Aus dem Gr. = von gutem Rufe. – Der hl. Agathocles wird vorzüglich in der griechischen Kirche verehrt. Er ward mit einem glühenden eisernen Stachel, der in bildlichen Darstellungen gewöhnlich sein Attribut bildet, durchbohrt und …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Agathocles of Bactria — Agathocles the Just was an Indo Greek king, who reigned between around 190 and 180 BCE. He might have been a son of Demetrius and one of his sub kings in charge of the Paropamisade between Bactria and India. In that case, he was a grandson of… …   Wikipedia

  • Agathocles (writer) — Agathocles (Gr. polytonic|Ἀγαθοκλῆς, fl. 3rd century BC) was a Greek histo­rian who wrote a history of Cyzicus (polytonic|περὶ Κυζίκου) in the Ionic dialect.Citation last = Smith first = William author link = William Smith (lexicographer)… …   Wikipedia

  • Agathocles (disambiguation) — Agathocles was the name of several ancient Greeks:*Agathocles, a sophist, teacher of Damon *Agathocles (writer), was the name of a number of ancient writers, including an ancient historian referred to by Pliny and Cicero *Agathocles, the tyrant… …   Wikipedia

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