- Abréviations en informatique I
- i18n : internationalisation (de logiciel)
- x86 : Intel Corporation Architecture x86 microprocessor Familly
- IA-32 : Intel Corporation Architecture 32-bit microprocessor
- IA-64 : Intel Corporation Architecture 64-bit microprocessor
- IANA : Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- Internet Authentication Service
- Internet Application Server
- IBM : International Business Machines
- ICA : Independent Computing Architecture de Citrix Presentation Server
- ICF : Internet Connection Firewall
- ICANN : Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- ICMP : Internet Control Message Protocol
- ICSA : International Computer Security Association (anciennement NCSA)
- ICT : Information and Communications Technology
- IDA : Interactive DisAssembler
- IDL : Interface Description Language
- IDS : Intrusion Detection System
- IDP : Internet Datagram Protocol
- IDPR ; Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
- IDRP : Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
- IE : Internet Explorer
- IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IETF : Internet Engineering Task Force
- IFD : InterFace Device, Smartcard
- Internal Field Separator
- : Sur les premières versions de Windows NT
- IGMP : Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
- IGP : Interior Gateway Protocol
- Internet Imaging Protocol
- Invisible IRC Project
- IIS : Internet Information Services
- IM : Instant Messenger
- IMAP : internet Message Access Protocol
- IMO/IMHO : In My (Humble) Opinion, à mon humble avis
- IMS : Information Management System
- IMUSE : Interactive Music Streaming Engine
- initrd : INIT RamDisk
- inode : Index Node
- I/O : Input/Output (Entrée/Sortie), voir aussi E/S
- IOAT : Intel I/O Acceleration Technology
- IOCTL : I/O ConTroL, voir Ioctl
- IOS : Internetwork Operating System
- IP : Internet Protocol
- IPC : Inter-Process Communication
- IPCOMP : IP Payload COMpression Protocol
- IPENCAP : IP ENCapsulated in IP
- IPL : Initial Program Load
- IPP : Internet Printing Protocol
- IPsec : Internet Protocol Security
- IPX : Internetwork packet exchange
- IR : InfraRed
- IrDA : Infrared Data Association
- IRC : Internet Relay Chat
- IRP : I/O Request Packet
- IRQ : Interrupt ReQuest
- IRQL : IRQ Level
- ISAKMP : Internet Security Associations and Key Management
- ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network
- IS-IS : Intermediate system to intermediate system
- ISP : Internet Service Provider (Fournisseur d'accès à Internet)
- ISR : Interrupt Service Routine
- ISV : Independent Software Vendor, voir Éditeur de logiciel
- IT : Information Technology, Informatique
- ITIL : Information Technology Infrastructure Library
- ITK : Insight ToolKit
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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.