Classification AMS

Classification AMS
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La classification AMS, appelée aussi Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), est une classification établie par l'American Mathematical Society (AMS).

  • 00-xx : General
  • 01-xx : History and biography [See also the classification number -03 in the other sections]
  • 03-xx : Mathematical logic and foundations
  • 04-xx : This section has been deleted {For set theory see 03Exx}
  • 05-xx : Combinatorics {For finite fields, see 11Txx}
  • 06-xx : Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures [See also 18B35]
  • 08-xx : General algebraic systems
  • 11-xx : Number theory
  • 12-xx : Field theory and polynomials
  • 13-xx : Commutative rings and algebras
  • 14-xx : Algebraic geometry
  • 15-xx : Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
  • 16-xx : Associative rings and algebras {For the commutative case, see 13-xx}
  • 17-xx : Nonassociative rings and algebras
  • 18-xx : Category theory; homological algebra {For commutative rings see 13Dxx, for associative rings 16Exx, for groups 20Jxx, for topological groups and related structures 57Txx; see also 55Nxx and 55Uxx for algebraic topology}
  • 19-xx : $K$-theory [See also 16E20, 18F25]
  • 20-xx : Group theory and generalizations
  • 22-xx : Topological groups, Lie groups {For transformation groups, see 54H15, 57Sxx, 58-xx. For abstract harmonic analysis, see 43-xx}
  • 26-xx : Real functions [See also 54C30]
  • 28-xx : Measure and integration {For analysis on manifolds, see 58-xx}
  • 30-xx : Functions of a complex variable {For analysis on manifolds, see 58-xx}
  • 31-xx : Potential theory {For probabilistic potential theory, see 60J45}
  • 32-xx : Several complex variables and analytic spaces {For infinite-dimensional holomorphy, see 46G20, 58B12}
  • 33-xx : Special functions (33-xx deals with the properties of functions as functions) {For orthogonal functions, see 42Cxx; for aspects of combinatorics, see 05Axx; for number-theoretic aspects, see 11-xx; for representation theory, see 22Exx}
  • 34-xx : Ordinary differential equations
  • 35-xx : Partial differential equations
  • 37-xx : Dynamical systems and ergodic theory [See also 26A18, 28Dxx, 34Cxx, 34Dxx, 35Bxx, 46Lxx, 58Jxx, 70-xx]
  • 39-xx : Difference and functional equations
  • 40-xx : Sequences, series, summability
  • 41-xx : Approximations and expansions {For all approximation theory in the complex domain, see 30Exx, 30E05 and 30E10; for all trigonometric approximation and interpolation, see 42Axx, 42A10 and 42A15; for numerical approximation, see 65Dxx}
  • 42-xx : Fourier analysis
  • 43-xx : Abstract harmonic analysis {For other analysis on topological and Lie groups, see 22Exx}
  • 44-xx : Integral transforms, operational calculus {For fractional derivatives and integrals, see 26A33. For Fourier transforms, see *42A38, 42B10. For integral transforms in distribution spaces, see 46F12. For numerical methods, see 65R10}
  • 45-xx : Integral equations
  • 46-xx : Functional analysis {For manifolds modeled on topological linear spaces, see 57N20, 58Bxx}
  • 47-xx : Operator theory
  • 49-xx : Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization [See also 34H05, 34K35, 65Kxx, 90Cxx, 93-xx]
  • 51-xx : Geometry {For algebraic geometry, see 14-xx}
  • 52-xx : Convex and discrete geometry
  • 53-xx : Differential geometry {For differential topology, see 57Rxx. For foundational questions of differentiable manifolds, see 58Axx}
  • 54-xx : General topology {For the topology of manifolds of all dimensions, see 57Nxx}
  • 55-xx : Algebraic topology
  • 57-xx : Manifolds and cell complexes {For complex manifolds, see 32Qxx}
  • 58-xx : Global analysis, analysis on manifolds [See also 32Cxx, 32Fxx, 32Wxx, 46-xx, 47Hxx, 53Cxx] {For geometric integration theory, see 49Q15}
  • 60-xx : Probability theory and stochastic processes {For additional applications, see 11Kxx, 62-xx, 90-xx, 91-xx, 92-xx, 93-xx, 94-xx]
  • 62-xx : Statistics
  • 65-xx : Numerical analysis
  • 68-xx : Computer science {For papers involving machine computations and programs in a specific mathematical area, see Section -04 in that area}
  • 70-xx : Mechanics of particles and systems {For relativistic mechanics, see 83A05 and 83C10; for statistical mechanics, see 82-xx}
  • 73-xx : This section has been deleted {For mechanics of solids, see 74-xx}
  • 74-xx : Mechanics of deformable solids
  • 76-xx : Fluid mechanics {For general continuum mechanics, see 74Axx, or other parts of 74-xx}
  • 78-xx : Optics, electromagnetic theory {For quantum optics, see 81V80}
  • 80-xx : Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer {For thermodynamics of solids, see 74A15}
  • 81-xx : Quantum theory
  • 82-xx : Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
  • 83-xx : Relativity and gravitational theory
  • 85-xx : Astronomy and astrophysics {For celestial mechanics, see 70F15}
  • 86-xx : Geophysics [See also 76U05, 76V05]
  • 90-xx : Operations research, mathematical programming
  • 91-xx : Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
  • 92-xx : Biology and other natural sciences
  • 93-xx : Systems theory; control {For optimal control, see 49-xx}
  • 94-xx : Information and communication, circuits
  • 97-xx : Mathematics education

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