- Choragus
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Choragus — Научная классификация промежуточные ранги Домен: … Википедия
CHORAGUS — Graece Χορηγός. Quod honestissimum nomen habebatur apud Graecos, iisque tribuebatur, qui surnptus de suo ad ludos sacros praebere solebant. Latinis Choragus dicitur, qui scenicis histrionibus ornamenta agendae fabulae necessaria, vel accepta ab… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Choragus — Cho*ra gus, n.; pl. {Choragi}. [L., fr. Gr. ?, ?; ? chorus + ? to lead.] (Gr. Antiq.) A chorus leader; esp. one who provided at his own expense and under his own supervision one of the choruses for the musical contents at Athens. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chorāgus — Chorāgus, Gattung der Fallkäfer (s.d.), durch nach dem Ende zu verdickte Fühler, die länger als Kopf u. Hals sind, ausgezeichnet … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
choragus — [kō rā′gəs, kərā′gəs] n. pl. choragi [kō rā′jī΄, kə rā′jī΄] [L < Gr chorēgos < choros, CHORUS + agein, to lead: see ACT1] 1. the leader of the chorus in an ancient Greek play 2. any leader of a chorus or band choragic [kōraj′ik] ad … English World dictionary
Choragus — Choragus … Wikipédia en Français
choragus — choragic /keuh raj ik, ray jik/, adj. /keuh ray geuhs, koh , kaw /, n., pl. choragi / juy/, choraguses. 1. (in ancient Greece) a. the leader of a dramatic chorus. b. a person who undertook the expense of providing for such a chorus. 2. any… … Universalium
Choragus — Der Choregos war in altgriechischen literarischen Texten laut der wörtlichen Übersetzung der Chorführer. Die wichtigere Bedeutung war jedoch der Choregos genannte „Kultursponsor“ in Athen. Ein Choregos stellte einen aus Bürgern bestehenden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
choragus — or choregus noun Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin choragus, from Greek choragos, chorēgos, from choros chorus + agein to lead more at agent Date: 1625 1. the leader of a chorus or choir; broadly the leader of any group or movement 2. a leader of a … New Collegiate Dictionary
Choragus harrisi — Choragus harrisi … Wikipédia en Français