USS Brooklyn

USS Brooklyn
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Trois navires de la marine américaine ont porté le nom de Brooklyn, arrondissement de la ville de New York.

  • Portail du monde maritime Portail du monde maritime

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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article USS Brooklyn de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • USS Brooklyn (CA-3) — USS Brooklyn Die USS Brooklyn (um 1907) p1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • USS Brooklyn (CL-40) — For other ships of the same name, see USS Brooklyn. USS Brooklyn in the Hudson River in 1939 Career (United States) …   Wikipedia

  • USS Brooklyn (CA-3) — Para otros buques con el mismo nombre, véase USS Brooklyn . USS Brooklyn CA 3 USS Brooklyn Banderas …   Wikipedia Español

  • USS Brooklyn (CA-3) — The second USS Brooklyn (CA 3) (originally ACR 3) was a United States Navy armored cruiser.She was launched 2 October 1895 by William Cramp and Sons Ship and Engine Building Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; sponsored by Miss Ida May… …   Wikipedia

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  • USS Brooklyn — Three ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Brooklyn , after the New York City borough of Brooklyn. * The USS|Brooklyn|1858, was a wooden screw sloop commissioned in 1859 and a participant in the American Civil War.* The… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Brooklyn — Tres buques de la Armada de los Estados Unidos han portado el nombre de Brooklyn, en honor al distrito municipal neoyorquino de Brooklyn. El USS Brooklyn (1858), fue una balandra de hélice con casco dado de alta en 1859 que participó en la Guerra …   Wikipedia Español

  • USS Brooklyn (1858) — was a sloop of war authorized by the U.S. Congress and commissioned in 1859. Brooklyn was active in Caribbean operations until the start of the American Civil War at which time she became an active participant in the Union blockade of the… …   Wikipedia

  • USS Brooklyn (CA3) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda USS Brooklyn CA 3 USS Brooklyn Historial …   Wikipedia Español

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