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TPR — may refer to:* The Paris Review , an American literary magazine * The Planetary Report , the Planetary Society s magazine about space exploration *The Princeton Review, an American educational preparation company *Total peripheral resistance, the … Wikipedia
tpr — tpr; TPR; … English syllables
tpr — interj. KlvrŽ žr. tpru 1: Išgirdome mūsų palangėje: – Tpr r r! J.Balt … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
TPR — steht für: Temperaturprogrammierte Reduktion, chemische Reaktion Thermoplastic Rubber, englisch für „thermoplastisches Gummi“, ein thermoplastisches Elastomer Tibialis posterior Reflex, ein Eigenreflex vom Musculus tibialis posterior Total… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TPR — Abreviatura de temperatura, pulso, respiración. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
TPR — [Abk. für engl. trigonal prism = trigonales Prisma]: ein kursiv zu setzendes ↑ Polyedersymbol (auch in Zus. wie TPRS, TPRT) … Universal-Lexikon
tpr — abbreviation 1. taper 2. often capitalized T&P&R teleprinter 3. trooper * * * Med. temperature, pulse, respiration: used esp. in recording a patient s vital signs on a medical chart. * * * abbrev Trooper * * * TPR 7 [TPR … Useful english dictionary
TPR — abbreviation temperature, pulse, respiration * * * Med. temperature, pulse, respiration: used esp. in recording a patient s vital signs on a medical chart. * * * abbrev Trooper * * * TPR 7 [TPR] [ˌtiː piː ˈɑː(r)] [ˌtiː piː ˈɑːr] abbreviation ↑ … Useful english dictionary
TPR — Abbreviation for total peripheral resistance. * * * temperature, pulse, and respiration; testosterone production rate; tetraricopeptide repeat; third party reimbursement; tissue phantom ratio; total peripheral resistance; total pulmonary… … Medical dictionary
Tpr-met fusion protein — is an oncogene fusion protein consisting of TPR and MET.[1] References ^ Mak HH, Peschard P, Lin T, Naujokas MA, Zuo D, Park M (2007). Oncogenic activation of the Met receptor tyrosine kinase fusion protein, Tpr Met, involves exclusion from the… … Wikipedia