- Seoul Broadcasting System
logo de SBSCréation Mars 1991 Forme juridique Entreprise privée Siège social Séoul (Corée du Sud)
Activité Audiovisuel Produits Télévision et Radiodiffusion Effectif 994 (08/2008) Site web www.sbs.co.kr Fonds propres 130 375 585 000 Wons (2007) Chiffre d’affaires 635 350 917 208 Wons (2007) Résultat net 79 412 242 791 Wons (2007) modifier La société SBS (Système Audiovisuel de Séoul en français) est une société privée de radiotélédiffusion coréenne qui concentre son activité dans la région de Séoul, Gyeongi, Incheon. Elle a été créée sous le nom de Seoul Broadcasting en 1990, mais a changé son nom en mars 2000 pour le nom actuel : SBS.
- SBS International, Inc.
- SBS Production
- SBS Artech
- SBS Newstech
- SBS Contents Hub
- SBS Mi
- Seoam Foundation
- SBS Seoul Digital Forum
- SBS Medianet, which operates the cable channel of SBS-CNBC, SBS Plus, SBS ESPN(Korean) and Korean 'E!' channel
- City Hunter (시티헌터; 2011)
- Lie To Me (내게 거짓말을 해봐; 2011)
- Midas (마이더스; 2011)
- 49 Days (49일; 2011)
- Paradise Ranch (파라다이스 목장; 2011)
- Athena: Goddess of War (아테나: 전쟁의 여신; 2010–2011)
- Secret Garden (시크릿 가든; 2010–2011)
- It's Okay, Daddy's Girl (괜찮아, 아빠 딸; 2010–2011)
- Giant (자이언트; 2010)
- Dr. Champ (닥터 챔프; 2010)
- My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (내 여자친구는 구미호; 2010)
- I am Legend (나는 전설이다; 2010)
- Bad Guy (나쁜 남자; 2010)
- Coffee House (커피하우스; 2010)
- Oh My Lady (오! 마이 레이디; 2010)
- Prosecutor Princess (검사 프린세스; 2010)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors (산부인과; 2010)
- Jejoongwon (제중원; 2010)
- Loving You a Thousand Times (2009–2010)
- Stars Falling From The Sky (2009–2010)
- Will It Snow For Christmas? (크리스마스에 눈이 올까요?; 2009–2010)
- Temptation of an Angel (천사의 유혹;2009)
- Wife Returns (아내가 돌아왔다; 2009)
- Two Wives (두 아내; 2009)
- You're Beautiful (미남이시네요; 2009)
- Swallow the Sun (태양을 삼켜라; 2009)
- Brilliant Legacy (찬란한 유산; 2009)
- Dream (드림; 2009)
- Princess Ja Myung Go (자명고; 2009)
- Family's Honor (가문의영광; 2008–2009)
- Temptation of a Wife (아내의 유혹; 2008–2009)
- Terroir (떼루아; 2008–2009)
- Tazza (타짜; 2008)
- Star Lover { 스타의 연인; 2008)
- Gourmet (식객; 2008)
- Iljimae (일지매; 2008)
- Painter of the Wind (바람의 화원; 2008)
- Golden Bride (황금신부; 2007–2008)
- The King and I (왕과 나; 2007–2008)
- Surgeon Bong Dal-Hee (외과의사 봉달희; 2007)
- Money's War (쩐의 전쟁; 2007)
- My Husband's Woman (내 남자의 여자;2007)
- Witch Yoo Hee (마녀유희; 2007)
- Yeon Gaesomun (연개소문; 2006–2007)
- Alone in Love (연애시대; 2006)
- Smile Again (스마일 어게인; 2006)
- Love In Heaven (하늘이시여; 2005)
- Spring Days (봄날; 2005)
- Green Rose (그린로즈; 2005)
- Princess Lulu (루루공주; 2005)
- Only You (온리유; 2005)
- Woman of the House (불량주부; 2005)
- My Girl (2005)
- Single Again (돌아온 싱글; 2005)
- Save the Last Dance For Me (마지막춤은 나와 함께; 2004–2005)
- Something Happened in Bali (발리에서 생긴일; 2004)
- Love Story in Harvard (러브스토리 인 하버드; 2004)
- Lovers in Paris (파리의 연인; 2004)
- Stairway to Heaven (천국의 계단: 2003-2004)
- All In (올인; 2003)
- Guardian Angel (수호천사; 2001)
- Piano (2001)
- Fireworks (불꽃; 2001)
- Popcorn (팝콘; 2000)
- Sandglass (모래시계; 1995)
Partenaires étrangers
Partenaire Pays SBS Australie
MCOT Modernine TV and TrueVisions Thaïlande
Nippon Television and TV Asahi Japon
Trans TV Indonésie
Astro Malaisie
ABSCBN,GMA and Associated Broadcasting Company Philippines
ABC États-Unis
CTS Taïwan
Liens externes
- Official Site Modèle:Ko icon - SBS Korea
- SBS Global Modèle:Ko icon
- SBS Global (English)
- History of SBS's first 10 years
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