La Saline
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Saline (medicine) — Saline solution for intravenous infusion. The white port at the base of the bag is where additives can be injected with a hypodermic needle. The port with the blue cover is where the bag is spiked with an infusion set … Wikipedia
Saline Königsborn — Saline Königsborn: Gradierwerk am Friedrichsborn nebst Solepumpe mit Windradantrieb, 18. Jahrhundert Die Saline Königsborn war eine vom preußischen Staat im Jahr 1734 gegründete Saline in der westfälischen Stadt Unna. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saline royale d'arc-et-senans — Saline royale d Arc et Senans 1 Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Saline royale d Arc et Senans Latitude Longitude … Wikipédia en Français
Saline Township — ist der Name mehrerer Townships in den Vereinigten Staaten: Saline Township (Cleburne County, Arkansas) Saline Township (Cleveland County, Arkansas) Saline Township (Drew County, Arkansas) Saline Township (Hempstead County, Arkansas) Saline… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saline Valley, California — Saline Valley is a large, deep, and arid valley in the northern Mojave Desert of Southern California. Most of it became a part of Death Valley National Park when the park expanded in 1994. This area had previously been administered by the BLM. It … Wikipedia
Saline water — is a general term for water that contains a significant concentration of dissolved salts (NaCl). The concentration is usually expressed in parts per million (ppm) of salt. The salinity concentration level used by United States Geological Survey… … Wikipedia
Saline Township — may refer to:* Saline Township, Cleburne County, Arkansas * Saline Township, Cleveland County, Arkansas * Saline Township, Drew County, Arkansas * Saline Township, Hempstead County, Arkansas * Saline Township, Hot Spring County, Arkansas * Saline … Wikipedia
Saline — der ältesten deutschen Salinenstadt Halle (Saale) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saline County, Missouri — Location in the state of Missouri … Wikipedia
Saline County (Illinois) — Saline County Courthouse, 1917 Verwaltung US Bundesstaat: Illinois … Deutsch Wikipedia
saline — [ salin ] n. f. • 1165; lat. salinæ 1 ♦ Entreprise de production du sel, par évaporation de l eau de mer (dans les marais salants), ou par pompage de la saumure. 2 ♦ Abusivt Marais salant. ⇒ salin (II). « Des salines défilent, bordées d un gazon… … Encyclopédie Universelle