Household Cavalry
- Household Cavalry
Le terme Household Cavalry est utilisé à travers tout le Commonwealth pour décrire la cavalerie des Household Divisions (en), composées dans chaque pays des troupes d'élites et/ou historiques ou de soldats chargés de la sécurité du chef de l'État.
Les The Governor General's Horse Guards (en) du Canada ou la President's Bodyguard (en) d'Inde sont des régiments typiques de Household Cavalry, employant des blindés en service et des unités équestres pour les cérémonies. Cependant quand il est utilisé sans précision du pays, le terme fait référence à la Household Cavalry de l'Armée de terre britannique.
Catégorie : - Unité de l'armée de terre britannique
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Household Cavalry — Household Cav|al|ry, the a group of British soldiers on horses who are responsible for guarding the Queen or King and the royal ↑palace. The Household Cavalry consists of two ↑regiments, the Life Guards and the Blues and Royals … Dictionary of contemporary English
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Household Cavalry Composite Regiment — The Household Cavalry Composite Regiment was a temporary, wartime only, cavalry regiment of the British Army consisting of personnel drawn from the 1st Life Guards, 2nd Life Guards and Royal Horse Guards. It was active in 1882 for service in the… … Wikipedia
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household cavalry — (in Britain) cavalry units forming part of the ceremonial guard of the monarch. * * * … Universalium
Household Cavalry — noun (in the British army) the two cavalry regiments with responsibility for guarding the monarch … English new terms dictionary