- Yohimbe
Pausinystalia johimbe
Pausinystalia johimbe, appelé parfois seulement yohimbe ou yohimbehe, est un arbre du genre Pausinystalia. Il est originaire des forêts d’Afrique occidentale, notamment du Cameroun, Zaïre et du Gabon.
Caractère psychotrope
L’écorce est riche en alcaloïdes, parmi lesquels la yohimbine, réputée pour ses pouvoirs aphrodisiaques.
L’écorce est récoltée toute l'année.
- Corynanthe johimbe K.Schum.
Liens externes
- Portail de la botanique
Catégories : Flore (nom scientifique) | Rubiaceae | Plante psychotrope
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Yohimbe de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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yohimbe — yōˈhimbā, yə , bē noun : a preparation of the bark of the yohimbé tree (Pausinystalia yohimbe syn. Corynanthe yohimbe) that contains the alkaloid yohimbine and in herbal medicine is held to be useful as an aphrodisiac and in treating weakness and … Useful english dictionary
yohimbe — noun Etymology: New Latin, probably from a Bantu language of southern Cameroon Date: 1930 a tropical African tree (Pausinystalia yohimbe syn. Corynanthe yohimbe) of the madder family whose bark yields yohimbine; also a preparation of the bark… … New Collegiate Dictionary
yohimbe — yo·him·be yō him bā, yə , bē n a tropical African tree (Pausinystalia yohimbe syn. Corynanthe yohimbe) of the madder family whose bark yields the alkaloid yohimbine also a preparation of the bark that is used esp. as an aphrodisiac … Medical dictionary
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yohimbe bark — a preparation of the bark of Pausinystalia yohimbe, used for the same indications as yohimbine hydrochloride; it has also been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and for skin diseases and obesity … Medical dictionary
yohimbe bark — /joʊhɪmbi ˈbak/ (say yohhimbee bahk) noun the bark of the yohimbe, used as an aphrodisiac and hallucinogen …
yohimbe — /yoh him bay, bee/, n. a tropical African tree, Corynanthe johimbe, whose bark is a source of the alkaloid yohimbine. [( < NL) a language of Cameroon, where specimens were first procured] * * * … Universalium
yohimbe — [jəʊ hɪmbeɪ] noun a tropical West African tree from which the drug yohimbine is obtained. [Pausinystalia johimbe.] Origin C19: a local word … English new terms dictionary
yohimbe — yo·him·be … English syllables