- Whampoa
Huangpu (homonymie)
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Whampoa de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Whampoa — is an Anglicisation of the Chinese Huangpu (黃浦 or 黄埔) and may refer to: * Whampoa, Guangzhou, an area in Guangzhou. See Huangpu District, Guangzhou * Whampoa Military Academy * Hutchison Whampoa * Whampoa Garden housing estate, Hung Hom, Kowloon … Wikipedia
Whampoa — (Wampoa), Insel vor der Mündung des Perlflusses in den Meerbusen von Kanton, wo die nach Kanton bestimmten europäischen Kauffahrer landen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Whampoa — Whampoa, chines. Insel und Reede an der Mündung des Kantonflusses, 1884 91 Ankerplatz für Kanton … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Whampoa Garden — (Chinese: 黃埔花園) is the largest private housing estate located in Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, and is built on the site of the former Whampoa Dockyards.It was built under the garden city concept of Hutchison Whampoa Limited and completed in… … Wikipedia
Whampoa Military Academy — Coordinates: 23°5′22.5″N 113°25′13″E / 23.089583°N 113.42028°E / 23.089583; 113.42028 … Wikipedia
Whampoa-Militärakademie — Sun Yat sen am 16. Juni 1924 während der Gründungsfeierlichkeiten in Whampoa (st.v.links: He Ying qin, Chiang Kai shek, Wang Bo ling) Die Armeeoffiziersakademie der Chinesischen Nationalpartei (chinesisch 中國國民黨陸軍軍官學校 Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng … Deutsch Wikipedia
Whampoa Station — Chinese t=黃埔 s=黄埔 p=Huángbù j=wong4 bou3 y=wong4 bou3Whampoa is a proposed terminal station on the HK MTR lines|Kwun Tong of the MTR in Hong Kong, at Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon. Below the underground concourse only one side platform will… … Wikipedia
Hutchison Whampoa — … Википедия
Hutchison Whampoa — Infobox Company company name = Hutchison Whampoa 和記黃埔 company company type = Public genre = foundation = 1863 founder = location city = location country = location = Hong Kong, China origins = key people = Li Ka shing, Canning Fok area served =… … Wikipedia
Hutchison Whampoa — Limited Rechtsform Limited ISIN HK0013000119 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia