- Veracious
Veracious est un album Live de Peter Hammill en duo avec Stuart Gordon, sorti en 2006[1].
Liste des titres
- A Better Time
- Gone Ahead
- Driven
- Nothing Comes
- Amnesiac
- Nightman
- Like Veronica
- Bubble
- Easy to Slip Away
- Primo on the Parapet
- Shingle Song
- A Way Out
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Notes et références
Catégories : - Album de Peter Hammill
- Album musical sorti en 2006
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Veracious de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Veracious — Ve*ra cious, a. [L. verax, acis, fr. verus true. See {Very}.] 1. Observant of truth; habitually speaking truth; truthful; as, veracious historian. [1913 Webster] The Spirit is most perfectly and absolutely veracious. Barrow. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
veracious — index accurate, actual, bona fide, candid, certain (positive), clean, credible, demonstrable … Law dictionary
veracious — 1670s, from L. verac , stem of verax “according to truth, truthful, from verus true (see VERY (Cf. very)) + OUS (Cf. ous) … Etymology dictionary
veracious — [adj] true accurate, credible, dependable, direct, ethical, factual, faithful, frank, genuine, high principled, honest, just, kosher*, legit*, like it is*, on the level*, on the line*, on the up and up*, open, reliable, right, righteous, straight … New thesaurus
veracious — ► ADJECTIVE formal ▪ speaking or representing the truth. ORIGIN from Latin verus true … English terms dictionary
veracious — [və rā′shəs] adj. [< L verax, speaking truly < verus, true: see VERY] 1. habitually truthful; honest 2. true; accurate veraciously adv. veraciousness n … English World dictionary
veracious — veraciously, adv. veraciousness, n. /veuh ray sheuhs/, adj. 1. habitually speaking the truth; truthful; honest: a veracious witness. 2. characterized by truthfulness; true, accurate, or honest in content: a veracious statement; a veracious… … Universalium
veracious — /vəˈreɪʃəs / (say vuh rayshuhs) adjective 1. speaking truly; truthful or habitually observant of truth: a veracious witness. 2. characterised by truthfulness; true: a veracious statement; a veracious account. {veraci(ty) + ous} –veraciously,… …
veracious — adjective truthful The politicians statement was proven to be veracious by all who examined it … Wiktionary
veracious — adjective Etymology: Latin verac , verax more at very Date: circa 1677 1. truthful, honest 2. marked by truth ; accurate • veraciously adverb • veraciousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary