- Unsung
Unsung est le vingt-huitième album de Peter Hammill, sorti en 2001. Du point de vue de l'auteur c'est un album en parallèle du reste de son œuvre. Pour l'auditeur il l'est également puisqu'exclusivement instrumental (sans chansons)[1].
Liste des titres
- gated
- west pole
- delinquent
- handsfree
- eyebrows
- delighted
- 861 and counting
- exp
- the printer port
- east pole
- exeunt
- 1 meg loop
- gateless
- deliberate
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Notes et références
Catégories : - Album de Peter Hammill
- Album musical sorti en 2001
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Unsung de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
unsung — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not celebrated or praised: unsung heroes … English terms dictionary
unsung — [adj] uncelebrated anonymous, disregarded, forgotten, nameless, neglected, overlooked, unacclaimed, unacknowledged, undistinguished, unfamed, unglorified, unhailed, unhonored, unknown, unnamed, unrecognized, unrenowned; concepts 267,576 … New thesaurus
unsung — [un suŋ′, un′suŋ΄] adj. [LME unsonge] 1. not sung 2. not honored or celebrated, as in song or poetry … English World dictionary
Unsung — Infobox Album | Name = Unsung Type = EP Artist = The Chariot Released = December 6, 2005 Recorded = Glow In The Dark, Atlanta, Georgia (2005) Genre = Metalcore Length = Label = Solid State Records Producer = Matt Goldman Reviews = * Jesus Freak… … Wikipedia
unsung — [[t]ʌ̱nsʌ̱ŋ[/t]] ADJ Unsung is used to describe people, things, or places that are not appreciated or praised, although you think they deserve to be. [WRITTEN] They are among the unsung heroes of our time... It is little known, unsung and one of… … English dictionary
unsung — adjective /ˌʌnˈsʌŋ/ a) Which has not been lauded or appreciated. The backstage crew of the movie were the unsung heroes. b) Not sung. The third hymn remained unsung … Wiktionary
unsung — adjective not praised or famous for something you have done although you deserve to be: unsung hero: Liam was an unsung hero during the crisis … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unsung — adjective Date: 15th century 1. not sung 2. not celebrated or praised (as in song or verse) < an unsung hero > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unsung — /un sung /, adj. 1. not sung; not uttered or rendered by singing. 2. not celebrated in song or verse; not praised or acclaimed: the unsung heroes of the war. [1375 1425 for def. 1; 1660 70 for def 2; late ME; see UN 1, SUNG] * * * … Universalium
unsung — adj. Unsung is used with these nouns: ↑hero, ↑heroine … Collocations dictionary