
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

La famille Trintignant comporte plusieurs personnalités connues :

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • Trintignant — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Maurice Trintignant (1917–2005), Formel 1 Rennfahrer sein Bruder Louis Trintignant († 1933), Rennfahrer sein Neffe Jean Louis Trintignant (* 1930), Schauspieler dessen zweite Ehefrau Nadine Trintignant (*… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Trintignant — Trintignant, Jean Louis …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Trintignant —   [trɛ̃ti ɲã], Jean Louis, französischer Schauspieler, * Piolenc (Département Vaucluse) 11. 12. 1930; zunächst an der Bühne; seit 1956 beim Film; vielseitiger Charakterdarsteller; auch Filmregisseur.   Filme: Ein Mann und eine Frau (1966); Der… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Trintignant, Jean-Louis — born Dec. 11, 1930, Piolenc, France French film actor. After leaving law school to study acting, he made his stage debut in 1951 and his film debut in 1956. He won favourable notice in And God Created Woman (1956) and gained international fame… …   Universalium

  • Trintignant, Marie — ▪ 2004       French actress (b. Jan. 21, 1962, Boulogne Billancourt, France d. Aug. 1, 2003, Neuilly sur Seine, France), specialized in portraying damaged women in a career that included more than 50 films as well as television movies and stage… …   Universalium

  • Trintignant, Nadine — (Lucienne Marquand / November II, 1934, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France )    The daughter of publisher Jean Marquand, she left her family at age seventeen to become a film editor. In 1952, she began working as a lab assistant before working as an… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Trintignant, Jean-Louis — (December II, 1930, Piolenc, Vaucluse, France )    The son of a manufacturer, he loved poetry since his childhood. He briefly studied law in Aix en Provence. After seeing Charles Dullin in LAvare in December 1949, he decided to become an actor.… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Trintignant, Jean-Louis — • ТРЕНТИНЬЯ Н (Trintignant) Жан Луи (р. 11.12.1930)    франц. актёр. Учился v Ш. Дюллена и Т. Балашовой. С 1951 в т ре, с 1955 в кино (ф. Если парни всего мира ). Обратил на себя внимание, снявшись вместе с Б. Бардо в ф. И бог создал женщину… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Trintignant — /ˈtræ̃tɪnjɒ̃/ (say trantinyon) noun Jean Louis /ʒɒ̃ ˈlui/ (say zhon loohee), born 1930, French film actor; films include Et Dieu Créa la Femme (1956) and Trans Europ Express (1966) …  

  • ТРЕНТИНЬЯ́Н (Trintignant) Жан Луи — (Trintignant) Жан Луи (р. 1930), франц. актёр. В театре с 1951, в кино с 1955. В 60 х гг. отразил в образах своих героев духовное смятение молодёжи (ф. Поединок на острове , Обгон и др.). Воплотил тему идеальной любви в ф. Мужчина и женщина .… …   Биографический словарь

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