- Transamination
Exemple de réaction de transamination
La réaction de transamination est catalysée par une enzyme transaminase, cette réaction réversible consiste en l'échange d'une fonction amine primaire entre un acide α-aminé et un α-cétoacide.
Par exemple :
- Glutamate + Oxaloacétate ⟶ α-cétoglutarate + Aspartate
Si un acide α-aminé perd sa fonction amine sans transfert, on parle de désamination et il y a libération d'ammoniac.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
transamination — ● transamination nom féminin Transfert d un groupement aminé d un acide aminé sur un acide cétonique pour former un nouvel acide aminé et un nouvel acide cétonique … Encyclopédie Universelle
transamination — [transam΄ə nā′shən, tranzam΄ə nā′shən] n. [ TRANS + AMIN(E) + ATION] the transfer of an amino group from one molecule to another, usually by the action of a transaminase … English World dictionary
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transamination — (trans am i na shun) The removal of amino acid s amino group by transferring it to an a keto acid acceptor … Dictionary of microbiology
transamination — /trans am euh nay sheuhn, tranz /, n. Biochem., Chem. the transfer of an amino group from one compound to another. [1940 45; TRANS + AMIN(O) + ATION] * * * … Universalium
transamination — noun the transfer of an amino group from an amino acid to another molecule See Also: transaminase … Wiktionary
transamination — The reaction between an amino acid and an α keto acid through which the amino group is transferred from the former to the latter; in certain cases the reaction may be between an amino acid and an aldehyde ( e.g., glutamate with glutamate… … Medical dictionary
transamination — n. transfer of an amino group from one compound to another (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary