Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Thomas Lovell Beddoes, poète et dramaturge anglais, est né le 30 juin 1803 à Clifton, Somerset.
Il étudie la médecine à Göttingen, mène en Allemagne et en Suisse une vie errante, s'empoisonne en 1849, laissant des œuvres où l'obsession de l'étrange, du terrifiant, du macabre, la fascination de la mort, semblent révéler l'influence du romantisme.
- Poèmes : The Improvisatore (1821) - The Bride's Tragedy (1822)
- Un drame : Death's Jest-Book (1850), qui paraît après sa mort.
Catégories : - Écrivain britannique du XIXe siècle
- Dramaturge britannique
- Naissance en 1803
- Décès en 1849
- Suicide par empoisonnement
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Thomas Lovell Beddoes — Nacimiento 20 de julio de 1803 Clifton, Somerset Inglaterra Defunción … Wikipedia Español
Thomas Lovell Beddoes — (* 20. Juli 1803 in Clifton; † 26. Januar 1849 in Basel) war englischer Dichter. Thomas Lovell Beddoes wurde in Clifton in England als Sohn des Naturforschers Thomas Beddoes (1760–1808) geboren. Er kam zuerst in die Schule in Bath, später in das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thomas Lovell Beddoes — (June 30, 1803 – January 26, 1849) was an English poet and dramatist.BiographyBorn in Clifton, Somerset, England, he was the son of Dr. Thomas Beddoes, a friend of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Anna, sister of Maria Edgeworth. He was educated at… … Wikipedia
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell — ▪ English poet born June 30, 1803, Clifton, Somerset, Eng. died Jan. 26, 1849, Basel, Switz. poet best known for his haunting dramatic poem Death s Jest Book; or, The Fool s Tragedy. The son of a distinguished scientist, Beddoes seems… … Universalium
BEDDOES, THOMAS LOVELL — born at Clifton, son of Thomas Beddoes; an enthusiastic student of science; a dramatic poet, author of Bride s Tragedy ; got into trouble for his Radical opinions; his principal work, Death s Jest Book, or the Fool s Tragedy, highly esteemed… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Thomas Beddoes — (* 13. April 1760 in Shropshire; † 24. Dezember 1808) war ein englischer Arzt und Autor wissenschaftlicher Werke. Er galt als ein fortschrittlicher Praktiker und Lehrer der Medizin und war mit bedeutenden Gelehrten seiner Zeit bekannt. Beddoes… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thomas Forbes Kelsall — (1799 September 1872), was an English lawyer and literary figure. For some time he lived at 3 Houndwell Lane, Southampton.He married Frances Anne Harrison on 21 April 1829.T. F. Kelsall was the literary executor and friend of Thomas Lovell… … Wikipedia
Thomas Beddoes — (April 13, 1760 December 24, 1808), English physician and scientific writer, was born at Shiffnall in Shropshire. He was a reforming practitioner and teacher of medicine, and an associate of leading scientific figures.He was a friend of Samuel… … Wikipedia
Beddoes — is a surname, and may refer to:* Mick Beddoes, Fijian politician * Thomas Beddoes, English physician * Thomas Lovell Beddoes, English poet, son of Thomas Beddoesee also* Beddoe … Wikipedia
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