The Wanderer
- The Wanderer

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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article The Wanderer de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
The Wanderer — ist ein altenglisches Gedicht aus dem 10. Jahrhundert, das im Exeter Book überliefert ist. Es umfasst 115 alliterierende Verse. Das Entstehungsdatum ist unbekannt, liegt aber mit hoher Sicherheit vor dem Jahr 1070 n. Chr., da es Teil einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Wanderer — es la décima y última canción del álbum Zooropa de U2, editado en 1993. Es una de las pocas canciones de U2 en las que Bono no pone la voz en la grabación original: en este caso corre a cargo de Johnny Cash. Al final de la canción, The Edge pone… … Wikipedia Español
The Wanderer (canción) — «The Wanderer» Sencillo de Donna Summer del álbum The Wanderer Lado B «Stop Me» Publicación 1980 Formato 7 Grabación 1980 … Wikipedia Español
The Wanderer (slave ship) — The Wanderer had been the last known ship to bring slaves from Africa to the United States (on November 28, 1858), until information was revealed about the Clotilde , which months later, had transferred slaves to a riverboat and was secretly… … Wikipedia
The Wanderer (poem) — The Wanderer is an Old English poem from the 10th century, preserved in the Exeter Book. The date of composition is unknown but most certainly predates 1070 AD, as it was probably part of an earlier, oral literary culture.Overview The Wanderer is … Wikipedia
The Wanderer (newspaper) — The Wanderer is a Roman Catholic weekly newspaper published in St. Paul, Minnesota distributed to a national market. It was founded by Joseph Matt on October 7 1867.OverviewThe Wanderer gives the following self definition:: The Wanderer, a… … Wikipedia
The Wanderer (álbum) — The Wanderer Álbum de Donna Summer Publicación 20 de octubre, 1980 Grabación 1980 Género(s) New wave, pop rock … Wikipedia Español
The Wanderer (Massachusetts newspaper) — The Wanderer is a weekly newspaper that serves the Tri town area of Marion, Massachusetts, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, and Rochester, Massachusetts in southeastern Massachusetts. The Wanderer is published by Wanderer Com Inc. which is located at … Wikipedia
The Wanderer And His Shadow — Студийный альбом Pantheon I Дата выпуска 22 мая 2007 Записан Nye Losjen Studios Жанр … Википедия
The Wanderer Bed & Breakfast — (Сомерсет Уэст,Южно Африканская Республика) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель … Каталог отелей