The Clock Watcher
- The Clock Watcher
Donald emballeur
Donald emballeur est un dessin animé de la série des Donald Duck produit par Walt Disney pour RKO Radio Pictures sorti le 26 janvier 1945[1].
Le travail de Donald consiste à emballer les cadeaux d'un grand magasin et bien entendu il le fait de manière catastrophique...
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Notes et références
Portail sur Disney
Portail du cinéma
Catégories : Court métrage de Donald Duck | Film sorti en 1945 | Série Donald Duck | Titre de film en D
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article The Clock Watcher de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
clock-watcher — clock watcher, clock watching see ↑watch the clock below. • • • Main Entry: ↑clock * * * ˈclock watcher [clock watcher clock watchers] noun ( … Useful english dictionary
clock watcher — noun a worker preoccupied with the arrival of quitting time • Hypernyms: ↑idler, ↑loafer, ↑do nothing, ↑layabout, ↑bum * * * noun : a worker having the habit of overfrequently consulting a timepiece * * * clock watching … Useful english dictionary
clock-watcher — noun A person who is eager for time to pass (e.g., at work or school), especially when faced with an undesirable task. The teacher had a heart to heart talk with the student who was a clock watcher, stressing the importance of putting his mind to … Wiktionary
clock watcher — n. someone a worker or a student who is always looking at the clock. □ There are four clock watchers in our office. □ People who don’t like their jobs can turn into clock watchers … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
clock-watcher — clock watch·er (klŏkʹwôch ər) n. A person who is eager for the time to pass, as at work or school. clockʹ watch ing n. * * * … Universalium
clock watcher — clock watching. 1. an employee who demonstrates lack of interest in a job by watching the time closely to be sure to stop work as soon as the workday or shift is over. 2. any person who watches the time closely, as in expectation of some news or… … Universalium
clock-watcher — noun Date: 1911 a person (as a worker or student) who keeps close watch on the passage of time • clock watching noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
clock-watcher — /ˈklɒk wɒtʃə/ (say klok wochuh) noun an employee who spends much of the time longing for the end of the working day. –clockwatching, noun –clockwatching, adjective …
Clock-watcher — employee who spends a lot of time thinking about the end of the working day … Dictionary of Australian slang
clock-watcher — Australian Slang employee who spends a lot of time thinking about the end of the working day … English dialects glossary