

Opération Espadon

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Opération Espadon désigne :

Swordfish (Espadon en anglais) peut faire référence à :

  • Swordfish, un avion torpilleur britannique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, biplan entoilé, monomoteur, à train fixe et triplace fabriqué par Fairey.
Ce document provient de « Op%C3%A9ration Espadon ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Swordfish de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • Swordfish — bezeichnet den Flugzeug Typ Fairey Swordfish den Film Passwort: Swordfish (engl. Titel: Swordfish) englisch den Schwertfisch einen US amerikanischen Kernwaffentest, der im Rahmen der Operation Dominic am 11. Mai 1962 durchgeführt wurde. einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Swordfish — Swordfish: Fairey Swordfish британский торпедоносец бомбардировщик, состоял на вооружении во время Второй мировой войны; «Swordfish» (рус. Пароль «Рыба меч») американский компьютерный триллер 2001 года, режиссёр Доминик Сена; Swordfish: The Album …   Википедия

  • Swordfish — Sword fish , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A very large oceanic fish ({Xiphias gladius}), the only representative of the family {Xiphiid[ae]}. It is highly valued as a food fish. The bones of the upper jaw are consolidated, and form a long, rigid,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • swordfish — [sôrdfish΄] n. pl. swordfish a large, marine, food and game fish (Xiphias gladius) that is the only species of a family (Xiphiidae) of percoid fishes, having a sail like dorsal fin and a long, flat, swordlike upper jawbone …   English World dictionary

  • swordfish — c.1400, from SWORD (Cf. sword) + FISH (Cf. fish) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • swordfish — ► NOUN ▪ a large marine fish with a streamlined body and a long sword like snout …   English terms dictionary

  • Swordfish — Taxobox name = Swordfish fossil range = Early Oligocene to Present [cite journal last = Sepkoski first = Jack authorlink = coauthors = title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology volume = 364… …   Wikipedia

  • swordfish — /sawrd fish , sohrd /, n., pl. swordfishes, (esp. collectively) swordfish for 1. 1. a large, marine food fish, Xiphias gladius, having the upper jaw elongated into a swordlike structure. 2. (cap.) Astron. the constellation Dorado. [1350 1400; ME; …   Universalium

  • swordfish — [[t]sɔ͟ː(r)dfɪʃ[/t]] N VAR (swordfish is both the singular and the plural form.) A swordfish is a large sea fish with a very long upper jaw. N UNCOUNT Swordfish is this fish eaten as food. ...grilled swordfish with a yogurt dressing …   English dictionary

  • Swordfish — La palabra Swordfish significa pez espada en inglés, y puede referirse a: Fairey Swordfish, un avión torpedero británico utilizado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Swordfish, una película dirigida por Dominic Sena. Esta página de desambiguación… …   Wikipedia Español

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