Sulejman Delvina
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Sulejman Delvina — Sulejman Bej Delvina[1] (* 1871 Delvina; † 1. August 1932 in Vlora) war ein albanischer Politiker. Kurz nach der Wiedergewinnung der politischen Unabhängigkeit seines Landes führte er 1920 Albaniens erste allgemein anerkannte Nachkriegsregierung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sulejman Delvina — (Delvine, 1884 – 1933) fue un político albanés y primer ministro de Albania en el año 1920 y miembro del gobierno de fans Noli en 1924. En abril de 1919, la colonia albanesa de Turquía, lo envió a la Conferencia de Paz de París, para proteger sus … Wikipedia Español
Sulejman Delvina — (1884 – 1933) was an Albanian politician and prime minister in also*History of Albania … Wikipedia
Delvina — Delvinë Delvina (Bezeichnung in unbestimmter und bestimmter Form) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Delvinë — Photo of the town … Wikipedia
Geschichte Albaniens — Tempelruine in Apollonia, nahe der Stadt Fier in Mittelalbanien Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Vorgeschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Timeline of Albanian history to 1993 — Chronology of Important Events of Albania: Contents 1 2nd century AD 1 to 11th century 2 11th to 15th centuries 3 17th Century 4 18th century … Wikipedia
Congress of Lushnjë — The Congress of Lushnjë (Albanian: Kongresi i Lushnjës) was held in five sessions on January 27 January 31, 1920 in Lushnjë, Albania by Albanian nationalists and had as its goal the study of the Albanian situation and the measures to be adopted… … Wikipedia
1932 — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 19. Jahrhundert | 20. Jahrhundert | 21. Jahrhundert ◄ | 1900er | 1910er | 1920er | 1930er | 1940er | 1950er | 1960er | ► ◄◄ | ◄ | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 |… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Albania) — The Minister of Foreign Affairs (Albanian: Ministria ë Punëve të Jashtme) in the government of Albania, is the cabinet minister responsible for the foreign relations of Albania. The minister is in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose… … Wikipedia